Chapter 422 Copy and reappear, a horror scene

At the next moment.

Byōdōin Hōō crashed directly to the ground.


Tanegashima Shuji was suddenly stunned.

He had no idea that there would be a crushing situation in the first place.

This situation can only be said that the current Senyu Shinji is even more powerful than before!

You know, light hitting was created by Byōdōin Hōō!

No one thought of it.

It turned out to be a casual tennis in Senyu Shinji’s hands.

This visual shock made Byōdōin Hōō a little bit at a loss.

Duke Watanabe on the side was already dumbfounded.

Above the court.

Byōdōin Hōō almost got up with a grin.

The whole person is still in a state of cherishing circles.

But he also recovered in the first time.

Right now he squatted down directly.

The whole person looked at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side very cautiously.

Because he is already serving.

It’s just that this shot of tennis is still an ordinary powerful ball!

It’s almost the same as light hitting.

But it’s even more terrifying!

A terrifying roar echoed almost on the entire court.

It makes people dizzy.


The light splashed.

In the whistling, the tennis ball had fallen directly on the ground.


Then it ejected.

next moment.

Byōdōin Hōō also started to act.

“You too underestimate me!”

He roared wildly.

The racquet in his hand also directly hits the tennis ball.

He is the creator of light shots.

Of course, it is quite clear where the weakness of this shot tennis is.

The racquet in his hand almost completed several cuts in an instant.

All are on the sweet spot.

next moment.

The tennis ball was shot straight out.

It seems like a snake.

Moving back and forth above the court.

It was like avoiding Senyu Shinji’s lock.

Indian snake charmer!

As the air around the tennis ball gets stronger and stronger.

The cobra became more and more real today.

It’s almost where it’s been.

The cold air was lingering.


In the eyes of Byōdōin Hōō.

But after seeing this snake come to Senyu Shinji’s court.

Suddenly, he flew away at him with a trembling face.

As if seeing something.

I saw the next moment.

Senyu Shinji’s aura suddenly gathered.

The air currents all over his body whirled frantically.

An extremely majestic aura immediately permeated the entire court.


A phantom of the fairy king appeared in front of everyone.

Fairy King Realm!

And this time.

The cobra was directly pinched in the palm of the hand by the fairy king phantom.

next moment.

Senyu Shinji also directly waved the racquet.


This shot of tennis can be said to be a powerful ball.

It’s just that it’s not just the power of just hitting the ball.

The tennis ball is more like a phantom of the fairy king.

The power is extremely vast.

It seems that the entire space is completely penetrated.

After Byōdōin Hōō saw this scene.

His face became more serious.

He completely underestimated Senyu Shinji’s ability.

More terrifying than he thought!

The horror was enough to make him retreat.

But his mind is as hard as iron.

Don’t give up like this!

Directly rushed forward.

The whole person seems to be like a running bull.

Then the racquet in his hand flicked directly.

After racquet touched the tennis ball.

An extremely brilliant light suddenly burst out.

Byōdōin Hōō did not directly cut off the power on the tennis ball.

The tennis ball was spinning wildly on the face of the racket.

It is as if the racquet will be directly penetrated in the next moment.

at this time.

Byōdōin Hōō is also directly holding hands.

Continue to exert force suddenly.

The tennis shot also went straight out.

As if this moment.

Tennis has become like a bull who loses his mind.

He rushed straight up swiftly.

As if to knock Senyu Shinji completely into flight.

Spanish bullfighting!

This is his newly created ball skill.

As the tennis ball continues to slam forward.

The bull is more and more clearly visible.

You can even see how scarlet the bull’s eyes are.


After it burst to Senyu Shinji’s side.

The speed on the tennis ball slowed down more and more.

The bull seemed to have become a docile little calf.

It flew straight towards Senyu Unloading Shinji.

To this.

Senyu Shinji smiled and mentioned racquet.

But this kind of smile was particularly terrifying in the eyes of Tanegashima Shuji.

next moment.

The dart’s body shape volleyed from the air.

Like a real fairy, he is lonely and proud.


With a soft drink.

Senyu Shinji waved racquet flagrantly in his hand.

That tennis ball seemed to have been given unprecedented kinetic energy in an instant.

Countless mountains and rivers are stacked on top of it.

The momentum is huge.


A popping sound resounded throughout the court.

The tennis ball tore the air and blasted on the ground with unparalleled intensity.


The earth burst for a while.

Dust rolled up in the sky, and countless gravel and rubble flew out of the air.

A huge deep pit was exposed, and a grass-green tennis ball was still spinning in the pit.


On the opposite side, Byōdōin Hōō’s entire face was stiff.

There was no reaction at all.

The speed and power of this tennis shot are terrifying!

It is not at all that he can fight back when he just came to the frontcourt!

He silently looked at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

As if wanting to see through what the opponent’s current strength has reached.


I can’t see anything at all.

I can only feel a strong sense of oppression.

After he took a few deep breaths.

Squat down directly again.

Waiting for the moment to fight back.

To this.

Senyu Shinji is too lazy to say anything.

After all, he is now the head coach of U-17.

Educate the disobedient and impolite guys.

It can be considered to be on duty early.

Then the corner of his mouth smiled slightly.

He threw the tennis ball in his hand directly.

next moment.

Racquet (Li Ma Zhao) swung directly and hit the tennis ball.

Tennis suddenly feels like waves in the vast ocean.

Rushing to the opposite Byōdōin Hōō.

As if this is a real wave.

There are huge waves built by countless tennis teams!

See this scene.

Byōdōin Hōō suddenly became dull.

“…”How can it be!?”

This is an American pirate!

This is his skill!

It was actually bigger and terrifying than what he had in his hands.

Faced with such a situation.

He has no time to react.

Suddenly, he shot out subconsciously.

He himself is relatively calm.

This trick was created by him himself.

So it is still quite clear.

Then he almost yelled.

“This is my skill!”

“I know him better than you do!”

The racquet in his hand suddenly began to cut frantically.

The air was filled with tragic sounds. .

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