Sister Zhou: "Brother Qin, where are you?" I want to meet you.

Qin Feng: "I'm near your house, you wait a minute, I'll be there soon." Sister

Zhou: "Okay, thank you." Qin

Feng drove to Sister Zhou's house.

Sister Zhou's house is a single-family villa.

In the villa.

Sister Zhou was sitting on the sofa in loose pajamas and watching TV, and the game "Love Home" was playing on the TV.

Looking at the game, Sister Zhou fell into thought.

Over time, a car stopped in front of the door.

The car door opened, Qin Feng walked down from the car, looking at the villa in front of him, Qin Feng lit a cigarette.

After he finished his cigarette, he knocked on the door.

Not long after, a middle-aged woman opened the door: "Hello, is there something wrong?"

"Hello, I'm a friend of Sister Zhou, come to visit Sister Zhou."

Qin Feng spoke.

"Hello, hello, come in and sit." The middle-aged woman said politely.


Qin Feng followed the middle-aged woman towards the house.

After entering the house, Qin Feng looked at Sister Zhou, who was sitting on the sofa at the moment, her eyes blank.

Seeing this, Qin Feng shook his head and smiled.

This girl probably remembered her parents.

Qin Feng walked over lightly, sat on the sofa next to Sister Zhou, and stretched out his hand to Sister Zhou's forehead: "Why do you have a fever again, I'll send you to the hospital." Sister

Zhou raised her head and stared at Qin Feng: "How do you know that I have a fever." Qin

Feng: "..." Sister

Zhou's gaze was a little confused.

She just wanted to come to see her parents, but it turned out to be this incident.

She remembered when she was a child.

Her parents were important to her at the time, but then they both died.

That time was a nightmare for her.

And now, my mother is gone.

Sister Zhou rarely cried, but at this moment, her tears could no longer be controlled and dripped on the ground.

"Don't cry, my heart hurts when you cry."

Qin Feng patted Sister Zhou's shoulder comfortingly.

However, Sister Zhou seemed to be deaf, and she couldn't hear Qin Feng's words at all, just shed tears and lowered her head.

"Sister Zhou?" Qin Feng exclaimed tentatively.

"Huh?" Only then did Sister Zhou raise her head.

"It's okay, I just feel the corners of your eyes moist."

Qin Feng took a tissue to help Sister Zhou wipe her tears.

Sister Zhou's mood seemed to stabilize a bit.

She took a deep breath: "Thank you, please come here."

"No thanks, just raise your hand." Qin Feng waved his hand and didn't care.

At this time, Sister Zhou suddenly stood up: "Let me show you around my house."

"Well, I can't ask for it."

Qin Feng also stood up.

Sister Zhou took Qin Feng to visit her home.

Sister Zhou's house is a three-story small western-style building.

Exquisite decoration and elegant layout.

"Like it?"

Sister Zhou asked.

"Pretty good."

Qin Feng nodded after looking at it, the environment here is very good.

"Just like it."

Sister Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, and her face showed a hint of relief: "Just like it, this house cost me a lot of money."

"But now I think it's pointless, so I might as well donate the money to orphanages and homes for the elderly."

Qin Feng nodded: "It's not too late to start doing public welfare all the time."

"Yes, I now have a boring life every day except work or work, and I don't know what to do."

Sister Zhou sighed, and then said: "By the way, I want to do a live broadcast tomorrow and go to the nursing home for the live broadcast, I wonder if you can go?"

Qin Feng said slightly: "Me?

"Yes, you are very famous now. I want to spread a wave through your live room, the two of us work together, I am responsible for singing, you are responsible for live broadcasting.

Sister Zhou said.

"Okay, no problem!"

Qin Feng nodded.

"That's a good feeling!"

Sister Zhou nodded, and then continued to watch TV.

Qin Feng, on the other hand, took out his mobile phone and began to look for some information.

In the end, Qin Feng chose to create.

He was going to write the theme song for "Love Home".

Of course, he was going to record it first.

After all, this is the original version, which is certainly better than the manual barrage version.

Qin Feng first recorded one song "Love Home", and then recorded two others.

After Qin Feng finished these four theme songs, it was already early in the morning.

Sister Zhou also slept.

Qin Feng quietly exited Sister Zhou's room and returned to his room.

The next day, after Sister Zhou woke up, Qin Feng handed these theme songs to Sister Zhou and asked her to record.

Sister Zhou's voice is very good, and her voice is very crisp, and with Qin Feng's guidance, Sister Zhou finished recording smoothly.

This theme song Qin Feng specially chose a sunny afternoon.

This is a song about love, the melody is melodious and gentle, with the voice of Qin Feng, which makes people's hearts full of happiness and warmth after listening to it.

After hearing this, Sister Zhou was surprised: "You are so talented. Qin

Feng: "......."

Qin Feng, Sister Zhou, and Pi Shu made an appointment and came to an old people's home in the magic capital.

There are some old people living here.

Because of Sister Zhou's exposure on the Internet, these old people are very familiar with Sister Zhou, so they are extremely excited after seeing Sister Zhou.

"Let me sing you a song."

Sister Zhou's voice is very good, and it is even better when singing.

Especially the melancholy voice makes people feel heartbreaking.

Qin Feng listened, and he gradually immersed himself.

After Sister Zhou finished singing, Qin Feng applauded admiringly: "It's very good." "

Thank you!"

Sister Zhou bowed to everyone.

At this moment, this group of old people burst into tears.

The three of them brought a lot of gifts to the elderly in the nursing home.

Not only that, but they also volunteered for the nursing home.

Their every move is broadcast live on their mobile phones.

These images are seen by the audience.

Soon, netizens expressed their touch.

"Sister Zhou is so kind, I think such a person should not be hurt."


"The big guys are so kind, what reason do we have not to be kind?"

"Yes, although Sister Zhou has a bad temper, she is really kind, and yesterday she also helped a mother and daughter."

"Yes, Sister Zhou stayed up late with the mother and daughter last night."

"Sister Zhou did stay up late last night, but she stayed up late because of Qin Feng."

"Huh? Sister Zhou and Qin Feng? What is their relationship?

"I guess Qin Feng liked Sister Zhou."

"It won't!"

"Who is this Qin Feng, handsome and talented, who doesn't like such a boy?"

"I also think Qin Feng is good, we all support Sister Zhou."

"Support Sister Zhou, support Qin Feng."


Feng didn't know, he just wanted to do something good, and as a result, he actually gained the support of countless people.

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