But the military has already seen that Sanduo is not suitable for being a soldier...

There were only a few options for dialogue, and Pi thought that he had a good conversation with this soldier.

But unfortunately, the serviceman said that he was not suitable for the army.

This made Pi stunned.

"I play a game and you say I'm not suitable? What is right for me? In

the game, Sanduo's father angrily chases Sanduo with a bench, like prey.

Sanduo did not dare to stop, running desperately, his face full of sweat and horror.

The wind in the woods rustled the leaves, as if praying for Sanduo.

Sanduo finally ran to the top of the mountain, and through the gap between the branches, he could see the village in the distance.

He took a few deep breaths before deciding to return.

He didn't dare to imagine how long he could run under his father's angry pursuit, but he didn't want to give up.

This is how he developed his running skills since he was a child.

He returned to his father, who was very happy.

Because the speed of Sanduo's running was very satisfactory to him.

His endurance was excellent and his body was exhausted, but he did not dare to stop and rest.

He knew that only by persevering could he have a chance to become a soldier.

The soldiers saw it in their eyes and secretly marveled in their hearts.

The child's willpower is very strong, and he struggles relentlessly, no matter how many difficulties and tribulations he encounters.

He can be a real fighter, a man worthy of respect.

But unfortunately, his personality was not suitable for being a soldier.

In the game, Sanduo's excellent running skills made Pi Shu couldn't help but be awe-inspiring.

The sky is blue, the breeze blows, and the grass sways with the wind.

Sanduo has no sports equipment, and the worn cloth shoes under his feet look very professional.

But he is graceful, his steps steady, his every step is accurate and lightning fast.

His hair fluttered in the wind, his eyes focused and determined, as if he was pursuing some important goal.

His sweat drips with his run, reflecting his unremitting efforts and tenacity.

Pi was attracted by Sanduo's running skills, and he noticed that Sanduo landed just right every time, and every breath was regular, as if he was pursuing a perfect state.

His movements are well coordinated and every part of his body works together to present a beautiful dynamic beauty.

His face is full of confidence and determination, as if to tell the world that he can overcome all difficulties.

"Netizens, with this skill, how can you conquer this soldier, Sanduo can become a soldier."

"I don't believe that I don't even have the qualifications to be a soldier to play a game, he will not be convinced, I will continue to operate and let Sanduo race with him."

Pi Shi said with a smug smile while playing the game.

The majority of netizens have also expressed their opinions...

"It's really good, you can see that his physical condition is good."

"This physique can also be a qualified soldier, right?"

"How do I think Sanduo is good?"

"What are you looking at? Can this also be a soldier? "

IQ and EQ are not enough, right?"

"I don't think he's fit to be a soldier, sincerely."

"Can't be, Pi Shhh

"Just the performance of Sanduo now, can't be done."

"Pi Shhh, if I enter the plot of the game, I feel that under my operation, Sanduo has a chance of becoming a soldier."

"Pi Shhh, your cheers, if Sanduo can't become a soldier, then your game will fail."

"It wouldn't be an immediate failure, would it? Then I think this game is quite difficult. Pi

Shi is also a little panicked now, especially after seeing the comments of the majority of netizens.

Qin Feng, who was standing behind watching the live broadcast, had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Indeed, the game he designed is like this, if Sanduo does not end up being a soldier, then the result is that the game fails.

But this is still far from failure, because there is still a plot that has not been completed.

Pi's heart pounded, and he became more and more panicked, because if he failed, it would be a shame.

He knew in his heart that the number of people watching his live broadcast on the whole network had reached 10 million, which was unprecedented.

As a big streamer, his game experience was eliminated in less than an hour, which had a great impact on him.

At this time, behind him is a colorful background, the game screen is displayed on the big screen, his fingers are jumping quickly on the keyboard, his brows are locked, and fine beads of sweat have oozed from his forehead.

His lips pursed slightly, his breathing was rapid, and his whole person was anxious.

There was a loud noise in the venue, like a group of people shouting and cheering, which made Pi Shuo's mood even more nervous.

He felt that the clothes on his body were a little wet, and it seemed that cold sweat penetrated his clothes.

He swallowed hard and tried to concentrate and concentrate on the game.

His fingers were like butterflies that fluttered and clicked on the keyboard.

As time passed, the game progressed more and more smoothly.

A smile finally appeared on his face, and his mood gradually calmed down.

However, he knows that this is only a temporary victory, and there are more challenges waiting for him.

He clutched his mouse and prepared for the next challenge, determined to use his best condition to complete the game in one-tenth of the progress.

However, the soldier still refused Sanduo, he said embarrassedly.

"Sorry, being a soldier is not the only way out."

This sentence also means that Sanduo will lose the opportunity to become a soldier.

This made Pi Shuo's heart suddenly cool by half, he knew that he had lost again, and he had lost to these tens of millions of netizens.

This made him so frustrated that he even felt the pain and frustration of failure.

At this time, the audience's reaction was not too enthusiastic.


"Another pity child."

"At a young age, he can't even pass the soldier exam, it's a pity..."

"But his skills are really good, if he can become a soldier, he must be much better than being an ordinary soldier."

"But isn't it a little early to become a soldier at such a young age?"

"That's true, but I like it, this kid is really spiritual!"

The audience's evaluation of Sanduo was mixed, after all, Sanduo's situation is relatively rare.

Pi Shu's mood fell to the bottom, and he was a little discouraged.

At this time, he suddenly heard a crisp system prompt sound in his ears.

"Sanduo is being beaten, and it seems that there is still a chance."

"Huh?" Pi was stunned, and decadent, he straightened his waist again and continued to play, and

in the game, there was a wail,

because Sanduo's father was beating him.

Pi Shi still chose not to fight back.

Everyone didn't expect Pi Shu's temper to be so good.

Instead, Sister Zhou, who was watching the live broadcast, shook her head, and he muttered in his mouth.

"If it were me, I would choose not to go down the path of becoming a soldier, but I would see what he can experience in the future."

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