Qin Feng looked into the distance, and a mysterious forest stretched in front of them, where it was rumored to have hidden treasures and unsolved mysteries. He smiled and said, "Our adventure is far from over, let's explore more secrets of this fantasy world." "

Embarked on a further adventure with their companions, and they came to that mysterious forest. The forest is full of dense vegetation and unknown creatures, and there is a strange smell in the air, which makes people feel both strange and excited.

"The atmosphere here is so strange, I feel some unusual fluctuations." Jack clenched the greatsword in his hand and looked around warily.

Qin Feng nodded, and his perception also caught some strange fluctuations. Just as they were moving forward carefully, suddenly, a group of monsters rushed out from the grass, and various forms of monsters rushed towards them.

"Be careful! Get ready to fight! Qin Feng shouted, and the partners quickly set up a formation and engaged in a fierce battle with the monster.

Jack the swordsman swung his giant sword and slashed down on the body of the monster, sparks splashing everywhere. Mage Alice swings her staff and unleashes a fiery fireball to repel the beast. Elise the thief dodges nimbly, using her short sword to penetrate the point of the beast.

Qin Feng used his new strength to punch and kick the monster to defeat. He could feel the power surging in his body, and every attack was full of strength and determination.

After the battle, the companions take a short break, they understand that this is only a small part of the adventure. Continuing through the forest, they found an ancient temple with an ancient stone tablet in front of it with some ancient texts carved into it.

"These words seem to be a lost text, I can't read them." Alice frowned, trying to make it out.

Qin Feng stepped forward, and he felt that the power in his body resonated with this stone tablet. He closed his eyes and perceived with his heart, and suddenly, some ancient information flooded into his mind, and he seemed to be able to understand the meaning of these words.

"It's an ancient prophecy that seems to say something about heavenly evil." Qin Feng opened his eyes and spoke solemnly.

The partners gathered around, and they listened to Qin Feng's explanation. The prophecy mentions that although the Celestial Evil has been destroyed, its power has been dispersed throughout the world, and there is an ancient ritual to reassemble these forces and restore the power of the Evil.

"Are we going to look for this ritual?" Jack asked.

Qin Feng nodded: "Exactly." Restoring the power of Evil may be able to provide greater help to our future adventures. The

companions continued their journey through the forest, following clues from ancient prophecies in the hope of finding a ritual to restore the power of the heavens. On the way, they discover a mysterious valley hidden in the thick woods.

In the valley, there is an ancient sect with a huge plaque hanging in front of the gate that reads "Hua Dan Zong". Qin Feng's heart moved, this seemed to be exactly the place he had been looking for.

"Perhaps the Hua Dan Sect is the key to restoring the power of Heavenly Evil." Qin Feng proposed.

The partners unanimously agreed, and they decided to enter the Hua Dan Sect to find clues about the ceremony. But entering the sect is not an easy task, and there is a seemingly insurmountable barrier in front of the gate.

"This is a powerful enchantment, it seems that you can't enter it casually." Alice frowned, trying to crack the enchantment.

"Perhaps, I can try it." Qin Feng said, he felt that his strength was getting stronger and stronger, perhaps enough to break through this enchantment.

He walked to the enchantment, gathered the central god, the power in his body surged, he stretched out his hand, and gently touched the enchantment. A bright light flashed, and the enchantment began to fluctuate, and finally disappeared.

The partners looked at Qin Feng in surprise, and they understood that Qin Feng's strength had reached a new height.

After entering the Huadan Sect, they found that this was an ancient place of cultivation, and there were all kinds of cultivators in the sect, practicing mysterious spells and exercises.

An elderly sect master walked out, and he looked at Qin Feng with deep eyes: "How did you break the enchantment and come in?" Qin

Feng unabashedly recounted their purpose, looking for clues to restore the power of Heavenly Evil. The Sect Master frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded: "Maybe you can practice under my sect and learn the spells of my sect. If you are strong enough, you may be able to find a way to restore the power of the heavenly evil. "

The partners are overjoyed, and they are willing to accept the guidance of the sect. In the Hua Dan Sect, they began a new round of cultivation, learning various mysterious spells and exercises.

Qin Feng found a senior elder within the sect and asked him for information about Tianxie. The elder told him that the method of restoring the power of the Heavenly Evil would require a special ritual, but the details of the ritual had been lost.

"You must explore the forbidden land within the sect and maybe find clues about the ritual." The elder suggested.

Along with his companions, Qin Feng stepped into the forbidden land within the sect, which was full of mysterious energy fluctuations, and every step made him feel infinite challenges. Ahead, an ancient door was suspended in midair, covered with strange runes.

Qin Feng stared at the door and felt a mysterious force gushing out of the door, as if guiding him forward. He reached out and touched the door, a flash of golden light appeared, and the door slowly opened.

"This is the entrance to the place where the foundation is built." An ancient gatekeeper elder appeared in front of the door, his voice quaint and solemn.

Qin Feng saluted the elder, and then led his companions into the door. The foundation is a vast space, filled with a rich aura, surrounded by towering mountains filled with all kinds of wonderful creatures.

The partners began a long practice, and they needed to improve their realm to meet the challenges ahead. Jack was immersed in kendo cultivation, and every swing of his sword was as fast as lightning. Alice delved into elemental spells and mastered more magical skills. Elise continued to improve her thief skills, making her more agile and flexible.

Qin Feng did not stop, he was determined to build a foundation, improve his strength, and prepare for finding a way to restore the power of Tianfu. He found a senior foundation building master and began systematic foundation building cultivation.

"Foundation building is a new beginning, it will take your strength to the next level, but it is also full of challenges." Master said to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng nodded, he knew that the road to building the foundation was not easy. In the process of building the foundation, he constantly faced his inner struggles and doubts, but he moved forward firmly and constantly pushed through his limits.

The partners spent months of cultivation in the foundation building place, and everyone made significant progress. They are getting stronger, but they also understand that foundation building is just a new beginning, and more challenges and adventures await them.

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