Qin Feng: (Meeting again with team members to discuss the next charity project)

Qin Feng: We have done a lot of work in orphanages, schools, medical centers, nature reserves, rural education, elderly welfare, community food banks, and youth education, but do we have any other charity projects to consider?

Zhang Ying: I recently learned about water problems in a poor area.

Many people there lack basic needs for clean drinking water and need reliable water facilities and water management.

Qin Feng: Water is a basic need for human survival, and we should support those who lack clean drinking water.

We can fund water projects, improve water facilities and manage water resources.

Ying Zhang: I have contacted the relevant institutions to understand their needs.

They need to improve water supply facilities, provide water filtration equipment, and conduct water management and training.

Qin Feng: We will donate 6 million yuan to the water project and provide necessary support.

Everyone should have the right to clean drinking water, which will have a huge impact on their lives and health.

Scene: Qin Feng and Zhang Ying, a water resources project

in a poverty-stricken

area, came to the poverty-stricken area to visit water supply facilities and learn about the living conditions of local residents.

Qin Feng: (Observing water supply facilities) The water supply facilities here really need to be improved.

We will strive to provide clean drinking water to our residents.

Water Project Manager: Thank you for coming, Mr. Qin.

We have been working to improve water resources, but we are faced with the challenge of poor facilities and lack of resources.

Qin Feng: We will provide financial assistance for water projects, improve water supply facilities, provide water filtration equipment, and conduct water management and training.

We want everyone to have access to clean drinking water.

Water Project Manager: This is a great boon for our residents.

Thank you for your attention and support!

Qin Feng: Through these efforts, we hope to help people in poor areas improve their living conditions and have access to clean drinking water.

Zhang Ying: Yes, President Qin.

Let us continue our efforts to provide reliable water resources to poor areas and improve the quality of life for their residents.

Qin Feng and his team continue to pay attention to water issues and actively participate in water resources projects in poor areas.

They help people who lack clean water by providing them with reliable water facilities and water management.

Qin Feng believes that everyone should have the right to clean drinking water, which has a huge impact on their health and life.

His generosity and actions inspire those around him to form a force concerned with water and work together to improve the living conditions of people living in poor areas.

Qin Feng: (Reconvenes with team members to discuss the next charity project)

Qin Feng: We have done a lot of work in orphanages, schools, medical centers, nature reserves, rural education, elderly welfare, community food banks, youth education and water projects, but do we have other charity projects to consider?

Ying Zhang: I recently learned about a vocational training program that aims to help the unemployed gain skills and employment opportunities.

Many people struggle to find suitable jobs due to lack of skills.

Qin Feng: Vocational training is an important way to help people realize their dreams and find stable jobs.

We should provide vocational training and employment support to those who are unemployed.

Ying Zhang: Yes, I have contacted the person in charge of the project and learned about their specific needs.

They need financial support, training courses, career guidance and career counselling.

Qin Feng: We can provide financial assistance to this vocational training program to help them set up training courses, provide employment guidance and career counseling, and help the unemployed reintegrate into society.

Ying Zhang: I will discuss further with the project leader to make sure that our support can really help these unemployed people find suitable jobs.

Scene: Qin Feng and Zhang Ying of the vocational training program

center came to the vocational training project center

, visited the training classroom and learned about the learning situation of the trainees.

Qin Feng: (Observing the training classroom) This vocational training program is very important for those who are unemployed.

We want to make sure they have access to practical skills and employment opportunities.

Project leader: Thank you for coming, Mr. Qin.

We have been working to help the unemployed upgrade their skills and find suitable jobs, but funding has always been a challenge.

Qin Feng: We will provide financial assistance to vocational training programs to help them set up training courses, provide career guidance and career counseling.

We want every unemployed person to be able to find stable employment.

Program Leader: This is a huge opportunity for our students.

Thank you for your attention and support!

Qin Feng: Through these efforts, we hope to help the unemployed improve their skills, find suitable jobs, and realize their career dreams.

Zhang Ying: Yes, President Qin.

Let's continue to focus on vocational training and help and support for the unemployed.

Qin Feng and his team continue to pay attention to the importance of vocational training and actively participate in vocational training programs for the unemployed.

They help people who lack skills and job opportunities by providing them with practical training courses, career guidance and career counselling to help them reintegrate into society.

Qin Feng believes that everyone should have the opportunity to get the right job and realize their career dreams.

His generosity and actions inspire those around him and form a force of career support that brings hope and employment to the unemployed.

Qin Feng: (Meeting again with team members to discuss the next charity project)

Qin Feng: We have done a lot of work in orphanages, schools, medical centers, nature reserves, rural education, elderly welfare, community food banks, youth education, water projects, and vocational training, but do we have other charity projects to consider?

Ying Zhang: I recently learned about a project on environmental protection and sustainable development.

They are committed to promoting environmental awareness and implementing sustainable practices to protect our planet through education, action and collaboration.

Qin Feng: Environmental protection and sustainable development are our responsibilities, and we should work hard to protect the future of the earth.

We can support this project and promote environmental awareness and sustainable practices.

Ying Zhang: I have contacted the project leader and learned about their specific plans.

They need financial support to promote environmental education, carry out environmental activities, and participate in sustainable development projects.

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