Qin Feng's team felt a huge increase in their own strength, and they were ready to meet the upcoming battle of destiny.

The words of the prophets echoed in their hearts: "Only your unity and courage can save the world."


They are convinced that if they are united, they can overcome any difficulty.

The battle of destiny is about to begin, and Qin Feng's team is ready to meet the challenge and fight to save the world!

Chapter 58: At

the time of the decisive battle, as the battle of destiny was about to begin, a mysterious female warrior appeared in front of Qin Feng's team.

She was dressed in a silver-white battle robe and held a long sword shining with divine light.

Her name is Elena, she is the guardian of the ancient temple and is prophesied to be called the "Messenger of Light".

Elina's eyes were firm and loving, and she said to Qin Feng's team: "Warriors, I am the messenger chosen by the gods.

I come to help you overcome the forces of evil and protect the peace of the world.


Feng's team felt the divine power emanating from Elena, and they gladly accepted her to join.

Chapter 59: The Duel

of Light and Darkness Alina's addition brought extremely powerful support to Qin Feng's team.

In Battle of Destiny, they engage in a fierce duel with the dark forces.

Dark intrigues and demonic monsters continue to emerge in an attempt to destroy the world.

Qin Feng's team, with Elena's power of light and the courage of everyone, launched a Jedi counterattack against the dark forces.

Their sword light and light are intertwined, and they show unparalleled bravery and determination in battle.

Chapter 60: Victory and Hope

In the fierce battle between Qin Feng's team and the dark forces, they experienced difficult battles and sacrifices, but finally achieved victory.

The forces of darkness were expelled and peace was restored to the world.

Qin Feng's team and Alina stood on the battlefield of victory, clasping hands with each other.

Alina smiled and said to the crowd: "You are true heroes, your courage and unity have triumphed over evil.

The world is reborn because of you.


Feng and his partners were full of pride and satisfaction in their hearts, and they knew that their efforts were not in vain.

The team continues to move forward, they will continue to guard the peace of the world and pursue greater glory and adventure

Chapter 61: The team of new companion

Qin Feng continues their journey, and they come to a mysterious forest.

There, they meet an elf in a green robe.

The elf's name is Kyris, and she is a guardian of the forest with the power to connect with nature.

She said to Qin Feng's team, "I'm already waiting for your arrival, warriors.

Together, we face a new threat, and only by uniting can we protect nature and people.


Feng's team felt the power of nature emanating from Kelis, and they welcomed her to join and decided to fight the new threat together.

Chapter 62: Nature's Fury

With the addition of Kyris, Qin Feng's

team became stronger.

They discover that a new threat comes from a group of vicious vandals who use dark magic to erode the forces of nature and threaten the ecological balance.

Kelis said angrily: "These destroyers are ignoring the balance of nature, they must be stopped!" We want to fight for nature! "

Qin Feng's team fought side by side with Kelis, and they used the power of the artifact and Kelis's natural fury to engage in a fierce battle against the saboteurs.

Chapter 63: Ecological Reconstruction

Qin Feng's team and Kelis's efforts defeated the destroyers and protected the balance of nature.

They witnessed the restoration of ecology, the re-flourishing of vegetation, the clear and turbulent rivers, and the restoration of freedom and tranquility to the animals.

Kelis said to Qin Feng's team, "Thank you for your efforts, warriors.

You have not only protected people, but also nature.

Our mission is not over, let us move on and protect this beautiful world.


Feng and his companions deeply felt the mission and dedication of Kelis, and they decided to continue to fight to protect nature.

Chapter 64: A New Adventure

Qin Feng's team and Kelis embark on a new adventure journey Qin Feng's team and Kelis embark

on a new adventure journey, and they decide to find the long-lost mysterious ruins.

During their journey, they encounter a mysterious traveler named Wren.

Wren is a quick-witted and intelligent thief, but also a man of justice.

Wren said to Qin Feng's team: "I heard that you are looking for lost ruins, and I am full of interest in treasures and adventures.

If you can let me join, I will be your most loyal partner.


Feng's team recognized that Wren's strength and experience would be a great help to their adventure, and gladly accepted Wren's joining.

Chapter 65: The Secret

of the Ruins Qin Feng's team entered the lost ruins with Wren, meeting unknown challenges and secrets.

There are many puzzles and traps hidden in the ruins that require their wit and courage to solve.

As they delved deeper into the ruins, they discovered that ancient civilizations and mysterious powers were preserved here.

In a shrine, they found an ancient stone tablet with mysterious runes carved into it.

Kelis stared at the stone tablet, her eyes flashing with surprise and excitement.

She turned to Qin Feng's team and said, "This stone tablet records an ancient legend that says that there is a legendary artifact hidden in this ruin.

If we can find it, we will gain endless power.


Feng's team and Wren continued their exploration with anticipation, convinced that the mysterious artifact would change their destiny.

Chapter 66: Trials

of Fate Qin Feng's team and Wren continue to search for legendary artifacts in the ruins, facing a series of difficult trials.

Suddenly, a mysterious figure came out of the shadows, he was dressed in a black robe and his face was gloomy.

This man calls himself Yalt, a powerful dark mage who has been searching for artifacts for a long time.

Yalt sneered, "Do you think you can easily find the artifact?" You guys are so naïve.

I'll make you pay! Qin

Feng gripped the hilt of his sword and prepared for a decisive battle with Yalt.

Chapter 67: Duel

of Darkness and Light Qin Feng and Yalt fought a fierce duel.

Their swords and spells are intertwined, and the forces of darkness and light collide with each other.

Kelis unleashes the power of nature, Wren casts the dexterous skills of thieves, and they fully support Qin Feng.

During the battle, Qin Feng gradually felt a powerful force emerging from his heart, and he knew that this was the awakening of the power of fate.

With determination and strength, Qin Feng's sword light became more dazzling, and the power of light burst out with infinite energy.

Chapter 68: The Final Chapter

of Destiny With the blessing of the power of fate, Qin Feng defeated Yalt and expelled him from the ruins.

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