Drake fell to the ground, his physical strength exhausted, but his face was full of respect and gratification: "You proved yourselves

Chapter 47: After the new partner

defeated Drak, Qin Feng's team was ecstatic, and their efforts were finally rewarded.

Just as they were about to leave the Aion Tower, a mysterious figure dressed in black suddenly appeared in front of them.

The mysterious figure slowly pulls down his mask, revealing a young and handsome face, he calls himself Verne.

Verne said: "I am a traveler, I heard about your deeds and wanted to join your team.

I have powerful magical abilities to help you in your adventures.

Qin Feng and the team members exchanged glances with each other, feeling the mysterious aura emanating from Verne, and they gladly accepted Verne's joining.

Chapter 48: A New Journey

Qin Feng's team expands again, and Verne's addition brings them the power of magic and unique skills.

Verne, Elena, Wren and other team members exchanged knowledge of magic and magic, inspired each other, and further improved their strength.

They decide to continue their adventure and explore the wider world in search of new challenges and treasures.

Qin Feng's eyes were firm and said: "We will continue to move forward, constantly break through ourselves, and pursue greater glory."

No matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, we will unite and fight together!

Everyone responded in unison: "Unite and fight together!" We will create our own legend! So

, Qin Feng's team embarked on a new journey, welcoming unknown adventures and glory.

Chapter 49: Meeting the Lost Warrior

On a new journey, Qin Feng's team came to a desolate desert land.

They were about to rest for a moment when they suddenly heard roars and sounds of battle in the distance.

They hurry to the place where the sound came from and find a warrior alone fighting a fierce group of desert monsters.

The warrior is tall and powerful, dressed in shabby armor and armed with an ancient and sharp sword.

His face was filled with vicissitudes and loss.

Qin Feng's team decided to help the warriors, and they fought the monsters and quickly repelled them.

The warrior gasped and looked at Qin Feng's team gratefully: "Thank you for your help."

I am Issing, once a great warrior, but now in loneliness and loss.


50: The Decision to

Rekindle Hope Qin Feng extended a hand to Yi Xin and said kindly: "Yi Xin, you are not alone, we are willing to be your partners and face the adventurous world together.

Find our glory together.


Xin looked at the unity and trust of Qin Feng's team, and a warm feeling surged in his heart.

He knew he had found a new home.

Yi Xin showed a firm smile and squeezed Qin Feng's hand: "Thank you, I am willing to join your team."

We will fight together, rekindle hope, and seek our glory.


The team members have embraced Issing's addition and believe in the power of unity to face any challenge.

Chapter 51: The Power of

New Partners The addition of Yi Xin brings a new power to Qin Feng's team.

He showed extraordinary strength and courage in battle, and his sword skills were as sharp as the wind.

With the help of Yi Xin, Qin Feng's team defeated many powerful enemies, and their prestige and strength gradually expanded.

Issin is also in

the team's chapter fifty-two: the mysterious prophet

Qin Feng's

team continues to move forward, and they come to an ancient temple.

In the depths of the temple, they meet a mysterious prophet.

The prophet is dressed in robes and has a solemn face, and his eyes reveal endless wisdom and mysterious power.

The prophet slowly spoke, "Warriors, your arrival is not accidental.

I foresaw your fate.

You will face a catastrophe that will determine the fate of the world.

Only your unity and courage can save the world.


Feng's team was shocked to hear it, and they knew that their mission was even greater.

Qin Feng asked the prophet to give them guidance, and the prophet solemnly said, "You need to find the lost artifact, it will be the key to your victory over the disaster.

Travel to ancient lands and look for traces of it.


Chapter 53: Trials

in the Ancient Land Qin Feng's team embarked on a journey to the Ancient Land, and they knew it would be a hard trial.

In the Ancient Lands, they encountered dangerous circumstances and powerful guardians.

But they did not flinch, united in the face of challenges.

In a fierce battle, Qin Feng's team successfully defeated the Guardian and finally found the lost artifact.

The artifact emitted powerful energy and seemed to be calling Qin Feng's team.

Chapter 54: Awakening

of Power Qin Feng's team surrounded the lost artifact and felt the mysterious power contained in it.

Suddenly, the artifact emitted a dazzling light, enveloping every member of the team.

Issin felt that his strength had been greatly enhanced, and his swordsmanship was more exquisite and sharp.

Aina's magical abilities reach new heights, and she can manipulate storms and lightning to repel enemies.

Wren's body has become stronger, and his attack and defense power have increased dramatically.

Elena's elemental spells are even more powerful, and she can summon

Chapter 55: Guardian

of the Artifact When the lost artifact unleashes powerful energy, a mysterious portal opens, and a warrior dressed in ornate armor emerges from it.

The warrior is tall and powerful, armed with a giant sword that guards the artifact, and he is the guardian of the artifact, named Seres.

Seres looked at Qin Feng's team with deep eyes: "You have successfully found the lost artifact, which shows your courage and the guidance of destiny.

Now, you must accept my trials and prove that you are worthy of the power of the artifact.


Feng's team accepted Serres' trial without hesitation, and they knew that this was the key to their fate.

Chapter 56: The Test

of Trials Qin Feng's team followed Seres to a mysterious labyrinth, the place of their trials.

The maze is full of traps and problems, and each member must use his wisdom and strength to overcome many difficulties.

In the depths of the labyrinth, they face powerful defenders and require teamwork to defeat them.

Through tenacious efforts and unity, Qin Feng's team finally defeated all the tests of the maze and won Serres's approval.

Chapter 57: Battle

of Destiny, Serres's Excalibur fuses the power of the lost artifact to become an invincible weapon.

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