Chapter 302

: Great-grandchildren's children: Do you think creating is an adventure?

Great-grandson: Creation is my adventure to bravely pursue my inner world, and it is also an exploration of the unknown.

Chapter 303: Children of the Great Grandchildren of Free Expression

: Do you think creation can achieve free expression?

Great-grandson: Creation is my way of expressing myself freely, allowing me to express my heart without reservation.

Chapter 304: Inspiration for Creation

: Great-grandchildren: Does inspiration come up at any time?

Great-grandchildren: Inspiration often springs up in unexpected moments, and we need to learn to capture and harness it.

Chapter 305: The Family's Inheritance

and Great-Grandchildren's Children: Are we responsible for passing on the family's creations?

Great-grandson: It is precisely our responsibility to pass on the creative inheritance of the family, so that we can pass on the spark of creation from generation to generation.

The story continues into chapter 305, where the great-grandchildren's dialogue continues to explore the themes of creation, meaning, inheritance, and freedom. Their questions and insights carry on the family values and creative spirit to the next generation. Through dialogue, the story of Qin Feng and Li Yawen continues in the long river of time.

Qin Feng: This is really a gratifying model. In our world, humans often overexploit resources, leading to environmental degradation.

Li Ming: Yes, we are also facing challenges such as environmental issues, climate change and resource scarcity.

Natalie: The idea of ecological symbiosis can protect our planet, maintain the balance of natural ecology, and contribute to human health and well-being.

Chapter 21: The Future

of Symbiosis (Qin Feng and Li Ming experienced the importance of symbiosis between man and nature in the era of ecological symbiosis, and shared their feelings with Natalie and Max.

Qin Feng: In the era of ecological symbiosis, I feel the harmony between human beings and nature, which is a precious state.

Max: Through sustainable agriculture and environmental practices, we can meet human needs while also protecting the ecological balance of the planet.

Li Ming: Our times are also trying to protect the environment, but sometimes there is a conflict between economic growth and environmental protection.

Natalie: Symbiosis is the trend of the future, and we need to start from the harmony between man and nature and find a sustainable path.

Qin Feng: We will bring back these thoughts on ecological symbiosis, share them with more people, and encourage people to pay attention to environmental protection, protect nature, and create a more harmonious future.

Conclusion: The wisdom of symbiosis

(Qin Feng and Li Ming learned the wisdom of symbiosis between man and nature in the era of ecological symbiosis, and realized the importance of sustainable development. They decided to pass on these wisdoms to more people and promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

This chapter emphasizes the importance of coexistence between humans and nature and explores ways to create harmonious societies through ecological conservation and sustainable development. Through the dialogue between Qin Feng and Li Ming, Natalie and Max, the story conveys the wisdom of protecting nature and achieving symbiosis. The content of this chapter encourages people to attach importance to environmental protection and sustainable development in modern society, and lead the harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature with wisdom.

Chapter 22: Creativity and Innovation

(Qin Feng and Li Ming's time-space wandering continues, and they come to a society full of creativity and innovation. There they meet the inventor Nina and the artist Louis.

Qin Feng: (Standing in a city square full of peculiar designs and admiring a variety of unique architectural and artistic works) The creativity and innovation of this society is truly amazing.

Li Ming: Yes, people seem to be full of creativity in various fields, turning imagination into reality.

Nina: Welcome to the age of creative innovation. I'm Nina, an inventor. This is Louis, an artist dedicated to creative expression.

Louis: It's a pleasure to meet you. In this society, we encourage people to be bold, challenge conventions, and solve problems in creative ways.

Qin Feng: This spirit of innovation is really exciting. In our time, innovation, while important, is sometimes limited by conservatism and norms.

Li Ming: Yes, innovation often requires breaking through the shackles of tradition and daring to try new ideas and methods.

Nina: Innovation is not only a driving force for technological development, but also a source of prosperity for art and culture.

Chapter 23: The Frontier of Creativity

(Qin Feng and Li Ming experienced the power of creativity and innovation in the era of creative innovation, sharing their feelings with Nina and Louis.

Qin Feng: In the era of creative innovation, people seem to have no limits, and they can give full play to their creativity and create many unique works.

Louis: Creativity really knows no boundaries. Through art, we are able to express our inner emotions and thoughts and resonate with people.

Li Ming: There are many ideas in our era, but sometimes they are limited by resources and markets, and innovative ideas may not be realized.

Nina: The realization of ideas really requires innovative platforms and environments. In this era, we encourage people to share resources, collaborate and innovate, and drive more ideas into reality.

Qin Feng: We will bring back these thoughts on creativity and innovation, share them with more people, inspire people to innovate boldly, and promote the progress of society.

Conclusion: The Spark of Creativity

(Qin Feng and Li Ming experienced the power of creativity and innovation in the era of creative innovation and realized the importance of innovation in social progress. They decided to pass on this wisdom to more people and spark creativity.

This chapter focuses on the power of creativity and innovation, and explores ways to bring about social progress through innovative thinking and creative expression. Through the dialogue between Qin Feng and Li Ming, Nina and Louis, the story conveys how the spark of creativity inspires innovation and leads society forward. The content of this chapter encourages people to innovate, challenge conventions, ignite the spark of creativity with wisdom, and promote the continuous development of society in modern society.

Chapter 24: Equality and Diversity

(Qin Feng and Li Ming's time-space wandering continues, and they come to a society that emphasizes equality and diversity. There, they met human rights advocate Ellie and sociologist Carl.

Qin Feng: (On a busy city street, seeing people of different colors, cultures and backgrounds living in harmony) This society seems to place special emphasis on equality and diversity.

Li Ming: Yes, people seem to be not limited by race, gender, religion and other factors, and everyone is treated equally.

Ellie: Welcome to the age of equality and diversity. I'm Ellie, a human rights advocate. This is Carl, a sociologist, who studies the plurality of society.

KARL: It's nice to meet you. In this society, we firmly believe that everyone should have equal rights and opportunities without discrimination.

Qin Feng: This culture of equality and diversity is really admirable. In our world, many people are discriminated against and treated unequally.

Li Ming: Yes, although we are pursuing equality, there are still many social and cultural obstacles to overcome.

Ellie: Equality and diversity are the wealth of society. By respecting everyone's differences, we can create a more inclusive and better society.

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