Guests: (Applause)

Partner A: Mr. Qin Feng, your Starlight Grant Program has indeed brought new hope to many children. We are honored to be a part of this project.

Partner B: Yes, the impact of this program on society cannot be ignored, and we are very happy to be part of this meaningful cause together.

Qin Feng: Thank you very much for your support and encouragement. In fact, the success of this plan is inseparable from everyone's dedication. I believe that if we work together, we can do more and give more children a better tomorrow.

Donor A: Mr. Qin Feng, your public welfare action has inspired me a lot, and I decided to donate another sum of money to support your project.

Qin Feng: (gratefully) Thank you for your generous donation! Your support will help increase children's access to education and change the trajectory of their lives.

(At the dinner, Qin Feng and his partners shared the achievements and future plans of the "Starlight Education Program".) Many people have expressed their willingness to continue to support this project and help more children realize their educational dreams. After the dinner, Qin Feng stood alone under the starry sky, his heart was full of emotion and hope

) Qin Feng: (whispering to himself) I have always believed that influence not only comes from the image on the screen, but also from our contribution to society. Every act of kindness, every effort, can make the world a better place. The world needs more love and care, and I will keep going and keep fighting for my dreams and public welfare causes.

(Qin Feng stared at the twinkling stars in the sky, which were like his "Starlight Aid Program," shining with warmth and hope.) He decided to continue to stick to his path of public welfare and use his influence to help more people in need. He believes that as long as everyone loves the world with their hearts and uses their own strength to transmit love and warmth, the world will become a better place.

(As the Starlight Aid Program continues to grow, Qin Feng and his team decided to expand it to more fields to meet the needs of more society.) At a volunteer training activity, Qin Feng had an in-depth exchange with a group of enthusiastic volunteers) Qin

Feng: Hello everyone! It was a pleasure to meet so many enthusiastic volunteer friends. Today's training will focus on the future direction of the Starlight Scholarship Program and more expansion plans.

Volunteer A: Mr. Qin Feng, we know that the Starlight Scholarship Program has made great achievements in education. Do you have any other plans for the future?

Qin Feng: Yes, we hope that the future "Starlight Scholarship Program" will not only be limited to the field of education, but will also focus on more social issues. We plan to launch the "Starlight Health Program" to focus on the field of health care and help people in poor areas access medical resources and health education.

Volunteer B: This is a very good direction! Health is a very important part of people's lives and we want to help them even more.

Qin Feng: Exactly! We will also continue to promote the Starlight Relief Program, focusing on disaster and emergency relief areas, and providing assistance and relief to disaster-stricken areas.

Volunteer C: Such a program is really multifaceted and closer to the needs of society. We'd love to be a part of it.

Qin Feng: Thank you for your support and participation. The power of one person is limited, but when we come together and work together, we can create miracles. We hope that the "Starlight Education Program" can become a bridge for more people to pay attention to public welfare undertakings, so that more people can participate in it and contribute their part to the society.

Volunteer A: Mr. Qin Feng, your public welfare actions have always inspired us. We will work together with you to pass on more love and warmth with actions.

Qin Feng: Thank you for your support and encouragement. Let us work together to make the "Starlight Education Program" a sustainable public welfare project, and let our love illuminate the lives of more people.

(Amid the warm applause of the volunteers, Qin Feng and his team continued to plan more public welfare projects.) They believe that as long as they persevere, care for others with their hearts, and transmit hope with love, the world will be a better place because of their efforts.

(In the new day, Qin Feng and the team continue to devote themselves to the work of public welfare.) Once, they received a special letter of thanks, the content of which made them deeply encouraged

) Qin Feng: (opens the envelope and reads the contents of the letter) This is a thank you letter from a student sponsored by the Starlight Aid Program. After hearing that we would be funding his tuition and school supplies, he wrote this letter to express his gratitude to us.

Volunteer A: Let me read it.

Volunteer B: Okay, I'll leave it to you.

Volunteer A: (Letter reading) Dear Starlight Scholarship Team, I am a student in the Grant Program. With your help, I got my wish to enter the school, and my dream is getting closer and closer to me. I thank you for your help giving me the opportunity to learn and the possibility to change my destiny. I will study hard to live up to your expectations. Thank you again and may you always have the strength to help more people in need.

Volunteer B: This letter is so warm! Everything we do is made more meaningful by having such a thank you note.

Qin Feng: Yes, these thank you letters let us know that everything we do is worth it. Every child who is helped is our greatest motivation. Let us continue to work hard to bring hope and warmth to more people.

Volunteer C: Mr. Qin Feng, I think your influence is really great. Many people have joined the project because of your cause.

Qin Feng: Actually, influence comes not only from me personally, but from the joint efforts of every participant. Only by working together can this project continue to grow and make our dreams a reality.

Volunteer A: That's right! We will all persevere and use actions to convey love and warmth.

Volunteer B: Right! Everyone can be a promoter of public welfare and make the world a better place.

(Qin Feng and his team were once again deeply touched by their public welfare work, knowing that what they did was small, but for those children they were helping, it was an important step that changed their lives.) They are determined to continue to walk forward, use their influence and strength to help more people, and let the "Starlight Education Program" shine in public welfare undertakings.

(In the days that followed, Qin Feng and his team continued to work hard to push the Starlight Scholarship Program and other public welfare projects to higher heights.) During a visit to a poor mountainous area, Qin Feng encountered a particularly meaningful moment)

(Qin Feng and his team went to a remote mountain village where they carried out public welfare activities with local children and villagers. After the event, an old man walked towards Qin Feng).

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