Qin Feng: (excitedly approaching the rock wall) I think there must be something special here, otherwise how could so many birds gather here?

Xu Ming: (equally excited) You're right, maybe here. We can take a closer look and maybe find some clues.

(Qin Feng and Xu Ming approached the rock wall and carefully observed their surroundings.)

Qin Feng: (found some strange grooves on the rock wall) Looking here, there seem to be some grooves on the rock wall, they don't seem to be naturally formed.

Xu Ming: (leaning forward to take a closer look) You're right, these grooves look like they've been deliberately carved. Did something ever happen here?

Qin Feng: (After thinking about it) I think these grooves may be some kind of password, or some kind of mechanism is hidden. Perhaps, we need to find the right way to unravel them.

Xu Ming: (thinks for a moment) Maybe we can try it first and find some patterns, or observe the dynamics of the birds to see if we can find clues.

(Qin Feng and Xu Ming began to try to observe the flight trajectory of the flying bird, trying to find possible clues.) With their efforts, some patterns gradually began to appear.

Qin Feng: (pointing to some grooves) Did you notice that these grooves seem to be related to the flight path of the bird.

Xu Ming: (Careful observation) You are right, the trajectory of the flying bird seems to be related to the arrangement of these grooves. Perhaps we can try to trigger some kind of mechanism based on the flight of the bird.

Qin Feng: (excitedly) Yes, this idea is very likely. We can touch the groove according to the trajectory of the bird to see if we can activate any mechanism or open a hidden channel.

Xu Ming: Then try it. But be careful not to trigger any danger.

(Qin Feng and Xu Ming began to fly according to the flying Qin Feng of the flying bird

: (Eyes flashing with angry flames, standing on the battlefield, surrounded by countless fallen enemies) They actually threatened the safety of the castle and hurt the people, I will never let them go!)

Xu Ming: (Following Qin Feng, looking at the powerful combat power he displayed) Qin Feng, you have to be calm and don't be carried away by anger.

Qin Feng: (gritting his teeth and saying) These people are so cold-blooded and ruthless, I can't bear it! I want to show them true strength for the safety of the castle and the happiness of the people!

(Qin Feng waved the weapon in his hand and engaged in a fierce battle with the enemy.) He is quick and precise in every attack, causing enemies to fall.

Xu Ming: (Observing from the sidelines, both worried and admired) Qin Feng's strength is indeed strong, but anger may affect his judgment. I had to find a way to stabilize his mood as soon as possible.

(Xu Ming began to use his wisdom and try to find some way to help Qin Feng calm down.)

Xu Ming: (Walked to Qin Feng's side and shouted loudly) Qin Feng, don't forget your goal, we are fighting to protect the castle and the people, and the most important thing now is to think calmly.

Qin Feng: (stopped moving slightly, gasped, looked at Xu Ming) Xu Ming, I understand what you mean. I can't get carried away by anger and have to stay calm.

Xu Ming: (patted Qin Feng's shoulder encouragingly) Very well, Qin Feng, you are our leader, and we need your calmness and wisdom to guide us forward.

Qin Feng: (Take a deep breath, swing your weapon again, and look ahead) I will not let anger control me, I will use reason and strength to defeat these arrogant enemies and protect the castle and the people!

(Qin Feng returned to the battle

, this time he Qin Feng: (Driving a broom flying machine, flying over the high tower of the castle, looking at the car exhibition ground in the distance) Xu Ming, this time participating in the car exhibition, our broom flying machine will definitely attract attention.

Xu Ming: (Sitting next to Qin Feng, readily agreeing) That's right, Qin Feng, your broom flying machine has caused a lot of sensation in the broom world. This exhibition is a great opportunity for more people to know and know about it.

Qin Feng: (with excitement shining in his eyes) I have great expectations for this exhibition. We will show the functions and features of the broom aircraft so that more people can see its potential.

(Qin Feng piloted the broom flying machine and flew to the exhibition grounds.) As soon as they entered the venue, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Exhibitor 1: (surprised) Wow, look at that! Is that a flying broom?

Exhibitor 2: (excitedly commenting) It's incredible, I've never seen such an amazing vehicle!

Qin Feng: (smiling to accept everyone's attention) Dear friends, this is the broom aircraft we designed. It can travel not only on the ground, but also in the air, making it ideal for the inhabitants of the castle to travel and explore.

Xu Ming: (standing aside, cheering for Qin Feng's speech) Exactly! Broom aircraft have great advantages in terms of comfort, safety and environmental protection, and we hope to bring more convenience to everyone.

(During the exhibition, Qin Feng and Xu Ming introduced the characteristics and advantages of broom aircraft to visitors in detail.) More and more people stopped to watch, some expressed amazement, others expressed interest.

Exhibitor 3: (curiously asking) How does this broom aircraft perform? How high and far can it fly?

Qin Feng: (confidently answering) Its flight altitude and distance are considerable, it can fly over large territories, and its speed is not slow. Of course, the key is that it is very easy to control and can be driven by almost everyone.

(Qin Feng then demonstrated the take-off and hovering function of the broom aircraft, allowing people at the scene to witness its ability to fly.)

Exhibitor 4: (excited) I can't believe that it can be so convenient to travel in the future! I must buy one!

Xu Ming: (laughing) Thank you for your support and attention! We will launch the broom aircraft as soon as possible so that more people can enjoy the convenience and fun it brings.

(At the exhibition, Qin Feng and Xu Ming

exhibitors 5: (looked at the broom flying machine intently, and said in shock) This is simply incredible! I never thought a broom could fly like this, and the innovation was incredible.

Exhibitor 6: (wiping tears with emotion) I actually witnessed a historic moment here! This technological advancement is really touching.

Qin Feng: (Looking affectionately at the people around me, feeling their resonance) I feel extremely relieved and proud to be able to see everyone's shock and touch. It's all about making everyone's lives easier and better.

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