Xu Ming: (walked to Qin Feng's side and looked into the distance) You're right. The revival of the castle requires external assistance, and we should take the initiative with other countries.

Qin Feng: I heard that the Afu Kingdom is a powerful country with a long history, and they have rich resources and great strength. If we can establish a cooperative relationship with the country of Afghanistan, it will undoubtedly bring more opportunities and support to our castle.

Xu Ming: (nodding in agreement) Afuguo is indeed a partner worth considering. But to connect with them, we need the right approach and strategy.

Qin Feng: I plan to personally travel to the country of Afu to meet with their leaders, explain our situation in detail, and seek possibilities for cooperation.

Xu Ming: (thinks for a moment) That's a good idea. But to be successful, you need to be well prepared and understand the culture and customs of the Afu Kingdom in order to better communicate with them.

Qin Feng: I will do my best to be prepared, and I believe that as long as we sincerely express our wishes and needs, the leaders of the Afu Kingdom should be willing to cooperate with us.

Xu Ming: (patted Qin Feng's shoulder encouragingly) Very good, Qin Feng, your courage and determination are the greatest assets of our castle. Go, for the future of the castle, for the happiness of the people, you go to the country of Afu.

Qin Feng: (nodding firmly) Thank you for your encouragement, Xu Ming. I will do my best to fight for more opportunities for the castle and create a better future for everyone.

(Qin Feng decided to go to Afu Country, and he knew that it would be Qin

Feng: (After arriving in Afu Country, he met with local officials.) During the talks, he felt the friendliness and openness of the other party. Thank you for your hospitality, leader of the country of Afu. I am here to work with you to find opportunities for growth.

Leader of Afuguo: (smiling) Mr. Qin Feng, we are very happy to have you here. We have always welcomed cooperation with other countries to promote development and prosperity.

Qin Feng: Thank you very much. Our castle faces some challenges, but we also have unique strengths and resources. I hope that through cooperation, we can achieve a win-win situation.

Leader of Afghanistan: Your idea is very worthy of recognition. But before we can officially enter the partnership, we need to know your castle and your team in more detail. We need to do some checks and tests to ensure that the cooperation runs smoothly.

Qin Feng: Of course, I am willing to provide all necessary information and cooperation. What do you need to test?

Leader Afu: (smiling mysteriously) We have an advanced technology that allows comprehensive analysis of living organisms. If you agree, we can test your cells for more detailed information.

Qin Feng: (asked in surprise) What do you mean... Is my cell's DNA analyzed?

Leader of the Afok Kingdom: Exactly. This will help us better understand your physical condition and potential.

Qin Feng: (nodding after thinking for a moment) Okay, I agree to this test.

(Qin Feng was then taken to an advanced laboratory for analysis of the cell's DNA.) During the analysis, he felt a faint flow of energy in his body, which made him a little uneasy. Researcher

: (Focusing on the instrument) The test is almost complete, please wait a moment.

(A moment later, the test results came out, and Qin Feng looked at the data on the display screen, a little surprised.)

Qin Feng: (asked suspiciously) Why is this test result so strange? My cellular DNA seems to have been partially broken down?

Researcher: (seriously) This is indeed an unusual phenomenon. Our technology does not cause harm to living organisms, but your situation may be related to your previous experience.

Qin Feng: (a little apprehensive in my heart) I did experience some strange things before, which may be related to this. But I should still be able to stay normal now, right?

Researcher: At the moment, it seems that your body is not showing obvious abnormal symptoms. However, further research is needed to determine the causes and effects.

Qin Feng: (takes a deep breath) Well, I am willing to cooperate with your research. Be sure to tell me everything you need, though.

(The peculiar appearance of Qin Feng's cellular DNA being broken down Qin Feng

: (After waiting for a while, I finally received the news about the paternity test results.) He nervously opened the envelope and read its contents.

In the letter: Dear Mr. Qin Feng, after our detailed analysis and comparison, the results of the paternity test show that there is a paternity relationship between you and the test subject. Our data shows that the person tested is indeed your biological child.

Qin Feng: (With mixed emotions, put down the envelope, with a hint of relief and doubt on his face) It was finally confirmed that he is really my biological child.

Xu Ming: (Walking into the room and seeing Qin Feng's expression) Qin Feng, did you receive the results of the paternity test?

Qin Feng: (nodding) Yes, the results show that I have a paternity relationship with the subject. The doubts in my heart are answered, but there are still many questions that haunt me.

Xu Ming: You can tell me what you think, maybe I can help you analyze.

Qin Feng: (Pondering for a moment) Although the parent-child relationship has been confirmed, my previous experiences and strange phenomena in my body make me feel uneasy. I have never found a plausible explanation for the breakdown of my cell's DNA.

Xu Ming: This is indeed a confusing phenomenon. Perhaps, some secrets related to your past may unravel the mystery.

Qin Feng: (frowning) I do have a lot of questions, but I don't know where to start. I hope to find answers and understand my own life and the truth behind it.

Xu Ming: (Encouraging) Perhaps, we can investigate together, look for clues, and solve this mystery. Whatever you find, it will help you know yourself better.

Qin Feng: (nodding) Thank you, Xu Ming. I am willing to work with you to unravel this mystery. Whatever the outcome, I hope to find the truth and get out of my confusion.

Xu Ming: (smiling) I'm sure we'll be able to find out. We will start from scratch, collect clues, investigate the truth, for yourself and for the sake of that test subject.

(Qin Feng and Xu Ming decided to investigate together

, Qin Feng: (In the process of exploring, I suddenly found a rock wall in front of me, and the rock wall was full of various birds, which shimmered in the sunlight with colorful feathers.) Xu Ming, look there, those flying birds!

Xu Ming: (looking in amazement) It's a spectacular sight, it's rare for so many different species of birds to come together.

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