Sunlight shone through the treetops and fell on the face of an old man who was on crutches in one hand and slapping his knees with the other, looking expectantly at the entrance of the village.

At the same time, a puppy jumps happily beside him, wagging its tail incessantly.

Suddenly, a dull engine sounded, and the jeep slowly drove into the village.

In the car sat two military men, armed with weapons, vigilantly scanning the surroundings.

The car stopped in the square in the middle of the village, and the soldiers quickly got out of the car.

When the people in the village saw the military vehicle, they were a little panicked and overwhelmed.

A young mother holds her child tightly, her heart filled with fear.

An old man stood silently at the door, looking at the military vehicle, his eyes full of doubts.

The puppy ran to the military vehicle, sniffed the wheel carefully, and then ran to the soldiers, wagging its tail to show goodwill.

The nervousness and vigilance on the faces of the soldiers relaxed slightly when they saw the puppy, and they realized that this was a calm village without any danger.

Life in the village gradually returned to calm, the old people began to chat leisurely, the children played in the square, and the puppy ran back to the old man and continued to accompany him.

The soldier walked towards a family in the village, which caused many onlookers.

The child of the village chief's family is called Chengcai.

The soldier straightened his uniform and entered the yard.

He came with a mission this time to see if these children were military material.

The boys in the village were very enthusiastic and kept giving smoke to the soldiers.

Not only that, but also asked questions about the east, which made the military very embarrassed.

Pi Shy in the game also began to get busy.

Because he was rushing to the village chief's house, his father kept whipping on it.

Sanduo desperately stepped on the accelerator, and the tractor rattled and sped across the dirt road in the countryside.

The fields on the side of the road were dusted by the dirt turned up by the tractor, as if blown by a gust of wind.

Suddenly, a small bird flew up from the branches, flapped its wings and flew towards the sky.

Sanduo's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt the beauty of this season.

He looked up, the sky was blue, the turquoise rice paddies shone in the sun, the mountains in the distance were clearly defined, and everything was so fresh and bright.

His father kept urging him from above, and Sanduo held the steering wheel, but his heart was a little reluctant.

This land is where he grew up, there are his footprints in every corner, and he loves this land deeply.

He parked the tractor on the side of the road, got out of the car and walked into the field, he bent down, picked up a handful of dirt, and sniffed deeply, his heart full of emotion.

He returned to the tractor and said to his father with a determined look.

"Dad, I don't want to leave here, I want to stay."

His father's eyes were very sharp, "You kid really talks a lot of nonsense, hurry up and drive, the chief will leave when it's late." After

saying that, he kicked two more feet in the ass of Sanduo.

The village chief's house.

The soldiers began to ask why Chengcai was quite PLA.

Chengcai's answer is like memorizing lines.

Sanduo's father walked into the courtyard and ignored the village chief, looking at the village chief's son with even more contempt.

Because how this Chengcai bullied his child when he was young, he can clearly remember.

Not material for being a soldier at all.

Sanduo's father glanced at the soldier and turned away.

This made the military stunned.

Back at home, Sanduo's father arranged for his eldest son to buy wine and meat, and the second son tried everything to leave the soldiers to eat.

This is all for the sake of his third son and the future of Sanduo.

Although he is a simple farmer, he understands everything very well.

"Still going to the teacher for lines?" Pi Shi was surprised while operating the game.

"Isn't this studying at the village chief's house?" Pi Shi chooses the manuscript option that will not be written by the teacher.

Not only that, the teacher in the village was disappointed, because the teacher thought that Sanduo was a good seedling for learning.

In addition, Sanduo is not suitable for being a soldier, at least so the teacher thinks.

The village chief and the soldiers came to the front of the three gates, and they were greeted by a strong smell of farmland.

They stepped into the yard and saw a dirt house with several green plants growing on the roof.

The yard is full of farm tools, including iron hoes, sickles, hoes, etc., each of which reveals the owner's farming life.

This yard has obviously been in business for a long time, and generally rural areas use wooden planks to build a simple shed, and then plant food on it, due to the limited conditions, only a wall can be built with stones to prevent mosquito invasion, so that even in winter, there will be no rain.

This is obviously not the case in Sanduo's home today, which is made of brick and cement, and although it is relatively simple, it is very strong.

The military man was very satisfied with the home, not only spacious, but also clean.

Then the servicemen walked into the courtyard.

The sun was shining in the yard, the breeze was blowing, and the leaves were rustling.

Sanduo's second brother stood in the courtyard, looking into the distance, looking forward to his father's early return.

At this time, Sanduo's eldest brother was busy cooking, and a burst of aroma came from the kitchen.

With a smile on his cheeky face, he crouched in front of the stove, taking care of every detail.

He is skillful in cutting vegetables and mixing seasonings.

Dishes with great color and aroma are cooked under his hand, which is mouthwatering.

The soldier looked at the busy figure of his eldest brother, and his heart felt both warm and a little distressed.

At this time, a small bird flew over and stopped on a branch in the yard.

It spreads its wings and admires the surrounding scenery, as if waiting for something.

The atmosphere in the courtyard became more harmonious, and it seemed that everyone and everything was waiting for that great moment.

Xu Sanduo stepped into the house and saw a soldier standing in the room, his head kept down, as if thinking about something.

His back is clearly reflected by a landscape painting hanging on the wall, depicting mountains towering into the clouds, like a fairyland.

When Xu Sanduo stepped on the wooden floor, he made a faint creaking sound, as if breaking the thinking of a soldier.

He raised his head and looked at Xu Sanduo, with a hint of confusion and panic in his eyes.

"Hello, I'm . . . The

soldier's voice was low and steady, like a clear spring, which made people feel refreshed.

Before he could finish his words, Sanduo's father pulled him to the chair.

However, Xu Sanduo has always kept his head down and dared not see people, and his personality is destined to make him like this.

This is something that Pi Shi can't operate.

The same was true in the dining room, Sanduo only cared about burying his head in eating, and did not dare to raise his head at all.

Although the old father kept introducing his son.

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