Linna smiled and replied: "Qin Feng, fate is an intertwined thread that connects everyone's life.

It is inescapable, but we can choose how to face it.

Sometimes we need to bravely chase our destiny, and sometimes we need to deal with challenges wisely.

Qin Feng pondered Linna's words, and he realized that fate was not only predestined, but also required his own efforts and choices.

Chapter 77: The Choice

of Destiny Qin Feng's team decided to stop in the Forest of Destiny to look for clues and answers.

Under Linna's guidance, they discover a mysterious stone tablet filled with ancient texts.

Qin Feng carefully read the words on the stone tablet, and a sense of determination surged in his heart.

He turned to the team and said, "Fate has given us many choices and challenges, but the final decision lies with us.

We must bravely face the test of fate and use wisdom and courage to create our own path.


team members nodded, knowing that their choices would determine the course of their destiny.

Linna smiled and walked to Qin Feng's side and said softly: "Qin Feng, you and your team are destined to be the deciders of fate, and your decisions will affect the fate of the entire world.


Feng held the blade of destiny tightly, and they decided to continue to move forward, challenge the shackles of fate, and pursue their own light and hope.

Chapter 78: Reversal

of Fate Qin Feng's team stepped into the depths of the forest of destiny, and each step was accompanied by challenges and choices.

In a Dangerous

Chapter 79: The Power of Miracles

As Qin Feng's team continues to explore the Forest of

Destiny, they meet a girl named Alina.

Alina is a mysterious character with magical powers who wears a robe that twinkles with starlight.

Qin Feng asked curiously, "Alina, where are you from?" Do you have such special powers?

Alina smiled and replied, "Qin Feng, I come from an isolated interstellar world.

My power comes from the starlight, and I can manipulate the energy of the stars.

I came into the world because I felt the mission of your team, and I believe you can change the course of your destiny.


Feng and his team are full of curiosity and anticipation about Alina's power, and they understand that this mysterious girl will be an important companion in their adventure.

Chapter 80: The Mystery

of Destiny: Alina's addition brings new hope and strength to Qin Feng's team.

They continue to delve into the Forest of Destiny, discovering its secrets.

In a clearing, they discover a huge labyrinth that is said to hide the mystery of fate.

Qin Feng stared at the maze, thinking about how to solve the mystery in it.

Alina quietly walked to his side and said softly: "Qin Feng, fate is an endless labyrinth, and we need to find the right path to uncover the secrets in it.

I can use my astral power to sense the energy fluctuations of the maze and help us find our way to answers.

Qin Feng looked at Alina gratefully, and they began to look for clues in the maze, following Alina's guidance.

After painstaking exploration and the team's cooperation, they finally solve the mystery of the maze and reveal an important clue to fate.

Chapter 81: Fate's Choice

Qin Feng's team came to the depths of the labyrinth, and a mysterious fork in the road appeared in front of them.

Above the fork hangs a huge stone tablet full of ancient texts.

Qin Feng read the

words on the stone

tablet to depict a choice of fate, requiring courage and wisdom to make a decision.

Suddenly, a voice echoed at the fork in the road: "O brave, you have come to the crossroads of fate.

The choice will determine your destiny, but remember that destiny is also a choice.


team's attention was drawn, and they looked in the direction where the sound was coming from and found a mysterious figure standing in the middle of the fork in the road.

The figure was a wise man named Essien.

He possesses profound wisdom and foresight.

Qin Feng walked up to Essien and asked, "Mr. Essien, how should we make the right choice?"

Essien smiled and replied, "Brave, fate is an intricate puzzle, and you are the solvers of fate."

You already have the answer in your heart, just listen to your heart.

Courage and wisdom will guide you on the right path.


Feng's team fell into deep thought, they began to reflect on their goals and values, and in order to protect the peace of the world, they made a decision.

Chapter 82: Qin Feng's team, the guardian

of destiny, decided to choose the path of guarding destiny.

They believe that true peace and happiness can only be brought about by guarding and maintaining the balance of destiny.

Essien nodded approvingly and said, "You have made a wise choice, brave men.

Destiny needs the strength and wisdom of the Guardians to maintain its balance.

You will be the guardians of destiny and have a great mission.


The members of the team feel a solemn and noble sense of responsibility welling up in their hearts.

They understand that they will face significant challenges, but they also believe in their strength and unity.

Essin handed Qin Feng a mysterious talisman and said, "This is the symbol of the guardian, representing your strength and responsibility.

Take it, brave men, and go on your mission.


Feng took the talisman and felt the magical energy contained in it, and their team was destined to become the guardians of destiny and protect the peace and prosperity of the world.

The story will continue, and Qin Feng's team will face greater challenges and the test of fate.

Chapter 83

: Fateful Duel

Qin Feng's team prepares to leave the Forest of Destiny and go to their next destination.

However, suddenly, a mysterious man in black appeared in front of them.

The man in black, named Thurros, is one of the representatives of the dark forces.

His gaze was grim and carried an evil aura.

Thuros laughed mockingly, "Guardians, do you think you can change your destiny? You are just a bunch of ridiculous ants, and fate has long doomed you to failure.

Qin Feng stood in front of his partners and replied with a firm gaze: "Thuros, our strength comes from faith and unity in our hearts.

We believe that no matter what our destiny is, we have the power to change the course of the world.


sneered, waved the dark scepter in his hand, and released a stream of dark energy.

Qin Feng's team is ready to fight, they are clutching their weapons, ready to fight a decisive battle with Thurros, deciding the course of fate.

Chapter 84: The Power of Faith

Qin Feng's team fought a fierce battle with Thurros, and the forces of

darkness and light were intertwined.

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