Qin Feng: We will provide financial assistance to environmental protection and sustainable development projects, help them promote environmental education, carry out environmental protection activities, and support the implementation of sustainable development projects.

We want to contribute our strength to the future of the planet.

Ying Zhang: I will discuss further with the project leader to ensure that our support can really help protect the environment and sustainable development of the planet.


Qin Feng and Zhang Ying, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Project Center, came to the Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Project Center

, visited the exhibition area and learned about their work plan.

Qin Feng: (Observation and exhibition area) The work of this project is crucial to protecting the future of the planet.

We need to encourage more people to participate in environmental protection actions and promote sustainable development practices.

Project leader: Thank you for coming, Mr. Qin.

We have been working to promote environmentally conscious and sustainable practices, but we are faced with the challenge of resource scarcity.

Qin Feng: We will provide financial assistance to environmental protection and sustainable development projects, help them promote environmental education, carry out environmental protection activities, and support the implementation of sustainable development projects.

We want everyone to realize the importance of protecting the planet.

Project leader: This is a big help for our environment and the future.

Thank you for your attention and support!

Qin Feng: Through these efforts, we hope to contribute our strength to environmental protection and sustainable development, protect the earth's environment, and let our children and grandchildren also enjoy a better life.

Zhang Ying: Yes, President Qin.

Let us continue to work hard to support and promote environmental protection and sustainable development.

Qin Feng and his team continue to pay attention to the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development, and actively participate in environmental protection and sustainable development projects.

They promote environmental awareness, carry out environmental protection activities, and support the implementation of sustainable development projects.

Qin Feng believes that protecting the earth's environment is the responsibility of each of us, and we should work together to achieve the goal of sustainable development.

His generosity and actions inspire those around him to form an environmental force that together contributes to the protection and sustainable development of the earth.

Qin Feng: (Meeting again with team members to discuss the next charity project)

Qin Feng: We have done a lot of work in orphanages, schools, medical centers, nature reserves, rural education, elderly welfare, community food banks, youth education, water projects, vocational training and environmental sustainability, but do we have other charity projects to consider?

Ying Zhang: I recently learned about a mental health support program.

In today's society, mental health problems are becoming increasingly prominent, and many people need professional psychological counseling and support.

Qin Feng: Mental health is an important part of our overall health, and we should provide support to those facing mental health distress.

We can fund mental health support programs to help them provide counselling and support services.

Ying Zhang: I have contacted the person in charge of the project and learned about their specific needs.

They need financial support, professional counselors, mental health support and rehabilitation services.

Qin Feng: We will donate 8 million yuan to the mental health support project and provide necessary support.

Everyone should have access to professional counselling and support to restore inner health and balance.

Ying Zhang: I will discuss further with the project leader to make sure that our support can really help those who need mental health support.

Scene: Qin Feng and Zhang Ying, the mental health support project center, came to the mental health support project center

, visited the consultation room and learned about their working methods.

Qin Feng: (Observation Consultation Room) Mental health support is the key to helping those who are facing distress out of difficult situations.

We want to make sure they have access to professional counselling and support.

Project leader: Thank you for coming, Mr. Qin.

We have been committed to providing mental health support and rehabilitation services, but are faced with the challenge of lack of resources and lack of professionals.

Qin Feng: We will provide financial assistance for mental health support projects, recruit professional psychological counselors, and provide mental health support and rehabilitation services.

We want everyone to receive professional help to restore inner health and balance.

Project Leader: This is a great boon for our clients.

Thank you for your attention and support!

Qin Feng: Through these efforts, we hope to help those facing mental health problems find professional support and rehabilitation, and regain their inner health and happiness.

Zhang Ying: Yes, President Qin.

Let's continue to work hard to provide help and care for mental health support.

Qin Feng and his team continue to focus on the importance of mental health and actively participate in mental health support programs.

They use practical actions to help those facing mental health distress, providing them with professional psychological counseling and support to help them restore their inner health and balance.

Qin Feng believes that mental health is an important part of our overall well-being, and everyone should be able to get professional help and support.

His generosity and actions inspire those around him and form a mental health force that together brings hope and inner balance to those in need.

Qin Feng: (Meeting again with team members to discuss the next charity project)

Qin Feng: We have done a lot of work in orphanages, schools, medical centers, nature reserves, rural education, elderly welfare, community food banks, youth education, water projects, vocational training, environmental sustainability, and mental health support, but do we have other charity projects to consider?

Ying Zhang: I recently learned about an assistive program for people with disabilities.

Many people with disabilities face challenges in their daily lives, and we can help them improve their quality of life and provide better assistive devices and services.

Qin Feng: People with disabilities also need our support and attention.

We can fund disability assistance programs to help them access better assistive devices, provide rehabilitation services, and improve their quality of life.

Ying Zhang: I have contacted the relevant institutions and learned about their specific needs.

They need financial support to provide assistive devices, rehabilitation services and social integration projects.

Qin Feng: We will donate 9 million yuan to the assistance project for the disabled and provide necessary support.

Everyone should have equal rights and opportunities, and we need to provide better assistive devices and rehabilitation services for people with disabilities.

Ying Zhang: I will further discuss with relevant institutions to ensure that our support can truly help people with disabilities improve their quality of life and integrate into society.

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