Finally, Qin Feng's team found the legendary artifact, a sacred sword known as the "Blade of Destiny".

The Blade of Destiny exuded powerful energy and seemed to be closely linked to Qin Feng's fate.

Kelis said: "The Blade of Destiny is a vital artifact that will help you complete your mission.

Pick it up, warrior, and you will be the hope of all of us.


Feng held the Blade of Destiny tightly, he felt the power flowing in his body, and he knew that he would face greater challenges and responsibilities.

His team and new partners are by his side, ready to move on, protect the peace of the world and change the trajectory of destiny.

Chapter 69: The Covenant

of Destiny Qin Feng's team picked up the Blade of Destiny and felt the powerful power contained in the sword.

They prepare to leave the ruins and move on to the next place of adventure.

Just as they were about to leave, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared in front of them.

She was dressed in a sumptuous robe and a feather ornament, and her body exuded a sacred aura.

The woman smiled and said, "Warriors, I am Elena, daughter of the Guardians.

I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Qin Feng's team was curious about the appearance of this mysterious woman, and Kelis asked, "Elena, why are you here?" Do we have any mission to accomplish?

Elena nodded slowly, her eyes full of wisdom and mystery: "Warriors, you have been chosen by fate to take on the responsibility of protecting the world.

I will lead you to join the sacred covenant and jointly safeguard the peace of the world.


Chapter 70: The Oath

of the Holy Covenant Qin Feng's team looked at Elena, and they could feel the majesty and sacredness that radiated from her.

Elena continued, "Joining the Holy Covenant is not just about strength and glory, it is a responsibility and a mission.

You will face more daunting challenges, but you will also receive greater strength and support.

Qin Feng's team exchanged glances silently, and they had a firm determination in their hearts.

Qin Feng stepped forward and said solemnly: "We are willing to join the Holy Covenant and protect the peace and justice of the world.

No matter how big the difficulties lie ahead, we will move forward.


members also expressed their willingness to join the covenant and undertake the sacred mission.

Elena smiled and nodded, and she took out a parchment scroll densely engraved with sacred words.

She said, "Now, please press your handprint and make a vow to protect the world.


Feng's team gripped the parchment scroll tightly and made a solemn vow, Fate

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Chapter 71: The Combination

of Destiny When Qin Feng's team made

a vow to protect the world, a divine light rose from the parchment scroll and surrounded them.

The light gradually dissipated, and in its place was a man in a white robe.

He has deep eyes and a broad smile.

The man's name is Aldrick, and he is one of the guardians of the Holy Covenant, responsible for guiding and guiding the mission of the warriors.

Aldric looked at Qin Feng's team with relief and said, "Warriors, your oath has been recognized by fate.

From now on, you will be closely integrated with destiny to jointly safeguard world peace and justice.


Feng's team was in awe, they understood that this was a turning point in their destiny and the beginning of their becoming true heroes.

Chapter 72: New Mission

Aldric leads Qin Feng's team out of the ruins and towards the Temple of the Covenant.

In the temple, they meet other Guardians and Covenant warriors, each with their own mission and special abilities.

Elena announced in the temple: "Warriors, you will be part of the covenant, each with an important role.

Now we are faced with the rise of dark forces that threaten the entire world.

We must join forces to stop their plans and protect innocent lives.


Feng's team felt the weight of the mission, but they also knew that this was the true meaning they were pursuing.

They raised their hands in the temple and vowed to protect the peace of the world with their own strength.

Now, Qin Feng's team will embark on a new adventure with other warriors, facing the challenge of the dark forces and bringing light and hope to the world.

Their destinies will be closely linked to the Holy Covenant and together they will write the legend of heroes.

Chapter 73: Guardians

of Destiny In the Temple of the Covenant, Qin Feng's team meets a mysterious female warrior named Elena.

With unparalleled fighting skills and a strong will, Alina is one of the most feared warriors in the Holy Covenant.

Qin Feng asked curiously: "Elina, you have such great strength and courage, how did you join the Holy Covenant?"

Alina smiled and replied, "Qin Feng, I was a lonely traveler until an unexpected encounter changed my fate.

At that time, I encountered a force of dark forces who nearly destroyed my home.

But in the most critical moment, the warriors of the Holy Covenant appeared, and they guarded me and other innocent people.

At that moment, I decided to join them and become a guardian and fight for those who were helpless.

Qin Feng deeply felt the firmness and justice in Elena's eyes, and their goals were the same, both to protect the peace of the world.

Chapter 74: The Determination

of the Brave Qin Feng's team leaves the Covenant Temple with Alina and embarks on a new adventure.

Along the way, they go through a series of battles and trials, each time testing their courage and determination.

In a battle against dark forces, Qin Feng's team got into trouble and faced a formidable enemy.

Alina stepped forward, her sword dancing like the wind, each blow turning into a lightning-like lightning.

Her fighting power and perseverance inspired Qin Feng's team, who were determined not to flinch and resist.

Qin Feng shouted loudly, wielding the Blade of Destiny, releasing a shining light.

Together, they defeated the forces of darkness and protected innocent people.

Chapter 75: The Continuation

of the Adventure, Alina's addition injected new strength and motivation into Qin Feng's team.

Chapter 76: The Interweaving

of Fates

As Qin Feng's team continued their adventure, they came to a mysterious forest.

This forest is known as the Forest of Destiny, and legend has it that there is a magical connection between it and fate.

Deep in the forest, they meet a mysterious goblin named Linna.

Lina has a unique ability to foresee, she can see the clues of fate and the direction of the future.

Qin Feng asked curiously, "Linna, what do you understand fate?" "

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