The elder accepted Qin Feng's request and led him into a mysterious temple that exuded ancient cosmic energy. The elder said to Qin Feng, "Physical cultivation is one aspect. Only by making one's heart as clear as water can one comprehend the higher laws.

Qin Feng closed his eyes and began to go deep into his heart. He felt that his consciousness gradually merged into the mysteries of the universe, he saw the trajectory of the stars, the passage of time, and he felt the infinite power of life.

Slowly, his heart became more and more calm, and his worries and doubts were washed away. He saw his past, his companions, and his determination to pursue the power of heaven.

At the highest realm of cultivation, Qin Feng felt that he was one with the universe, and his physical body slowly turned into a ray of light. His mind reached an unprecedented level, and he understood his mission.

After the spiritual transformation, Qin Feng's power reached an unprecedented height, but he still needed to solve the mystery of restoring the power of Heavenly Evil. He heard about a mysterious place called "Soul Refining Valley", which is said to contain profound mysteries about Heavenly Evil.

Qin Feng told his partners about his plan: "I heard that there is a place called Soul Refining Valley, maybe it can help us find a way to free the power of Heavenly Evil. I decided to go there, would you like to come together?

Jack immediately said: "Of course, no matter what happens, we will face it together.

Alice added: "We are always a team and support each other wherever we go.

Elise nodded in agreement, and the four of them worked together and had gone through countless adventures together along the way. Qin Feng's gaze fell warmly on them, and then led them on their journey to the Soul Refining Valley.

The Valley of Refining Souls is a mysterious place hidden between lofty mountains and mountains, and the valley is filled with a rich spiritual aura. Qin Feng and his companions entered the valley and found the scene there breathtaking. Turquoise mountains, waterfalls, exotic flowers and plants, as if entering a fairyland.

But they were not captivated by the beauty, and they knew that the Refining Valley contained great danger. They began to look for clues about the heavenly evil, visiting all corners of the valley, communicating with the monks in an attempt to find a way to save them.

In the exploration of the Soul Refining Valley, Qin Feng and his partners faced a series of tests and challenges. They not only have to deal with the threat of nature, but also face the obstruction of the guardian beasts and evil forces in the valley.

In a fierce battle, Qin Feng's strength was boosted again, and he seemed to be able to feel the traces of Tianfu's power. He firmly believes that the Valley of Refining Souls will help them find a way to rescue them, bringing new hope to the fantasy world.

In the depths of the Soul Refining Valley, Qin Feng and his companions encountered a mysterious cultivator. The monk was dressed in a white robe with a faint smile on his face, he looked young, but he revealed an unfathomable aura.

The cultivator took the initiative to walk towards Qin Feng, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes: "Young man, are you here to find the method of salvation from the power of Heavenly Evil?"

Qin Feng nodded and replied, "Yes, we have been chasing clues about Tianxie.

The monk smiled and said, "That's great, I can help you." I have an innate treasure, which I have worked hard for many years, and it contains ancient secrets about heavenly evil. The

partners were shocked in their hearts, the innate spirit treasure was a treasure that cultivators dreamed of, and having it would greatly enhance Qin Feng's strength.

Qin Feng said respectfully: "Thank you very much for your help, it means a lot to us.

The monk smiled and nodded, then took out a crystal clear gemstone from his sleeve. The gemstones exude a strong aura that is impressive.

The monk handed the gemstone to Qin Feng, and he said, "This is a treasure called 'Heavenly Evil Crystal', which can guide you to further understand the mysteries of Tianfu. But be careful, the Heavenly Evil Crystal contains huge energy and cannot be ignored. Qin

Feng took the Heavenly Evil Crystal and felt the mysterious power it contained, and his heart was full of expectation.

The monk continued, "Now that you have obtained the Heavenly Evil Crystal, it will take more effort and courage to solve the mystery of the Heavenly Evil. The road ahead is full of unknowns, but as long as you have firm faith, you will surely succeed. The

companions also expressed their gratitude to the monks, knowing that this was an important breakthrough that would help them get closer to their goal of liberating the power of Heavenly Evil.

Qin Feng was born in an ordinary small village and has always lived an ordinary life. However, on his sixteenth birthday, a sudden change changed his fate. A mysterious crack opened, connecting the passages of different worlds, and various fantasy creatures and mysterious powers poured into the world. In the chaotic situation, Qin Feng had to let go of everything in the past and embarked on an adventure full of danger and unknown.

Qin Feng grew from an ordinary teenager to an existence comparable to a legendary hero. He embarks on a journey to explore another world, constantly honing his strength and will in a dangerous environment. He meets a variety of companions, from wise and brave warriors to kind and wise mages, and they all face threats and challenges from the otherworld.

As time passed, Qin Feng gradually uncovered the secrets hidden behind the other world. He discovers that there is a powerful dark force in this multiverse, trying to gain supreme power by controlling the worlds. Qin Feng, on the other hand, was predicted to be the only hope that could stop this force.

In the fierce battles one after another, Qin Feng gradually mastered various mysterious abilities. He practiced ancient martial arts, learned elemental magic, and even comprehended the mysteries of the laws of time and space. He not only continued to break through in strength, but also grew in wisdom and boldness, becoming a leader admired by all.

However, the path to stopping the dark forces is full of hardship and sacrifice. Qin Feng lost many of his loved ones in the battle and was also in a desperate situation. But he always found hope in difficult situations and moved forward steadfastly. His perseverance and perseverance influence everyone around him, allowing them to face their destiny bravely.

At the same time that Qin Feng embarked on his journey, his hometown also underwent some changes. Shortly after he left, the village fell into chaos. Due to the impact of the cracks, some nasty creatures began to appear near the village, causing the villagers to feel unprecedented panic.

The children of the village became more timid as a result, especially a boy named Serena. He is an elf-like teenager, but he appears weak in the face of fear. Serena is always the first to escape whenever a vicious creature approaches, and the other children make fun of him for it, thinking him useless.

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