Qin Feng: Hear this. I will do my best to help you improve your learning environment so that you can learn better.

Xiaoyu: (eyes shining) Really? Thank you, Brother Qin Feng!

(Qin Feng donated a sum of money to Xiaoyu to improve her school's learning conditions.) After that, Qin Feng kept in touch with Xiaoyu and often came to visit her and the other children in person. During an interview, Xiaoyu and other children prepared a small performance

for Qin Feng) Xiaoyu: (pluck up courage) Brother Qin Feng, we have prepared a program for you, I hope you will like it!

(The children were singing songs and performing simple dances, Qin Feng watched with a smile, looking at the children's smiling faces, he was full of emotion in his heart

) Qin Feng: (applauded enthusiastically) It's great, you all performed very well! I see your hard work and talent. In the future, you can also become actors like me, and as long as you work hard, your dreams will come true.

Children: Thank you Brother Qin Feng!

(In the children's laughter, Qin Feng's heart was filled with warmth and satisfaction.) He knows that his acting career is not only for his own achievements, but also to be able to help more people in need.

(Time flies, Qin Feng's film career continues to develop, his acting skills are more mature, and he has won more honors and awards.) At the same time, his charitable foundation has also achieved remarkable results, funding education in countless poverty-stricken areas. At the award ceremony, Qin Feng won the title of

"Charity Star") Moderator: Mr. Qin Feng, congratulations on winning the "Charity Star" award! You have achieved great success in your acting career and have also made outstanding contributions to the field of public charity. Can you share your experience with philanthropy over the years?

Qin Feng: Thank you for your recognition. I have always believed that everyone has the power to change the world, whether as an actor or as an ordinary person. In the process of my public welfare work, I have learned to listen with my heart and help with love. Every time I go into a poverty-stricken area and see the eyes of children eager to learn, I feel that I have more responsibility on my shoulders. Public welfare is not a temporary act of kindness, but requires long-term persistence and efforts. I hope that through my own efforts, I can bring hope and warmth to more people.

Moderator: Your words are really touching. I believe that your story will continue to inspire more people to do public welfare and pass on love. Congratulations on winning the "Charity Star" award again!

Qin Feng: Thank you for your support and encouragement!

(Qin Feng's story has spread in the entertainment industry and the public, he is not only an excellent actor, but also a public welfare messenger who proves the power of love with his actions.) His influence has grown and attracted more people to join public welfare causes. He believes that as long as everyone contributes to the common good, the world will be a better place.

(Qin Feng's philanthropic undertakings have become more and more vigorous, and with the support of the charity fund, he and his team began to plan a large-scale education project called the "Starlight Education Program" to help more children in poor areas get quality education.) At a press conference, he introduced the plan to the media)

Media reporter: Mr. Qin Feng, we are very happy to hear that you will launch the "Starlight Scholarship Program". What exactly is the content of this plan?

Qin Feng: Thank you for your attention. This Starlight Scholarship Program is a large-scale educational project initiated by my team and me. We will focus on schools in poor areas, improve school infrastructure, provide high-quality educational resources, fund students' tuition and school supplies, and invite some excellent educators to teach to help children broaden their horizons and cultivate their interests and talents.

Interviewer: It sounds like a very huge project. What do you expect from this?

Qin Feng: Yes, this project is indeed a huge challenge, but we have the confidence and determination to achieve it. We hope that through this project, more children in poor areas can receive quality education and have a better learning environment and opportunities. We believe that education is the key to changing life's destiny and that every child should have equal access to quality education.

Media Reporter: This plan will undoubtedly have a positive impact on many children. Do you have any other partners?

Qin Feng: Yes, we have received support from some partners, including some enterprises, institutions and charitable organizations. We welcome more people with lofty ideals to join us and contribute to this project together.

Media reporter: I heard that you will name this project after yourself?

Qin Feng: Yes, this program will be named after the "Qin Feng Starlight Scholarship Program". This is not only my name, but also my wishes for this project. I hope that every child who is helped can shine his own light and realize his dreams like a bright star.

(After the press conference, news reports on the "Qinfeng Starlight Aid Program" flooded the screens of major media.) Qin Feng's charitable actions have once again aroused heated discussions in the society, and many enterprises and the public have expressed their willingness to join this plan. Volunteer

: (excitedly) Qin Feng, it's so touching to see so many people paying attention to our plan!

Qin Feng: Yes, the impact of this plan has exceeded our expectations. I believe that as long as we persevere and keep working hard, our dreams will come true. We need to light a light for every child, so that they can see hope in difficulties and realize their value in learning.

Volunteer: With your leadership, we will be able to do better!

Qin Feng: Thank you for your support and efforts, you have made this plan more complete and dynamic. We must work together to bring more warmth and hope to children!

(Qin Feng and the team worked together, and the Starlight Scholarship Program continued to expand and develop in the following time.) This program will continue to change the future of more children and contribute to public welfare. Qin Feng believes that as long as everyone has kindness and helps others in their own way, the world will become a better place.

(Over time, Qin Feng's "Starlight Education Program" has become popular everywhere, bringing hope for education to children in countless impoverished areas.) At a charity dinner, Qin Feng invited some partners and supporters to celebrate the achievements of this program) Qin

Feng: Distinguished guests, we are gathered here today to celebrate the great achievements of the "Starlight Scholarship Program". Over the past period, we have had the support of so many people and institutions to keep this program growing. I would like to especially thank every volunteer, partner and donor who made our dream a reality!

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