Qin Feng welcomed Wren: "Wren, your joining will make our team stronger.

We need your strength and wisdom to face the challenges of the future together.

Wren smiled and nodded: "I am willing to fight side by side with you to protect this world from evil forces."


The team members welcomed Wren one after another, knowing that Wren's addition would bring them greater fighting power and support.

Chapter 37: The Continuation

of the Adventure Qin Feng's team gathers again, and they realize that victory is only the end of a phase, and the continuation of the adventure is their mission.

They continue to take on new tasks and face new enemies and challenges.

During a mission, they discover a mysterious underground labyrinth with legends that bury ancient treasures and unknown dangers.

Curious and determined, the team members decided to enter the maze and find out.

Qin Feng said to the team: "This will be an adventure full of unknowns and dangers, but we will never back down.

We will unite as one, support each other and forge ahead.

Team members responded in unison: "We're ready!" Let's embark on a new adventure together! "

Their adventure story continues, searching for unknown treasures and challenges in this mysterious labyrinth.

Chapter 38: The Intertwining

of Fates In the process of exploring the mysterious labyrinth, Qin Feng's team accidentally encountered a mysterious thief named Aina.

Aina is a shrewd and cunning thief with excellent stealth and unlocking skills.

She has a special eye for treasures and treasures.

When Aina saw Qin Feng's team, a smile curled at the corner of her mouth: "It seems that you are also pursuing treasures?" I can join you on adventures and help you find more precious treasures.

Qin Feng hesitated, but finally decided to give Aina a chance.

Qin Feng said to Aina: "If you are really willing to join us, then please put aside your own selfish interests and face the dangers and challenges of adventure with us."

Aina smiled and nodded: "I understand that from now on, I will be part of your team, fighting for a common goal."


39: The Labyrinth's Trials

Qin Feng's team has grown again, and Aina's addition has brought new possibilities to their adventures.

In the maze, they face traps and puzzles, requiring caution and wisdom at every step.

Aina shows off her excellent unlocking skills, unlocking one trap and chain after another.

Team members work together to face trials and challenges in a labyrinth.

They encouraged each other and believed that only together they could overcome difficulties.

In the depths of the labyrinth, they discover a mysterious treasure trove inlaid with countless precious gems and ancient artifacts.

Chapter 40: The Oath

of the Team Standing in front of the treasure house, Qin Feng's team felt incomparably honored and satisfied.

They know that this adventure will not only bring them wealth, but more importantly, the unity and growth of the team.

Qin Feng turned to face the team members and said solemnly: "We have experienced hardships and hardships, but we never give up and never betray.

Our team carries trust and friendship, no matter how dangerous

the adventure ahead is Chapter 41: New Challengers

When Qin Feng's team prepares to leave the treasure house, they suddenly encounter a mysterious warrior named Aaron.

Aaron was tall, wearing a heavy armor and holding a giant sword that shone with cold light.

He had a determined look in his eyes and was clearly an experienced fighter.

Aaron walked towards Qin Feng's team and scanned everyone's eyes: "I heard about your heroic deeds, and I hope to join your team and face new challenges together."

Qin Feng exchanged glances with the team members, they felt the powerful aura emanating from Aaron's body, and they were looking forward to his joining.

Qin Feng said to Aaron: "Welcome to our team, Aaron.

We will fight together to face new adventures and challenges.

Aaron nodded in gratitude: "I will do my best to fight for the team's victory."


Chapter 42: The new trial

Qin Feng's team has expanded again, and Aaron's addition has brought more powerful combat power to their adventure team.

They leave the treasury and move on, facing new trials.

This trial is a huge labyrinth known as the "Aion of Eternity".

According to legend, the tower contains endless treasures and powerful guardians.

The team members are steadfast in their eyes, knowing that only through the trials of the Aion can they obtain greater power and treasure.

Step by step, they climb and face the puzzles and battles inside the tower.

Every layer is full of dangers and trials, but the trust and unity of the team keeps them going.

Chapter 43: Common Struggle

: The trials of the Aion are getting tougher, and the strength and wisdom of the Guardians puts the team under great pressure.

However, Qin Feng's team is closely united, and everyone plays to their strengths and faces challenges together.

Aaron's swordsmanship is unmatched, Aina's wit and cunning, Elena's powerful spells


Chapter 44: The Ultimate Battle

In the deepest part of the Aion Tower, Qin Feng's team meets the most powerful guardian - a giant warrior named Drak.

Drake is tall and powerful, holding a giant axe and muscular hair.

He is the ultimate guardian of the Aion and protects the ultimate treasure inside the tower.

Qin Feng's team faced Drake, and everyone's hearts were full of tension and excitement.

Qin Feng stared at Drake and said firmly: "Drake, we are not here to compete for treasure, but to prove our courage and strength.

Please accept our challenge!

Drake was silent for a moment, and then let out a deafening war roar: "In that case, I will accept your challenge and see if you are worthy of the ultimate treasure!" "

Chapter 45: The Power of Unity

, Drake's attack was extremely fierce, and his axe swept across, each swing carrying the power of


However, Qin Feng's team showed amazing tacit understanding and unity.

Wren wields his twin swords in fierce hand-to-hand combat with Drake, and Aina nimbly dodges and looks for opportunities to attack.

Aaron's greatsword and Drak's giant axe interweave into a spectacular sword-light axe shadow, while Elena transforms into an elemental mage, unleashing powerful flames and frost.

Qin Feng commanded the team with his wisdom and strategy, giving full play to everyone's strengths and trying his best to defuse Drake's attack.

Their unity and trust have enabled them to transcend individual limitations and become an invincible force.

Chapter 46: The Glory

of Victory After a fierce battle, Qin Feng's team finally defeated Drake and achieved victory.

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