Qin Feng: We hope that through these efforts, we will help rural areas achieve development and improvement, so that farmers can enjoy modern infrastructure and high-quality education and medical resources.

Zhang Ying: Yes, President Qin.

Let's continue to work hard to help

rural development: (meet again with team members to discuss the next charity project).

Qin Feng: We have done a lot of work in orphanages, schools, medical centers, nature reserves, rural education, elderly welfare, community food banks, youth education, water projects, vocational training, environmental and sustainable development, mental health support, assistance for the disabled, community reconstruction, art and culture, science education and rural development, but do we have other charity projects to consider?

Ying Zhang: I recently learned about a project on child protection.

Many children face poverty, abuse and being out of school, and we can support child protection programs by providing education, shelter and assistance.

Qin Feng: Children are the future of the country, and it is our responsibility to protect their rights and interests.

We can fund child protection programs that provide educational opportunities, shelter and assistance to lift them out of poverty, abuse and out of school.

Ying Zhang: I have contacted the relevant institutions and learned about their specific needs.

They need financial support to provide educational programs, shelters and assistance programs to help children rebuild their self-confidence and find a better future.

Qin Feng: We will donate 20 million yuan to child protection projects and provide necessary support.

Every child should have the right to a safe, healthy and happy childhood.

Ying Zhang: I will further discuss with relevant institutions to ensure that our support can truly help the cause of child protection and create a better future for them.

Scene: Qin Feng and Zhang Ying of the Child Protection Project Center

visited the child protection project center and learned about their work plan.

Qin Feng: (Observation shelter) Child protection is one of our most important missions.

We want to ensure that every child is loved, cared for and safe.

Project leader: Thank you for coming, Mr. Qin.

We have been working to protect children, providing educational programs, shelters and assistance programs, but we face the challenge of insufficient funding and tight resources.

Qin Feng: We will provide financial assistance to child protection projects, help them provide education programs, shelters and assistance programs, so that every child can be cared for and helped to find a better future.

Project leader: This is a big help for our children.

Thank you for your attention and support!

Qin Feng: Through these efforts, we hope to protect the rights and interests of children, provide them with the education, shelter and assistance they need, so that every child can enjoy a safe, healthy and happy childhood.

Zhang Ying: Yes, President Qin.

Let us continue our efforts to help and support child protection for a better future.

Qin Feng and his team continue to focus on the importance of child protection, actively participating in the child protection

story that began in China in the 1960s and is set during the Cultural Revolution. The protagonist, Qin Feng, is a young college student who is passionate about social change and actively participates in various sports. The following is a conversation between Qin Feng and his friend Li Ming.

Qin Feng: Li Ming, you see, this Red Guard movement is really exciting! We finally have the opportunity to be part of the big trend that is changing society.

Li Ming: Yes, Qin Feng, this is indeed a turning point in the times. Our responsibility is to actively participate and contribute to the revolution.

Qin Feng: I have always felt that my generation has a special mission. We must criticize old ideas and promote social progress.

Li Ming: But we can't ignore some issues. While the Red Guard movement has a positive side, it has also sometimes seen excesses and distorted ideologies.

Qin Feng: Yes, I also had such doubts. But I believe that as long as we stick to the right direction, we can correct our mistakes and move the revolution forward.

Li Ming: Qin Feng, you are really an optimist. However, we cannot neglect our studies either. We need to focus on revolution and learning at the same time to prepare for future construction.

Qin Feng: You're right. I decided to study harder, not only for my personal future, but also to be able to contribute better to society.

Li Ming: Okay, Qin Feng, let's work together! Whether it is reforming society or advancing academically, we must persevere and contribute to our country and people.

Qin Feng: That's right, Li Ming! Our era needs young people like us to bravely pursue their dreams and strive to realize their values.

Their dialogue is filled with youthful enthusiasm and anticipation of social change. Qin Feng and Li Ming were determined to contribute to the development of the motherland and the happiness of the people with their own efforts and struggles in the turbulent years. Their stories show the determination and efforts of the younger generation to pursue progress and change in the social context of China in the 60s.

Qin Feng: Li Ming, have you noticed that the actions of some Red Guards have become more and more extreme recently? Some have even begun to resort to violence against those considered "reactionary."

Li Ming: Yes, I have heard of it too. These excesses worry me. We cannot abandon the bottom line of reason and morality by pursuing revolution.

Qin Feng: I agree with you. We cannot abandon the pursuit of human rights and justice because we oppose the old system. Such excesses will only cost us a moral advantage.

Li Ming: It is precisely because of this that I think we should actively participate, but at the same time remain rational and peaceful. We should drive change through sound debate and discussion, not resort to violence.

Qin Feng: I feel the same way. Our goal is to build a more just and egalitarian society, not through hatred and violence. We should use justice and wisdom as weapons to promote social progress.

Li Ming: That's right, Qin Feng. We, as representatives of the younger generation, should have our own independent thinking and judgment. We will continue to learn and grow in order to better contribute to society.

Qin Feng: I believe that only through wisdom and hard work can we truly change society and create a better future. No matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, we must stick to our beliefs.

Li Ming: Yes, Qin Feng. Let's work together! Use our strength and wisdom to contribute the best of ourselves to our country and people.

Their dialogue expressed concerns about extreme behavior and stressed the importance of remaining rational and moral. They are determined to uphold their principles on the path of social change and to work for justice and progress through wisdom and effort.

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