Qin Feng: We can consider opening more branches of the Gastronomy Research Center so that more people have the opportunity to taste our food.

Guo Ming: Well, we can open branches in different cities and countries, and then adapt and innovate according to the local gastronomic culture and taste.

Qin Feng: That's right, so that our cuisine can better integrate into the local customs and attract more diners.

As a result, Qin Feng and Guo Ming began to prepare for the expansion plan of the Gastronomy Research Center. They first selected several cities with great potential in the country and prepared to open branches of the gastronomic research center.

One day, they held a special meeting at headquarters and invited several team members to participate.

Qin Feng: Everyone, Guo Ming and I have an important decision to tell you. We plan to expand the Gastronomy Research Center and open branches to bring our gastronomy to more places.

Guo Ming: We need your support and efforts. We want you to be able to lead the various branches and be responsible for local operations and management.

Team Member A: This is an exciting opportunity! I'm willing to take charge of one of the branches.

Team member B: I'm also willing to join, I have a lot of ideas and ideas that I hope to show in another city.

Team member C: We used to work at headquarters, and now I am looking forward to the opportunity to go to another city!

Qin Feng: Thank you for your support and enthusiasm! Your talent and passion will contribute a lot to the expansion of the Gastronomic Research Center.

Guo Ming: Yes, we believe that through everyone's efforts, our gastronomic business will become more and more successful.

So Qin Feng and Guo Ming worked with their team members to gradually expand the gastronomic research center to other cities. Each branch maintains the philosophy and unique style of the Gastronomic Research Center, while also incorporating local gastronomic characteristics and is warmly welcomed by local diners.

With the expansion of branches, Qin Feng and Guo Ming's gastronomic business gradually reached its peak at home and abroad. Their gastronomic story spread around the world and became a leader in the gastronomic world.

Team Member: It's a real pride to watch our gastronomic research centers expand in different cities.

Team member B: Yes, our efforts to make more people taste delicious, this is our original intention.

Team member C: No matter what city we are in, we will continue to pass on the beauty of food and let more people feel our love and care.

Qin Feng: It is precisely because of your support and team spirit that our gastronomic business has been so successful. Thank you all!

Guo Ming: Our food story continues, let us continue to work hard to bring more beauty to the world with the charm of food!

As Qin Feng and Guo Ming's gastronomic careers prospered, their gastronomic research centers expanded around the world, allowing more people to taste the charm of food. With love and care, they let the light of food shine in the world.

[End of story]

(Note: the above story is fiction, the characters and plot are fictional, only for creative purposes

) (The story continues)

While the food research center continues to expand, Qin Feng and Guo Ming also began to pay attention to social responsibility and sustainable development.

Qin Feng: Guo Ming, our gastronomy business is developing better and better, and we must also think about our responsibility to society.

Guo Ming: Yes, we should think about how we can give back to the society, so that our gastronomy business is not only focused on profit, but also on environmental and social issues.

Qin Feng: We can implement environmental protection measures in the Gastronomy Research Center, reduce waste and promote the concept of sustainable development.

Guo Ming: At the same time, we can also support some social groups in need through charity activities, so that our gastronomy industry can assume more social responsibility.

Qin Feng: Yes, the reason why our gastronomy business has achieved today is also due to the support and care of the society. Now is the time for us to give back.

Qin Feng and Guo Ming began to actively explore how to integrate social responsibility into the operation of the Gastronomy Research Center. They have taken a series of environmental measures to reduce food waste, promote eco-friendly eating habits, and support local farmers and small farms to purchase organic ingredients and promote sustainable agriculture.

In addition, they also held a series of charity activities, donated food and materials to poor areas, funded the education of poor students, and supported social welfare undertakings.

Team member A: Qin Feng and Guo Ming's sense of social responsibility is really admirable!

Team Member B: Yes, our gastronomic business is not only for profit, but also to assume social responsibility and contribute to society.

Team Member C: We will also actively participate in promoting the environmental and charitable activities of the Gastronomy Research Centre.

Qin Feng and Guo Ming's social responsibility actions have received positive response and support from team members. They have built the Gastronomy Research Center into a socially responsible enterprise, which is praised and respected by all walks of life.

With the efforts of the Food Research Center, Qin Feng and Guo Ming's gastronomic undertakings have not only achieved commercial success, but also conveyed the warmth and love of food to the society.

Team member A: Watching our food business mature more and more, I think we are really happy.

Team Member B: Yes, our efforts have been rewarded, and our gastronomic business has been able to bring happiness and joy to more people.

Team Member C: I think it's a blessing to work here, not only to pursue our passions, but also to contribute to society.

Qin Feng: With your support and efforts, our gastronomic business will be so successful. Thank you all!

Guo Ming: Our food story continues, let's continue to use the charm of food to bring more beauty to the world!

As Qin Feng and Guo Ming's gastronomic careers flourished, their gastronomic research center has become not only a treasure in the gastronomic world, but also a model for society. With love and heart, they let the light of food shine in the world and bring more happiness and positive energy.


of story] (Note: the above story is fiction, the characters and plot are fictional, only for creative purposes

) (The story continues)

With the success of the Food Research Center and the practice of social responsibility, Qin Feng and Guo Ming have received more attention and recognition. Their gastronomic business has gradually moved beyond traditional restaurants to become a gastronomic brand with global reach.

One day, an international food reviewer came to the Food Research Center to have in-depth exchanges with Qin Feng and Guo Ming.

Food Judge: Mr. Qin Feng, Mr. Guo Ming, I am a judge from the International Gastronomy Review Organization. Hearing about the success of your gastronomic business, I came to taste your dishes.

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