The soldier returned, because he felt uncomfortable when he saw Sanduo being beaten.

When the soldier enters the yard, he will dry a bowl of wine.

"Sanduo is a good boy, now the army is different."

"His temperament is difficult to adapt to the changes in the army, which means that he has to come back with too many things."

"Instead of this, going out of the mountain village to come back will get more rewards."

"I support Sanduo to go out of the mountain village and fight outside, although I don't like Sanduo's father, but I think Sanduo deserves my respect."

"Anyway, the name Sanduo is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

The audience in the live broadcast room also agreed with Sanduo going out to work, after all, Sanduo is a good boy.

"That's right, life in the barracks is hard, eating, drinking, and sleeping together, isn't it very tiring?"

"However, people like Sanduo, once they step into the army, it will be a clear spring in the army."

The audience was talking a lot, and Pi Qiao's mood was finally a little better.

"Come on Sanduo! You can do it!

Sanduo's heart warmed as he listened to the words of the barrage.

Although he has just suffered unfair treatment, with the encouragement of the audience, Pi Shu is revived and ready to take on new challenges.

Sanduo's father completely annoyed the soldiers.

He shouted, "I want it, I want your son."

"You can beat your son, but not later, because he will be my soldier in the future."

The soldier's words ignited the blood in Pi Shuo's heart, his eyes lit up with flames, and his eyes were firm and full of confidence.

In his mind, the military man is the most heroic, fearless, and respectable profession.

Pi Shu slowly stood up, his hands clenched into fists, and his body trembled slightly.

He felt as if he had become a real warrior, ready for any challenge.

He took a deep breath and then shouted, "I'm a soldier!"

At this time, he felt a breeze behind him, as if a flying flag was flying.

He turned his head and saw a huge national flag, hanging high among the blue sky and white clouds, as if to show him the strength and glory of the motherland.

Pi Qiao's heart was full of pride and excitement, and he deeply felt the responsibility and mission of being a soldier.

He raised his arm, as if to swear to the motherland: "I will do my best to defend the tranquility and prosperity of the motherland!" On

his face, an expression of determination and determination could be seen, and his eyes flashed with courage and determination.

He knows that even in the face of great difficulties and challenges, he will not flinch and forge ahead.

"It worked!" Pi shouted, "I didn't lose! His

voice was filled with joy and confidence, and he felt that he had achieved a real victory.

He knows that he is now a soldier, his life will have more challenges and opportunities, and he will fight for the glory and future of the motherland with firmer faith and action!

"The game continues!" Pi shouted, "I still have more way to go!" His

words were full of determination and perseverance, and he knew that no matter how many difficulties and challenges lay ahead, he would forge ahead and never give up!

"I'm a soldier!" Pi Zhao raised his hands and paid his highest respect to the huge national flag in the sky.

He knew that he had embarked on a new path in life, one that would be full of thorns and bumps.

But he also knows that with faith and courage, he will be able to overcome all difficulties and become a true hero!

Although it was a game, it somehow made him excited.

The majority of netizens are the same, they look forward to the progress behind this game.

"Dig, this soldier is too handsome,"

"Collected more than three?"

"Why do I think he's drinking too much?"

"No, I remember that there was a plot earlier, saying that this officer has a vicious eye, and he is more accurate than the company commander to see people."

"Yes, he thinks Sanduo is good, but he will work exponentially harder than others,"

"Let's wait to see Sanduo's joke!"

"I bet five cents, and in the end more than three were eliminated."

"Oh, I'll bet ten dollars."

"I pressed a hundred dollars, and three more can last until the end."


audience in the live broadcast room discussed, but the live broadcast room was very lively.

Many people are brushing the screen, hoping that Pi Shu can win, and also hope that Pi Shu can stick to the end, and some people even throw money directly.

In the room, the barrage rolls and is very lively.


"Awesome! Skinny wins! When

Pi saw these barrages, his heart warmed, although these people were fake fans.

"I'll definitely stick to it!" Pi Shu clenched his fists, his mood had adjusted.

Then Pi started a new challenge, and the more he played, the more excited he became.

Sanduo's admission made their family very happy.

But the soldier said to Sanduo: "Don't think that it is a good thing that you become a soldier, you have to work several times harder than others."

"I hope you stick to it."

After Sanduo's father saw all this, he showed a relieved expression.

"Thank you, I will definitely stick to it!" Sanduo said firmly.

In Sanduo's heart, he had already prepared for it.

Since he has embarked on this road, he must go down step by step, even if the road ahead is bumpy and bumpy, he will have the courage to step into an unknown future.

The servicemen left.

Sanduo has to wait at home for a while.

Pi Shi controls the character of Sanduo to walk on the path of his hometown.

The road is lined with green rice paddies, and the ears of rice sway as the breeze blows.

On the hill in the distance, rows of fragrant osmanthus trees fill the entire village with a fresh breath.

Sanduo's character wears a simple peasant dress with an innocent smile on his face.

He stepped on the dirt in the rice fields along the path, feeling the breath of nature, as if returning to the world of his childhood.

On the side of the road, an old grandmother is setting up a stall with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables with a tempting aroma.

Sanduo's character stopped, chatted with the grandmother, bought some fresh fruit, and continued along the path.

From time to time on the road, some villagers will pass by, and they all greet Sanduo's character in a friendly manner.

Some work in the fields, some bask in the sun at the doorstep, some chat at the intersection, and life is dull and beautiful.

After walking for a while, the character of Sanduo came to the small river.

The water is crystal clear and the riverside is covered with grass and wildflowers.

He crouched down and reached out to pick up the river, and the cool feeling made him happy.

Suddenly, a small bird flew down from the branch and stopped on the shoulder of the character of Sanduo.

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