Even the number of Qin Feng's fans soared instantly.

On this day, the three of them had a full life in the nursing home.

The relationship between Qin Feng and Sister Zhou has also become more and more harmonious.

The two of them seem to be very compatible with each other, whether it is the three views or whatever.

There was even some affection for each other.

Sister Zhou always had a defensive attitude towards Qin Feng from the beginning, and now she treats Qin Feng like her own brother.

Qin Feng's attitude towards Sister Zhou also changed a lot, and he regarded Sister Zhou as a friend.

"Qin Feng, you are really powerful, I really envy you."

Qin Feng shook his head: "This is nothing. Sister

Zhou blinked her beautiful big eyes: "I also want to learn to make games."

"You, just do a good live broadcast and help me publicize it well." Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Oh!" Sister Zhou pouted, a little displeased.


That evening, Sister Zhou received a call.

After hanging up the phone, her expression became solemn.

"What's wrong?" Qin Feng asked.

"The company called me to continue the game live broadcast, but I want to go back to my hometown to see it."

Sister Zhou's tone revealed a deep worry.

Qin Feng's brows furrowed, and then jokingly teased: "How about I accompany you back to your hometown to take a look?"

"Nope! Absolutely not! Sister Zhou immediately refused: "You are a public figure, in case you are photographed by paparazzi, you will be affected."

"Don't worry, it'll be fine." Qin Feng shrugged and said, "Let's go, I'll send you over." Sister

Zhou hesitated for a long time, and finally agreed to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng personally drove Sister Zhou back to her hometown.

Speechless all the way.

Soon arrived at hometown.

It's a mountainous area, and the mountains here are undulating.

Sister Zhou's parents have passed away long ago, and she has lived here alone for a long time.

Sister Zhou's physical condition is not good, because of anemia, her physical fitness is not good, and her spirit is also very poor.

Qin Feng accompanied her to a small dilapidated cottage.

There is a bed in the house, as well as a computer.

The environment here is really similar to the environment of the game grandmother's house.

Sister Zhou turned on the computer and started the live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast started, countless people poured in.

"Wow, is this Sister Zhou?"

"Sister Zhou's appearance is really high!"

"Yes, Sister Zhou is so beautiful!"

"Haha, is Sister Zhou going to marry like this?"

"Who to marry?" Could it be some rich second generation? "


"Welcome to this live broadcast room, guess where I am today?."

Sister Zhou introduced herself straight to the point, she was wearing a set of sportswear, her face was wearing light makeup, and the whole person looked young and beautiful.

Qin Feng also changed his clothes, and his dress was much more ordinary than Sister Zhou.

But the aura emanating from his body made everyone around him can't help but look sideways.


"This man is so handsome!"

"yes, it's the first time I've seen someone look so good."

"I feel that this person is a good match with Sister Zhou, and they are really right standing together."

The barrage flew, all praising Sister Zhou and Qin Feng.


At this moment, Sister Zhou in front of the live broadcast room coughed lightly.

"Everyone, please change the topic, at present, Qin Feng and I are just ordinary friends."

"I hope everyone can respect me and don't speculate."

Hearing Sister Zhou's words, Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then his smile was slightly bitter.

Sister Zhou is just a friend to him.

They are not of the same type.

Qin Feng looked at the camera, he smiled and waved his hand to the camera: "Hello everyone, my name is Qin Feng." The

audience in the live broadcast room shushed Qin Feng and asked warmly.

"Falling in love delays the production of games, President Qin troubles you to do public welfare games, thank you."

"President Qin, did you take it for Sister Zhou?"

"We support you, Sister Zhou is so good-looking, you have to cherish it!"

"Upstairs +10086."

"I see that Sister Zhou is very good, and President Qin is just right."


When Sister Zhou saw this scene, her cheeks turned red and she lowered her head shyly.

"Everyone, everyone be quiet, I'm going back to my hometown, the countryside."

Sister Zhou hurriedly said, she was afraid that everyone would anger Qin Feng if they continued to chat.

The live broadcast room suddenly fell silent.

"Everyone knows my situation, aren't you curious about my hometown."

A trace of grief appeared on Sister Zhou's face: "My parents are dead, leaving me alone in this world." "

I'm used to this place, and I don't want to leave."

"Everyone has worked hard during this time, thank you for your support."

Sister Zhou handed the microphone to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took a deep breath: "I also hope to share the fruits of my labor with you."

"You know, the scenery here, the house is very similar to the game."

"Also, have you noticed that the air here is fresh?"

"There are also the ingredients here, the meat is tender, and it can strengthen the body after eating."

"And this pond, which has fish, shrimp, crabs, crabs, and crabs, and yellow eels and catfish."

"The air here smells fresher and better than in the city."


The live broadcast effect was very good, and after Qin Feng finished explaining, the barrage in the live broadcast room brushed the screen wildly.

"Wow! Are these all true?

"The anchor is awesome, we can't eat that kind of meat in our whole lives!"

"It's like heaven here!"

"We all want to see you live fishing."


"The place is beautiful." Sister Zhou praised: "The water here is still the taste after hours. Looking

at the popularity of the live broadcast room, Qin Feng had an idea.

That is to do a rural tour here, after all, it is very suitable for the scene of the game.

A portion of the income goes to the poor villagers, and the rest is donated.

He believes that the Love Home game is so popular right now.

It will definitely bring a lot of tourists here.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng said to Sister Zhou: "I want to make a rural tourism plan here, what do you think?" "

Rural tourism plans? This one can have! Sister Zhou nodded and said, "If this project is successful, we will definitely be able to make a lot of money, and then we can give this money to the nearby villagers, and donate the rest!" "

The two people's ideas coincide.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also felt that this matter was very reliable.

"I raise my hands in favor of this plan."

"Yes, this kind of good deed must be supported!"


"Support Sister Zhou's family to participate in this project."

"I will seriously consider everyone's suggestions."


"I'll go wash first, and when I'm rested, I'll come back tomorrow."

Sister Zhou said to the live broadcast room.

"Okay, look forward to Sister Zhou's return."

"Sister Zhou, I wish you all the best."

"Please Sister Zhou, please please."

"Sister Zhou, you must do a live broadcast in the mountain village, I will definitely go to the scene."


the audience in the live broadcast room expressed their blessings one after another.

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