In the ancient city on the edge of the desert, a young man named Qin Feng stopped alone and looked at the surging Yi Water in front of him. The moonlight is like water, the breeze is soft, it is a quiet night.

Qin Feng: (whispering to himself). Can this easy water also cleanse my heart of troubles?

Suddenly, a figure came from the moonlight, dressed in white like snow, with a beautiful face, it was a woman named Su Xue.

Su Xue: (smiling) Do you like to blow the wind here?

Qin Feng: (stunned) Why are you here?

Su Xue: (chuckles) Just passing by accidentally. However, what you just said aroused my interest. Distractions in the heart?

Qin Feng: (wry smile) Maybe it's helplessness in life. Family strife and personal decisions make me feel disturbed.

Su Xue: (quietly looking at him) Sometimes, people are too entangled in external things and ignore the inner voice. Yi Shui Han is clear, it can wash away the distractions, but what can really calm the mind is yourself.

Qin Feng: (silent moment) Maybe you're right. The voice of my heart, it seems that I haven't listened to it for a long time.

Su Xue: (smiling) Life is like this easy water, whether it is calm or turbulent, it is an inevitable experience. But keep a peace of mind to cope with all the storms.

Qin Feng: (nodding with emotion) Thank you, Su Xue. Your words made me enlightened.

Su Xue: (smiling gently) You're welcome. I will always be here to accompany you if you need it.

Qin Feng: (looking into her eyes) Perhaps, I really need a friend who can share my heart with me.

On this popular night, the conversation between Qin Feng and Su Xue was like a fresh breeze, gently blowing across the lake of the soul, stirring ripples. From then on, Qin Feng understood that no matter how the outside world changed, inner tranquility was always his firm destination.

Qin Feng: (staring at Su Xue) Do you have your own troubles?

Su Xue: (smiles) Everyone has their own problems and troubles, and I am no exception. But learn to face it, know how to be relieved, and maybe you can find a solution.

Qin Feng: (wry smile) You say it easily, but it's rare to actually do it.

Su Xue: (quietly) once heard a saying: "Let go of the burden and travel lightly." "If you accumulate too much baggage, it becomes difficult.

Qin Feng: (Thinking for a moment) Perhaps, I have been dragging myself down by the baggage of the past and ignoring the possibilities of the future.

Su Xue: (nodding) Exactly. Life is not stuck in memories, but constantly growing along the way. No matter what you go through, it's a process of sharpening your heart.

Qin Feng: (eyes firm) Thank you, Su Xue. Your words made me feel hope and courage.

Su Xue: (smiling) Between people, being able to give each other hope and support is also a beautiful fate. Whenever you want, you can come to me and confide in.

Qin Feng: (looking deeply at Su Xue) I will.

On that quiet night, the conversation between Qin Feng and Su Xue was like two hearts colliding tacitly, awakening each other's deep inner strength. They stood by Yi Shui, and the moonlight sprinkled on the figures of the two, as if they intersected with the entire universe into a peaceful picture. From then on, Qin Feng understood that every encounter in his life could become a guide on his way forward.

Qin Feng: (staring into the distance) On nights like this, I feel as if I can transcend all difficulties.

Su Xue: (smiling) When the moon is rare, it always makes people feel calm, as if all questions can be answered.

Qin Feng: (smiling slightly) Perhaps we are at the intersection of fate, and everything is quietly changing.

Su Xue: (Thinking for a moment) The fate of people is indeed an ever-changing process, and the key lies in how to meet each turn.

Qin Feng: (turning to Su Xue) How did you learn to face life so calmly?

Su Xue: (Looking deeply at Qin Feng) There was a time when I also lost myself and was troubled by endless confusion. But then I learned that no matter how the outside world changes, the strength of my heart can sustain me to move forward.

Qin Feng: (nodding earnestly) Inner strength....

Su Xue: (smiling) Exactly. Everyone has a pure land in their heart, and as long as they find it, they can maintain peace in the wind and rain.

Qin Feng: (takes a deep breath) Perhaps, I need to find the pure land that belongs to me.

Su Xue: (patting him on the shoulder encouragingly) Take the first step bravely, and you will find that the strength in your heart is far stronger than you imagined.

Their conversation was like bright starlight, illuminating the depths of each other's hearts. Standing by Yi Shui, Qin Feng seemed to feel a power rising from his heart, making him full of hope for the future. And on this quiet night, he understood that whether the wind is bleak, easy water and cold, or the ups and downs of life, he can cope with it through inner peace.

Qin Feng: (staring at the starry sky) Whenever I feel lost, I think of this quiet night and your words.

Su Xue: (laughing softly) Then let this night and my words accompany you until you find your own direction.

Qin Feng: (smiling) I will. Thank you, Su Xue, you made me understand a lot of truth.

Su Xue: (looks at him tenderly) Encounters between people often have a special meaning. Perhaps we meet each other to transmit these positive energies to each other.

Qin Feng: (nodding earnestly) Yes, I also hope that one day I can give strength and hope to others like you.

Su Xue: (smiles) You are already on this path, you may as well listen to others' voices and guide them with your wisdom and understanding.

Qin Feng: (sighing) Perhaps, the meaning of life lies in connecting and helping each other.

Su Xue: (gently patting him on the shoulder) Exactly. Whether it is wind or rain or sunshine, it can become the driving force for us to move forward.

On this quiet night, the dialogue between Qin Feng and Su Xue seemed to be a dialogue of hearts, which deeply touched each other's hearts. They stood by Yishui, shining brightly, as if witnessing a beautiful beginning. From then on, Qin Feng understood that everyone in his life could be a light on his way forward, and he himself could be a guide in the lives of others.

Qin Feng: (staring into the distance) Sometimes, I wonder if the trajectory of life is really predestined, or can we choose our own path?

Su Xue: (Thinking for a moment) Fate and choice are often intertwined. We may not be in complete control, but we can choose how to face and respond.

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