Chapter 274:

Great-grandchildren's Children: Can Creation Resonate Across Hearts?

Great-grandson: When you create with real emotions, it will inevitably resonate with the hearts of others.

Chapter 275: The Joy of Creation

Great-grandchildren: Is the joy of creation difficult to express in words?

Great-grandson: The joy of creation is indescribable, it can only be deeply felt at the moment of creation.

Chapter 276: The Imprint

of Emotions Children of Great-grandchildren: Can Creation Leave the Imprint of Emotions?

Great-grandson: Yes, creation is an emotional imprint, recording our growth and mood.

Chapter 277: Children of the Future Great-Grandchildren

: Do you think our creations can inspire future people?

Great-grandson: The power of creativity is limitless, and it can inspire future people to find their passions.

Chapter 278: The Transmission

of Emotions Great-grandchildren: Is Creation a Transfer of Emotions?

Great-grandson: Creation is a transmission of emotions that allows our inner world to reach others.

Chapter 279: The Language of Art

: Children of Great-grandchildren: What kind of language do you think art is?

Great-grandson: Art is a form of expression that transcends language and conveys emotions across boundaries.

Chapter 280: The Power of

Creation Great-grandchildren: Is Creation a Way to Make People Feel Powerful?

Great-grandson: Creation allows people to discover their inner strength and realize their own value.

Chapter 281: A Beautiful Legacy

Great-grandchildren's Children: I hope that I will also leave a good legacy in the future.

Great-grandson: Your creations and efforts will become your legacy to the world.

The story continues to chapter 281, where the great-grandchildren's keen thinking delves into creation, emotion, art, and expectations for the future. With intelligent questions and insights, they show how family values take root in the hearts of new generations. Through dialogue, the spirit of Qin Feng and Li Yawen flowed endlessly in the blood of the family.

Chapter 282: The Uniqueness of Creation

Great-grandchildren's children: Is everyone's creation unique?

Great-grandson: Yes, everyone has unique life experiences and emotions, so their creations are also unique.

Chapter 283: The Aftertaste

of the Heart and the Children of the Great-grandchildren: Is Creation a Kind of Spiritual Sustenance?

Great-grandson: Yes, creation is my way of placing emotions, memories and reflections.

Chapter 284: Future Prospects

: Great-grandchildren: What are your expectations for my future?

Great-grandson: I hope you can persist in pursuing your dreams and brighten up your life journey with creation.

Chapter 285: The Power of the Family

Great-grandchildren: Does the power of the family make me more confident?

Great-grandchildren: Your family is your backing, and it will make you more confident in facing everything.

Chapter 286: The Emotions of Creation

Great-grandchildren's children: Does your creation flow with rich emotions?

Great-grandson: Yes, each work contains my rich emotions and thoughts.

Chapter 287: The Process of Creation

: Children of Great-grandchildren: Is the process of creation challenging?

Great-grandson: The creative path is full of challenges, but it is these challenges that make us grow.

Chapter 288: The Great-grandchildren's Children of the Great-grandchildren of the Dream Sail

: I hope that my creation will make the dream set sail.

Great-grandchildren: Creation is the wings of your dreams, let them spread their wings in creation.

Chapter 289: Future Stories

: Children of Great-grandchildren: I want to write my own future story through creation.

Great-grandson: Creation is the pen of your story, and it becomes a record of your future.

The story continues to chapter 289, where the great-grandchildren's children continue to share their thoughts about creation, the future, and the family in dialogue. Their questions and insights not only demonstrate personal growth, but also express deep concern for family values and inheritance. Through dialogue, the family's emotions and wisdom are passed on in the hearts of the new generation.

Chapter 290: Art Touches

Great-grandchildren's Children: Do you think art can touch people's hearts?

Great-grandson: Yes, art has the unique power to touch people's deepest emotions.

Chapter 291: Children of the Great-grandchildren of the Miracle of

Creation: Is Creation a Way to Create Miracles?

Great-grandson: Creation is a miracle in my heart, and I can also create amazing works.

Chapter 292: The Inheritance of

the Family and the Children of the Great-Grandchildren: Are We Going to Carry the Family Inheritance?

Great-grandchildren: Yes, every generation has the responsibility to pass on the values of the family and create a better future.

Chapter 293: The Joy of Creation

Great-grandchildren: Does the joy of creation come from inner pleasure?

Great-grandson: The joy of creating comes from the process of translating emotions and thoughts into works.

Chapter 294: The Realization of Dreams

and Great-grandchildren: Do you think that creation can help people realize their dreams?

Great-grandson: Creation is a way to realize our dreams, allowing us to get closer to our ideals.

Chapter 295: The Expression

of Emotions Children of Great-grandchildren: Is Creation an Expression of Emotions?

Great-grandson: Exactly, I use my creation to turn my inner emotions into visible forms and communicate with the world.

Chapter 296: Children of the Family's Proud

Great-Grandchildren: I am proud to come from a family with a creative tradition.

Great-grandson: Family pride comes from our values and creative spirit, which makes us proud.

Chapter 297: Children of the Great-grandchildren of the Joy of Creation

: Do you think creation brings happiness?

Great-grandson: Creation is the source of my happiness, allowing me to find inner peace and joy in it.

The story continues into chapter 297, where the great-grandchildren's children continue to explore the themes of creation, family, dreams, and emotions in dialogue. Their questions and ideas not only show their love for creation, but also pride in their family heritage. Through dialogue, they conveyed their good intentions about Qin Feng and Li Yawen's spirit in the exchange.

Chapter 298: Traces of Creation

: Children of Great-grandchildren: What kind of traces do you think creation can leave in the world?

Great-grandson: Creation is my dialogue with the world, leaving traces of my thoughts and emotions.

Chapter 299: The Power of

Creation: Children of Great-grandchildren: Can Creation Change the World?

Great-grandson: Creation may not completely change the world, but it can influence people's minds and emotions to make a difference.

Chapter 300: The Meaning of Creation

: Children of Great-grandchildren: What do you think is the profound meaning of creation?

Great-grandchildren: Creation is our response to life and a precious way to transmit our inner emotions to others.

Chapter 301: Emotions Preserve

Great-grandchildren's Children: Can Creation Keep Emotions Preserved?

Great-grandchildren: Creations are carriers of emotions that allow them to be preserved forever in their works.

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