Title: The warm scene of the starlight transmission:

The Starlight Scholarship Program office in the mountain village, Qin Feng and volunteer B are planning a new round of public welfare activities.

(Qin Feng and B sat at the table, flipping through a book that recorded the growth of the Starlight Grant Program over the past few years.)

Qin Feng: B, when we first started this financial aid program, we really didn't expect that so many people would join us and work hard for a common goal.

B: Yes, Mr. Qin Feng, your persistence and dedication have infected many people. At every event, more and more people are actively participating, and they are willing to give their time and effort to this warmth.

Qin Feng: I believe that love and hope can be transmitted indefinitely. As long as we do things with our hearts, everyone can become a promoter of public welfare. Our financial aid program is not only to help children achieve academic progress, but also to convey love and warmth.

B: Mr. Qin Feng, your words remind me of a student, her name is Xiaowen. When she first joined the financial aid program, she was very introverted and her grades were not satisfactory. But with our company and encouragement, she gradually opened her heart, became cheerful and confident, and now her grades have also made great progress.

Qin Feng: This is really good, Xiaowen's growth allows us to see the meaning of public welfare. Every child has potential, and with the right help and love, they can shine a unique light.

B: Yes, I think we should record these touches and stories so that more people can understand our financial aid program and encourage more people to join.

Qin Feng: Good idea! We can make a book that includes these warm stories and the growth stories of the students. You can also invite some charity stars to write a foreword to this book, so that more people can know the power of public welfare.

B: That's awesome! I believe this book will definitely convey more love and hope. We can hold a charity sale at the same time as the book is released, and use the proceeds to help more children.

Qin Feng: (smiling and nodding) Okay, that's it! We continue to do everything with heart and believe that the Starlite Scholarship Program will become a public welfare project for more and more people to participate in. Let's pass on this love together.

(In the following days, Qin Feng and the team have been working hard to carry out the Starlight Grant Program in depth.) The new book received support from many people, and the charity sale was a success. More and more people see the power of public welfare and join this warm family.

Qin Feng and his team will continue to move forward on the road of public welfare, conveying love and hope with their hearts, and illuminating more people in need with warm starlight.

(In the office of the Starlight Aid Program, Qin Feng and B are sorting out the donated items and preparing to distribute them to the students.)

B: Mr. Qin Feng, this charity sale was really successful! We received a lot of money and many enthusiastic people donated teaching materials and school supplies.

Qin Feng: Yes, thank you for your support. These donations and supplies will help more children to obtain better learning conditions. Our bursary program has also continued to grow because of everyone's participation.

B: You're right, and the bazaar attracted a lot of media attention, they interviewed our team and spread our story even further.

Qin Feng: Media coverage is very important for promoting public welfare. It can not only let more people know about our financial aid program, but also inspire more people to pay attention to public welfare and participate in it.

B: Yes, our goal is not only to help students, but also to influence more people, so that they can understand that everyone can become a promoter of public welfare and use their own strength to transmit love and warmth.

(Suddenly, a young woman pushed open the door and walked in, carrying a large package in her hand.)

Young lady: Hello, I am a resident of a nearby village, and I heard about your education aid program and came over to bring some donated items.

Qin Feng: (smiling enthusiastically) Thank you very much for your support! Your good deeds will help more children benefit.

Young Lady: You're welcome, it's just a small part of my strength. I have seen the children you have helped make progress in their academic progress and felt your love and sincerity, so I also want to join this public welfare action.

B: Your joining means that we have another supporter in our financial aid program. Thank you for your kindness, we will pass on this love with our hearts.

Young Lady: I would also like to ask, is there any opportunity for me to be part of your volunteer team?

Qin Feng: Of course! We welcome volunteers and the strength of everyone counts. You can contact B to learn more about volunteering.

Young lady: Okay, I'll contact B. Thank you again for your help and hope that together we can bring more warmth and hope to this community.

Qin Feng: Thank you for your blessing. We believe that as long as everyone works together, the Starlite Scholarship Program will become better and better, and its influence will become more and more influential.

(After the young lady left, Qin Feng and B continued to sort out the donated items.) They know that this is just a small step forward in the Starlight Aid Program, but every kind addition will make Starlight shine further. They firmly believe that by doing things with heart, public welfare will surely prosper. The

story will continue, Qin Feng and the volunteers continue to move forward on the road of the Starlight Education Program, passing hope with love and warmth, and letting more people see the power of public welfare. Every small gesture will be connected into a ray of light that illuminates the future of the mountain village.

(A few months later, Qin Feng and his team held a small celebration party in the Starlight Grant's office.) Many students and their parents who have participated in the financial aid program are invited to attend.

Qin Feng: Thank you all for coming to this celebration party today. Over the past few months, we have worked together to make more progress in the Starlite Grants program and have seen many students achieve excellent results.

Student A: Uncle Qin, I want to thank you and the volunteers, without your help, I might not have been able to go to school.

Qin Feng: A, you are too polite. Your efforts and achievements are your own credit, and we just gave a little help. Each of you has potential, and if you keep working hard, you can achieve good results.

Student B: Uncle Qin, I want to say thank you. With your help, I have become more confident and understand that if I work hard, I can change my future.

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