Xu Ming: (eyes slightly wet, sighing) Ours, being able to see everyone's reaction here, I feel that my heart is also warmed.

(The atmosphere at the venue gradually became deeply moving, and many people had tears in their eyes and felt innovation and hope.)

Exhibitor 7: (excitedly saying to those around him) This is the invention of our castle, this is our pride! We really live in a world of wonders.

Exhibitor 8: (Holding Qin Feng's hand tightly, excitedly said) Thank you for your efforts, thank you for bringing us such shocking innovation! I feel incredibly honored to be able to witness it all with my own eyes!

Qin Feng: (Smiled at Xu Ming, feeling everyone's emotions and support) The development of our castle is the joint efforts of everyone, without your support and trust, today's achievements would not be possible.

Xu Ming: (Toast to everyone) Let's toast to the tomorrow of the castle together! May our innovation and efforts bring more surprises and beauty to everyone.

(At the venue, people raised their glasses and exchanged

exhibitors9: (approaching Qin Feng and Xu Ming, their faces full of excitement) Your broom flying machine is really amazing! I just witnessed it flying through the air, it was like a fairy tale scene.

Qin Feng: (smiling modestly) Thank you very much for the compliment, our goal is to integrate technology and life to create more amazing products.

Xu Ming: (Thank you to exhibitor 9) We are very honored to be recognized and supported by everyone. This is also what drives us forward.

Exhibitor 10: (curious to ask) So, when will this broom aircraft be on the market? I can't wait to own one!

Qin Feng: (explaining, smile) Our team is actively working hard to bring the broom aircraft to the market as soon as possible. But we also have to ensure the quality and safety of our products, so it will take some time.

Exhibitor 11: (sighing) Even if it takes a while, I am willing to wait. As long as this magical broom flying machine can finally be realized, I believe it will lead the revolution in transportation!

Xu Ming: (nodding in agreement) You're right, our goal is to make life better for everyone through innovation.

(At the venue, people's emotions gradually calmed down, but their interest and enthusiasm for broom flying machines remained undiminished.) Qin Feng and Xu Ming interacted with the exhibitors, sharing their innovative ideas and visions.

Exhibitor 12: (seriously) Your creativity and courage are really admirable. I think it's a blessing to be able to participate in the changes of this era.

Qin Feng: (smiling in response) Thank you for your support, we hope to continue to innovate and bring more positive impact to the world.

Xu Ming: (sighing) The progress of science and technology is endless, and we will continue to work hard to make more contributions to the future of the castle.

(In the exchange with the exhibitors, Qin Feng and Xu Mingfen

sports officials: (smiling) Mr. Qin Feng, after our evaluation and investigation, you have successfully qualified for the Olympic Games!)

Qin Feng: (with a glint of joy in his eyes) Really? Am I qualified for the Olympics? This has been my dream for many years and I feel incredibly excited and honored!

Xu Ming: (applauding excitedly) It's great, Qin Feng! You put in so much effort and finally achieved your goal!

Sports Officer: (nodding approvingly) Mr. Qin Feng, you impress us with your talent and perseverance. You will represent our castle in the Olympic Competition and win glory for us!

Qin Feng: (said with emotion) I will go all out to strive for better results for the castle! I want to put all my hard work and sweat into the competition and win honor for everyone.

Xu Ming: (Encouraging) Qin Feng, we all believe in your strength, you will definitely be able to show your best in the Olympic arena!

(Qin Feng won the Olympian

arena, the audience was packed, and people held their breath and stared at the game.) Qin Feng stood side by side with another track and field athlete at the starting line, ready to face this fierce competition.

Referee: Ready! (The starting gun sounded

) Qin Feng: (stepped out of the starting line hard, quickly accelerated) I can't lose, for the honor of the castle!

Xu Ming: (clenching his fists nervously in the audience to cheer for Qin Feng) Come on, Qin Feng!

(The game was in full swing, and Qin Feng and his opponent were clenched together, up and down.) They raced around the track and sprinted towards the finish line. Audience

1: This match is too intense, the strength of the two players is very close!

Audience 2: Qin Feng seems to be slightly ahead, I hope he can keep it!

(As the game entered the final stage, Qin Feng gradually opened the distance between himself and his opponent, showing amazing explosiveness.) He crossed the finish line and cheers of victory rang out in the arena.

Referee: Qin Feng player wins! (Raises Qin Feng's hand and announces victory

) Qin Feng: (panting, raising his fist with joy) I won, I really won!

Xu Ming: (rushing into the track excitedly, hugging Qin Feng tightly) It's great, Qin Feng! You defeated formidable opponents and earned honor for the castle!

Qin Feng: (looking at Xu Ming gratefully) Thank you, Xu Ming. You are always there to support and encourage me and keep me going.

(Qin Feng's victory was not just a

field, Qin Feng stood side by side with another track and field athlete at the starting line, the atmosphere tense and focused.)

Referee: Ready! Qin

Feng: (Start quickly, stable posture) I want to go all out and show my best condition.

Xu Ming: (watching calmly from the audience, full of confidence in his heart) Qin Feng has always been the best, he doesn't need to prove himself for anyone.

(At the beginning of the race, Qin Feng ran on the track at a steady pace, competing closely with his opponent.) He focuses on his own pace and is not distracted by outside expectations. Audience

1: Qin Feng's state looks very good, and his pace is very stable.

Audience 2: He is really strong, win or lose, he is already our pride.

(The game was in full swing, and Qin Feng kept in excellent form and was not affected by the pressure of his opponent.) He struggled to cross the finish line, and the race broke into applause.

Referee: The match is over, and the Qin Feng player wins! (Raises Qin Feng's hand to announce victory

) Qin Feng: (smiling, greeting the surrounding audience) Thank you for your support, I tried my best in this game.

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