"Uh-huh, thanks."

After Sister Zhou finished speaking, she turned off the live broadcast.

After turning off the camera, she breathed a long sigh of relief, and her heart was full of happiness.

No one has ever cared about her so much, and it's a great feeling to even ask other fans to help her do her job better.

She liked Qin Feng, but what she knew, the two of them did not come to fruition.

Because Qin Feng is a person who is busy with public welfare.

However, now there is an opportunity to stand beside Qin Feng and accompany him to fight together.

Sister Zhou's heart was sweet.

"Qin Feng, do you think my hometown is really suitable for tourism? Will there really be income to donate? Sister

Zhou was still not sure.

Qin Feng smiled indifferently, patted Sister Zhou's shoulder, and said gently.

"Don't worry, this matter is wrapped up in me, and I promise to benefit everyone immensely."

"Thank you." Sister Zhou's eyes were moist and she looked at Qin Feng gratefully.

"Thank me for what I do, this is what should have been done, and I also need your help, your live broadcast room is very hot, which is also helpful for promoting the farm."

"And I think the feedback from these visitors is pretty good, they like your live stream."

A smile appeared at the corner of Qin Feng's mouth, "You should know that the game of love home itself is very attractive and very hot, how can it not be successful in terms of popularity?"

After Sister Zhou heard these words, her heart was also full of confidence.

"Well, I'll do my best! Strive to let more people like this game, let more people know the game of love home, let more people like to go home, respect the elderly at home and be filial to them.!

"That's right."

After Qin Feng encouraged him, he went to the side to check the information.

After a month, Sister Zhou's hometown tourism construction was completed, and even added some elements in the game.

This shocked netizens who came here to travel.

The simple villagers and simple painting style make Sister Zhou's hometown have a good reputation.

More and more people

are coming to travel.

This also caused Sister Zhou's live broadcast room to explode every day.

That night, it was the peak of popularity in the live broadcast room.

"Guys, today is my birthday, so please give me a gift."

Sister Zhou sat in front of the camera and said with a rosy face.

She is 23 years old this year, has been a professional anchor for three years, did not make a single mistake, smoothly advanced, and promoted all the way, winning the title of goddess in the anchor circle.

However, Sister Zhou never confessed to any boy.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Sister Zhou is just a single aristocrat.

Tonight, Sister Zhou deliberately wore a set of simple casual clothes, looking young and beautiful.

The live broadcast room exploded instantly, and the barrage rolled quickly.

"Happy birthday to Sister Zhou~ I wish Sister Zhou always beautiful!"

"Happy birthday to Sister Zhou..."

One after another barrage seemed to flash over, and Sister Zhou smiled and accepted everyone's blessings.

"Today, Sister Zhou wants to sing a song, I hope everyone will give Sister Zhou a thumbs up." Sister Zhou blinked her eyes playfully, "This song is called "Happy Birthday", after I finish singing, I will send a big super fire."

After Sister Zhou said this, the audience in the entire live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

"Wow! There is a big super fire! Sister Zhou v587! "

Sister Zhou, come on!"

Sister Zhou, who was originally very popular, made her even more popular because of the blessing of the love home game.

Now there is tourism in her hometown, which makes her the number one anchor on the entire network.

The money obtained from tourism not only allowed her family to live a good life, but also brought great help to the nursing home.

Sister Zhou unreservedly donated the money she earned to the nursing home, not only that, but the game also attracted the attention of the state.

People from all over the country have taken leave to go home to visit the elderly.

As a result, traffic congestion and overcrowding at train stations and bus stations far exceeded the number of people returning home during the Spring Festival.

"This game is very good, we should give more support and encouragement to such game companies."

In the office, a middle-aged man in a suit said in a deep voice, his tone was serious, and he was not angry.

Sitting below, the heads of departments large and small expressed their views.

"I think they should give the green light to game companies and have power to support everything they do."

"That's why it's a company that makes public welfare games, and we deserve our help."

Below, almost all the leaders support the game company.

The middle-aged man nodded, "In that case, the government department will come forward and talk to this game company to see if it can give them policy support."

After the middle-aged man's words fell, applause and echoing voices immediately sounded below.

At the same time, Qin Feng was busy cooking at home, when the phone suddenly rang.

After answering the phone, Qin Feng didn't even care about eating and ran to the computer to check the information.

Because he was told on the phone that as long as he did public welfare games, then all conditions were for help.

This made Qin Feng more determined to make a game with a long story and a variety of choices.

He wants to promote public welfare games.

"Although the world is technologically advanced, people lack awareness of public welfare."

"The game I created this time must change their perception."

"I believe that under the influence of public welfare games, they will be able to grow into stronger human beings."

Qin Feng muttered.

The game Love Home has changed too many people and changed their perception of the elderly.

It has also changed the environment of the nursing home and the elderly inside.

Whether it is spiritual or material, they have reached the attention of the majority of netizens.

The popularity of the game is on the rise.

Abroad, this game is just as popular.

The response is no different from that in China.

The game completely changes the player's perception of the elderly at home, making people feel pity for such old people, and they are willing to give more kindness.

The popularity of this game is far more exaggerated than expected.

As the popularity of the game grew, other game companies gradually expanded the game project.

And it is also a series of new types of games that are very interesting and very much in line with the psychology of the old people.

Under the impact of this game, many elderly people who were originally elderly at home were attracted and wanted to see it.

Qin Feng, on the other hand, is concentrating on the production plan of the new game at home, striving to make the game better, so as to better attract fans.

This leads to better social responses.


Fast forward to the game's open beta for a month.

In the past two months, the game has become more and more popular.

And the name Qin Feng is also spreading farther and farther, and more and more people know this game and like this game.

Many people regard it as an inspirational story.

Now, in addition to paying attention to the hot spots in society every day, Qin Feng basically soaks in making games.

Because he has already chosen the subject matter.

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