After several months of foundation building cultivation, Qin Feng's strength had improved significantly. He could feel the power surging through his body more thick and pure than before. However, Qin Feng was eager for a bigger breakthrough.

One day, Qin Feng was practicing at the top of the mountain, and suddenly felt a powerful energy fluctuation coming from not far away. He quickly arrived at the scene and found that an elder within the sect was fighting fiercely with a powerful demon beast.

"This monster's strength is too strong, I can't resist it!" The elder turned pale, and was forced to retreat by the attack of the monster.

Without hesitation, Qin Feng stepped forward and fought fiercely with the Demon Beast. He used the power he had comprehended in the foundation building cultivation to force the monster into a cornered situation with one punch and one kick.

In the end, Qin Feng delivered a fatal blow and defeated the Warcraft. The elder looked at Qin Feng gratefully, and he said, "Your strength is far beyond my imagination, and you should have the opportunity to become the head disciple of our sect.

These words made Qin Feng's heart move, becoming the head disciple of the sect was a huge honor and a huge responsibility. He agreed to the elder's proposal and began to receive more in-depth sect teachings.

In the following days, Qin Feng received the highest level of instruction within the sect, and he learned more spells and exercises, and also comprehended deeper philosophies. His strength continued to soar and he became a sought-after existence within the sect.

Partners have also made breakthroughs in their respective fields, encouraging each other to make progress together. Jack became a kendo master, Alice mastered the mysteries of elemental magic, and Elise became more skilled in thief skills. They were all proud of Qin Feng's achievements.

Becoming the head disciple of the sect brings more responsibilities, and Qin Feng needs to lead the disciples of the sect and participate in the affairs of the sect. However, there were still some elders in the sect who were not very optimistic about this young head disciple.

One day, at a meeting within the sect, an elder spoke, "Although Qin Feng has excellent strength, he is young and vigorous, is he really suitable to take on the heavy responsibility of a disciple in charge?" Many

elders fell into a discussion about whether the future of the sect should be handed over to Qin Feng, causing a controversy.

Qin Feng stood in the center of the conference room, facing the numerous elders, he remained calm. He said, "I understand everyone's concerns, but I will do my best to live up to the trust that the sect has placed in me. Only together can we meet the challenges of the future.

An older elder stood up, and he nodded in agreement: "Young man, your strength and courage impress me. Maybe we need to give you a chance to see if you can truly become the head of the sect.

Qin Feng's persistence and determination won the recognition of the elders, and in the end, he officially became the head disciple of the sect. But this is just the beginning, and he still needs to find a way to restore the power of Heavenly Evil.

After becoming a disciple in charge, Qin Feng had more resources and opportunities. He began to delve into the ancient texts of the sect, looking for clues about the Heavenly Evil. At the same time, he also led the disciples of the sect to participate in various missions and adventures to improve their strength.

His partners are still his back, and they work together to move forward together. Jack, Alice, Elise and Qin Feng together became the most outstanding team of disciples in the sect.

Qin Feng continued to work hard to find a way to restore the power of Heavenly Evil, but the process was full of challenges. Knowledge within the sect was limited, and clues gradually became scarce. He spends many lonely nights alone in a cold cave, pondering the key to solving the mystery.

One night, he met a mysterious woman in a dream. She was dressed in white, her appearance was absolutely beautiful, and she seemed to be a fairy. Her voice was as soft as music: "Qin Feng, you have been looking for a way to power the heavenly evil, but you have neglected a point deep in your heart.

Qin Feng woke up, his heart full of doubts. The mysterious woman mentioned something deep inside him, but he didn't know exactly what she was talking about.

The partners noticed the change in Qin Feng, and he became more calm and contemplative. Jack walked up to him and asked with concern, "Qin Feng, what's wrong with you?" Does something bother you?

Qin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I'm not sure, but I feel that there is a force that is constantly surging in the depths of my heart, and it seems to be related to my pursuit." Maybe it's my inner demon.

Hearing this, Alice said softly: "Heart demons are a challenge that every cultivator faces, and it comes from inner doubts and fears. You need to face it, not run away.

Qin Feng nodded, and he decided to go deep into his heart and face his inner demons. He closed his eyes and began to meditate, trying to clear up his inner doubts.

In the process of meditating, he saw his weaknesses and hesitations. He doubted whether he was strong enough to take on the responsibilities of a disciple in charge, and whether he could find a way to restore the power of Heavenly Evil.

But as he deepened his meditation, he also saw his own growth and tenacity. He looks back on the adventures he spent with his companions and recalls those difficult moments that they all overcame together. This strengthened his convictions.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow appeared in his meditation, which was his inner demon, transformed into a dark shadow. The shadow whispered to him, trying to lure him back into the darkness.

Qin Feng looked at the heart demon with disdain, he understood that only by overcoming the doubts and fears in his heart could he find a way to free the power of Heavenly Evil. He took a resolute step, and his body gradually emitted a bright light, gradually dissipating the black shadow of the heart demon.

When he opened his eyes again, he felt peace and firmness within himself. He understood that the key to solving the mystery of heaven might lie deep in his heart.

As time passed, Qin Feng and his companions' cultivation within the sect became more and more profound and advanced. They explored more ancient texts and learned the most esoteric exercises and spells within the sect. However, Qin Feng still felt that there was a wall in his heart that hindered his progress.

One day, Qin Feng was on the peak of the sect, staring at the clouds in the distance, and felt an uneasiness in his heart. The partners noticed his change, and Elise asked softly, "Qin Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Feng pondered for a moment, and then said, "I feel as if I still have some unfinished mission, and a force is surging in my heart, but I don't understand its meaning.

Alice frowned and said, "Maybe you need deeper cultivation, not only physically, but also soul and mind.

Qin Feng nodded, and he decided to go deep into his heart, carry out a cultivation beyond the physical body, and transform his soul. He found a legendary elder within the sect who was said to be well versed in the mysteries of spiritual cultivation.

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