Qin Feng: B, we are very pleased with your progress. Remember, self-confidence is the first step to success, and as long as you believe in yourself, anything is possible.

Parent A: I am A's mother and I want to thank you too. Your financial aid program has helped not only my child, but also many families. Your love makes us feel warm and hopeful.

Qin Feng: Parent A, your support and understanding are essential to our work. We will continue to work hard to help more children and give more families hope for the future.

(The party went on, and the students showed off their talents by performing songs, dances and recitations at the celebration party.) Everyone was immersed in joy and emotion.

B: Mr. Qin Feng, looking at these children, I think our efforts are worth it.

Qin Feng: Yes, their growth and smiles let us see the meaning of public welfare. Public welfare is not only about donating materials, but also about giving them love and care, so that they understand how important they are.

B: I remember we started as a small team, but I didn't expect to have so many people join us to support our financial aid program.

Qin Feng: Yes, the addition of these volunteers has made our team stronger. I believe that as long as everyone works together, the Starlite Scholarship Program will continue to do better and influence more people.

B: We can also continue to expand our program to help more widely and benefit more children.

Qin Feng: Yes, we can consider carrying out more public welfare activities, such as holding study and guidance classes, theatrical performances, career planning lectures, etc., to help them grow in many aspects.

B: At the same time, we can also cooperate with more enterprises and institutions to obtain more support and resources.

Qin Feng: That's a good idea. I believe that as long as we stick to our original intention, the Starlite Scholarship Program will become a public welfare project that more people pay attention to and support.

(The celebration party ended with laughter, and Qin Feng and B reaffirmed their commitment to public welfare amid everyone's blessings.) The future is full of hope, and they will continue to pass on love and warmth with their hearts, so that the light of the Starlight Scholarship Program can shine on the hearts of more people.

(In the new round of public welfare event planning meeting, Qin Feng and his team members gathered to discuss the next plan.)

Qin Feng: Hello everyone, thank you for coming to this planning meeting today. Over the past few months, we have made a lot of progress in our financial aid program, but we cannot stop. Let us continue to work hard to bring hope to more children.

Volunteer C: Mr. Qin Feng, I think we can consider setting up a book corner near the school to provide more reading resources for children.

Qin Feng: That's a good idea! Reading is important for students' development, and we can raise some books and educational toys to create an educational activity space for children.

Volunteer Ding: In addition, we can organize some cultural exchange activities, so that students from the city can come to the mountain village to communicate with the children here and promote each other's growth and understanding.

Qin Feng: That's a great idea! Cultural exchange can expand children's horizons, make them feel the charm of different cultures, and also help improve their social skills.

Volunteer E: I would also like to suggest that we help some families during the busy farming season, such as providing temporary childcare services so that parents can concentrate on their work.

Qin Feng: E's advice is very intimate, the busy farming season is a busy period for parents, we can provide them with some help at this time to reduce their burden.

B: In addition, we can also carry out some career planning and employability skills training to help some older students better face the challenges of the future.

Qin Feng: Yes, helping students plan their future careers and studies is an important part of our financial aid program. We can invite professionals to provide guidance and training to students.

(There was an active discussion at the meeting, and many meaningful suggestions were made.) They decided to implement these plans in phases to ensure that each activity received adequate attention and support.

Qin Feng: Thank you very much for your enthusiasm and contribution. I believe that as long as we work together, the Starlite Scholarship Program will continue to grow and impact more lives.

Volunteer A: Mr. Qin Feng, your leadership and persistence are our role models. We will continue to support you and contribute to public welfare.

Qin Feng: Thank you for your support. Let us work together to make the Starlight Grant program a beacon for the children in mountain villages and illuminate their future path.

(After the meeting, everyone was full of confidence and enthusiasm.) They know that although the road to public welfare is long, as long as they have love and warmth, every contribution will make the stars brighter and illuminate more people's lives. Qin Feng and his team will continue to move forward, conveying love and hope with their hearts, and letting the light of the Starlight Aid Program shine further.

(A few months later, the Starlight Scholarship team hosted a grand charity performance in the mountain village, inviting many stars and artists to participate.)

Qin Feng: Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining us today. This is a special fundraiser for the Starlight Aid program, and we hope to support more children in need.

Audience 1: Mr. Qin, we all know that you and your team have done a lot of school assistance work in the mountain village and helped many children. Today's event was fantastic and I saw a lot of enthusiastic people supporting you.

Qin Feng: Thank you for your support, it is with your concern and donations that we can do more. The funds will be used to expand our education program so that more children have the opportunity to receive a good education.

Actor Star A: Mr. Qin, your bursary program is very meaningful, and I am very happy to participate in this charity performance. I hope my performance will contribute to your plan.

Qin Feng: Thank you very much for your support, Star A. Your participation made this event even more exciting. We hope that through this event, more people can understand the importance of public welfare.

(The event went on, and the performances of the stars attracted warm applause from the audience, and the atmosphere was warm and moving.) In between performances, a sponsored student took the stage to share his growth story.

Student B: Hello everyone, I am Student B of the Starlight Aid Program. With the help of Uncle Qin and the volunteers, I am now able to firmly follow the path of study. Thank you, your love has changed my life.

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