The inspiration for this theme came from seeing a self-media report on the Internet.

It says that there has been a recent conscription, but today's young people are simply reluctant to become soldiers.

They would rather work at home than go to the army.

And Qin Feng felt that his childhood dream was to be a soldier!

It's a pity that I didn't become a candidate later for various reasons.

This is the regret of his life.

Qin Feng's heart surged with a strong sense of soldierhood, and he couldn't imagine why today's young people were unwilling to become soldiers and contribute their strength to the country and the people.

His gaze fell on the computer screen, searching for information about the military.

Suddenly, a video caught his eye.

In the video, a group of soldiers in military uniforms are undergoing rigorous training, their figures are strong and powerful, as if everyone is as indestructible as steel.

Qin Feng couldn't help but sigh, this was his dream, to become a soldier and dedicate his strength to the country and the people.

He decided to create a military-themed game so that more people could understand and respect the duties and courage of soldiers.

Qin Feng's fingers flew on the keyboard, and he was immersed in the world of game making.

This was the initial work, and he needed to make the main framework of the game before he could give it to the studio below.

He wanted the game to be accessible to everyone, because he believed that everyone should understand the duties and contributions of military personnel.

He decided to improve the game's settings to give players a deeper understanding of military life.

Let them feel the perseverance and courage of a soldier.

Qin Feng's heart was full of motivation and passion.

He decided to make this game more detailed and realistic, so that every player can feel the glory and responsibility of a soldier.

Qin Feng felt that it was urgent to make games, otherwise this kind of atmosphere of not loving to be a soldier would be very bad.

Because the recruitment work is very difficult now, it is completely different from more than ten years ago.

Now that they are young, they are very reluctant to become soldiers, and Qin Feng has not done an investigation, and it is not clear what causes these young people to be reluctant to go.

But Qin Feng smelled a crisis.

Qin Feng has been exposed to all aspects of knowledge since he was a child, and he understands that this situation occurs because of the changes of the times, and most people have become resistant to becoming soldiers.

Qin Feng felt that if this development continued, it would definitely become more and more difficult to find suitable young people to join the army in the future.

And he is a person who likes to innovate, and he wants to make more young people realize that soldiers are worthy of respect and worthy of being admired and admired by people through such a game.


"Dingdong-" The

doorbell rang, waking Qin Feng.

He quickly stopped typing on the keyboard, picked up the tissue on the side and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then got up and walked to the door.


Qin Feng opened the door and asked.

Standing outside was Xu Sheng from the studio.

"President Qin, have you seen the forum?"

"What post?"

"You better see for yourself!"

Xu Sheng said with a complicated expression, then took a step back and put the computer under his nose.

Qin Feng opened the computer browser suspiciously and saw the hot topic of discussion in the forum.

"What's going on?"

Qin Feng looked confused.

"It's been a month, no new games?"

"Qian donkey skills are poor?"

"Is Qin Feng a ticket? How come there hasn't been a hint of a new game lately?

"President Qin, we want to play games, especially new kind of public welfare games."

"President Qin, you haven't sent a message for a month, are you holding back a big move?"

After reading this post, Qin Feng suddenly cried and laughed, what is going on?

How do these guys know that I'm holding back? Where do I look like a big move?

Qin Feng was helpless.

"President Qin, you plan to sit down..."

Qin Feng beckoned Xu Sheng to sit down, "I plan to make a new game, and it is also a game, and players can choose the plot independently when they experience." "

That's a lot of work." Xu Sheng frowned worriedly.

Although he also knew that Qin Feng was not only a person who loved public welfare, he was also an excellent programmer and even a programming master.

But he still didn't quite believe it, after all, Qin Feng had already produced a blockbuster work.


Qin Feng nodded, this is indeed an extremely cumbersome matter.

And this game was created by himself.

"Then President Qin, what did your first draft look like?"

"Military theme, you come and take a look." After Qin Feng finished speaking, he brought Xu Sheng to his computer.

Xu Sheng carefully looked at the picture drawn by Qin Feng, and he opened his mouth slightly: "This, this is the design drawing of the game?" "

He was a little shocked.

He had seen the blueprints of the game, but he had never seen such beautiful and aesthetic blueprints.

This is no ordinary game blueprint!

Xu Sheng looked at Qin Feng in front of him, this boss in front of him was really powerful.

"Yes, this game is called Army. My design idea is to build it in the form of a soldier, and I hope to make the image of a soldier more fleshy in the world of the game. Qin Feng said.

Xu Sheng nodded, agreeing with Qin Feng's point of view.

At this time, Qin Feng suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Xu Sheng, help me check and see who doesn't like to be a soldier, or who doesn't want to be a soldier."


Xu Sheng was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand why he suddenly mentioned this matter.

"President Qin, is this helpful in making our game? Or is there a connection between this?

Qin Feng nodded, he told Xu Sheng what he had just thought, and said his inference.

"President Qin, you mean..."

"It would be a very good thing if everyone could know the honor and responsibility of the army."

Xu Sheng nodded, indicating that he understood Qin Feng's thoughts.

Qin Feng said: "Xu Sheng, help me collect this relevant information." After all,

only by grasping the reasons why these young people do not want to become soldiers can we make corresponding countermeasures in the game.

Xu Sheng promised to turn around and leave, and Qin Feng continued to bury his head in the computer.

Xu Sheng quickly sorted out the archive of the database for Qin Feng, and Qin Feng quickly flipped through the data at a glance.

According to the information provided by Xu Sheng, Qin Feng learned about the background and personality of these people, etc.

The information was very detailed, more accurate than his own investigation.

"Xu Sheng, you did a good job, I will treat you this time." Qin Feng praised, secretly glad that he had met a good subordinate.

"Thank you, President Qin." Xu Sheng smiled shyly.

"You go out first, I'll talk when I'm busy."


After Xu Sheng went out, Qin Feng went to work.

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