Chapter 247:

Great-grandchildren's children: Dad, what is the meaning of creation?

Great-grandchildren: Creation allows us to progress and is also a way to share our inner world with others.

Chapter 248: The Imprint of the Family Children

of the Great-grandchildren: I want to keep the imprint of the family in my creations.

Great-grandson: Family stories are your foundation, and incorporating them into your work will make it more profound.

Chapter 249: Children of Emotions' Precious

Great-Grandchildren: Are emotions becoming more precious and important?

Great-grandson: In this fast-paced world, emotions are more precious, and they keep us at the temperature of humanity.

The story continues into chapter 249, where the great-grandchildren's children continue to explore themes of creation, emotion, freedom, and family in dialogue. They used their own questions and ideas to further deepen their understanding of creation and inheritance. The family's story is enriched and perpetuated in the exploration of a new generation.

Chapter 250: The Power of Art

Great-grandchildren: Dad, what kind of power do you think art has?

Great-grandson: Art touches people's hearts, evokes emotions, provokes thoughts, and changes the world's perception.

Chapter 251: The Joy of Creation

: Children of Great-grandchildren: Do you feel a lot of fun when you create?

Great-grandson: Creation immerses me in pure joy, it's my way of talking to myself.

Chapter 252: The Magic

Great-grandson of the Paintbrush: Do you think the brush has a kind of magic?

Great-grandson: The brush is a tool for me to express my emotions, and sometimes there is a magic power.

Chapter 253: Love and Art

Great-grandchildren: Do you think love is related to art?

Great-grandson: Love is the source of inspiration and the driving force for creation, and art contains traces of love.

Chapter 254: The Spirit

of the Family and the Children of the Great-grandchildren: Dad, do you think the family spirit is very important?

Great-grandson: Family spirit is our foundation, which gives us a unique identity and mission.

Chapter 255: Future Hope

: Children of Great-grandchildren: What kind of hope will there be in the future?

Great-grandson: The future is full of infinite possibilities, and we strive to create a beautiful stage.

Chapter 256: The Weaving of Emotions

Great-grandchildren: Is Creation Weaving Emotional Stories?

Great-grandson: Exactly, every stroke and painting is an emotional story, woven together into a rich picture.

Chapter 257: Value of Creation

Children of Great-grandchildren: What value does creation have to our lives?

Great-grandchildren: Creating enriches life, allows us to continue to explore, grow, and make life more meaningful.

The story continues to chapter 257, where the great-grandchildren's children continue to discuss art, creation, family, and future prospects from their own unique perspectives. Their questions and sharing tell a story of family inheritance full of emotion and creativity.

Chapter 258: The Voice of

CreationGreat-grandchildren: Dad, are you telling your heart's voice when you create?

Great-grandson: Yes, each work is an extension of my inner emotions, my response to the world.

Chapter 259: The Freedom to Create

: Children of the Great-grandchildren: Can Creation Make People Feel Free?

Great-grandson: Creation is a way to express oneself, a free field to release inner emotions.

Chapter 260: Children of Great-grandchildren of Transmitted Wisdom:

Do you think creation is transmitting wisdom?

Great-grandson: Creation contains our thinking and experience, and is a form of transmitting wisdom.

Chapter 261: The Power of Resonance

: Children of Great-grandchildren: Can Creation Resonate with People?

Great-grandson: When you create with sincere emotions, it will surely resonate with the viewer's heart.

Chapter 262: Children of Hope

for the Future Great-grandchildren: What kind of hopes do you have for the future?

Great-grandson: I hope that you in the future will continue to pass on our story and contribute to the future of the family.

Chapter 263: The Magic of the Brush

Great-grandchild's child: I wish my brush had some magic too.

Great-grandson: The brush carries your emotions and ideas, and it's your unique magic tool.

Chapter 264: The Joy of Creation:

Children of Great-grandchildren: Do you feel joy when you create?

Great-grandson: Creation brings a joy in my heart and allows me to enjoy the dialogue with myself.

Chapter 265: Inheritance of Emotions

and Children of Great-grandchildren: Do we inherit the emotions of the family in our creation?

Great-grandson: It is in this way that we inherit the emotions and memories of the family in our creations.

The story continues to chapter 265, where the great-grandchildren's dialogue continues to deepen their thinking about creation, wisdom, empathy, and the future. Their exchange shows the continuation of the family's values, as well as the growth and creativity of the new generation. Through dialogue, the story of Qin Feng and Li Yawen continues to develop in the family.

Chapter 266: The Soul of Creation

, Children of the Great-Grandchildren: Do you think creation is the soul of art?

Great-grandson: Exactly, creation is the soul of art and the expression of our inner emotions.

Chapter 267: Stories on Canvas

: Children of Great-grandchildren: Is Every Painting the Beginning of a Story?

Great-grandson: Yes, canvas is the stage of our story, and every painting is the beginning of a story.

Chapter 268: The Adventures of

Creation: Is Creation an Adventurous Journey?

Great-grandson: Creation is like an adventure, full of unknowns, but in it we continue to grow.

Chapter 269: Children of the Great-Grandchildren of the Seeds of the Future

: I hope that my creations will plant the seeds for the future.

Great-grandson: Your creation will be the seeds of the future and lay the foundation for a better future.

Chapter 270: The Flow of Emotions Children

of Great-grandchildren: Are emotions flowing more in creation?

Great-grandson: In the process of creation, emotions will flow more freely and express the inner world.

Chapter 271: The Power of

Art: Children of Great-grandchildren: Can Art Affect People's Lives?

Great-grandson: Art is an inspiration that can influence people's thoughts, emotions, and even change lives.

Chapter 272: Responsibility for Inheritance

: Children of Great-grandchildren: Do we have a responsibility to pass on the family story?

Great-grandson: Yes, it is our responsibility to pass on the family values and let the values of the family continue in our hands.

Chapter 273: Children in Memory of Great-Grandchildren in the Future

: My creations will also become a memorial to the future, right?

Great-grandson: Yes, your creation will record the story of your upbringing and your family, and become a beautiful memorial.

The story continues into chapter 273, and the great-grandchildren's children continue to share their thoughts on creation, art, emotion, and inheritance in conversation. They used their own questions and ideas to show the meaning and value of family inheritance. Through dialogue, they continue the story of Qin Feng and Li Yawen in the future of the family.

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