Chapter 423 ; Different Dimensional Ball Skills–Break the Sky with a Knife

The racquet in Byōdōin Hōō’s hand waved frantically.

It turned into countless phantoms.

It seemed to be swiped dozens of times at once.

Boom towards each tennis ball.

“Do you want to hit all tennis balls back successfully with the ultimate swing speed?

Kunimitsu’s eyes flickered.


Byōdōin Hōō at this time is really strong!

No matter how many skills he can create.

It is still possible to swing racquet so many times in such a short period of time.

Can reflect his strength.


He met Senyu Shinji!

“call out!”

Accompanied by a violent breaking through the air sounded.

Byōdōin Hōō’s face suddenly showed a look of error.

He couldn’t believe it.

Because the racquet in his hand was completely empty!

You know, the American pirates are the skills he created!

As a creator, he actually didn’t have the next move.

“How can this be?!!”

He almost yelled out loud.

Then he looked directly at the ground.

Countless tennis balls fell to the ground one after another.

All the phantoms disappeared completely in an instant.

A crazy spinning tennis ball appeared directly in front of everyone.

It has never been ejected.


Under his shocked eyes.

The tennis gradually came to a halt. 547

Rolled to his feet.


Senyu Shinji won the game directly.

“How could this be?”

“The tennis ball didn’t eject at this time?”

“This is already using the blind eye technique to the extreme!

“Even Phoenix was deceived!”

Tanegashima Shuji was more and more shocked by Senyu Shinji now.

This is not what it was like before.

It’s completely crushed now!

Duke Watanabe on the side swallowed hard.

The whole person is still in a state of confusion.

Because it is too hard to believe this scene in front of me.

The creator was defeated by his own skills!

He can only stand in silence for Byōdōin Hōō on the court.

Because Senyu Shinji is really much better than him!

Above the court.

Byōdōin Hōō suddenly woke up.

The whole person became more and more silent.

Then he suddenly looked at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

His eyes revealed unyielding and perseverance.

He is the number one U-17!

Being defeated by Senyu Shinji time and time again is not what he wants to see!


This time he must reverse the situation.

He, Byōdōin Hōō. (cgab)

never give up!

The second game, Byōdōin Hōō serve game!


After he released the tennis ball in his hand.

He roared almost ferociously.

“I don’t believe you can beat me!”


After a roar sounded.

The tennis ball was suddenly hit by racquet.

It seemed to have been subjected to an extremely terrifying force.

Straighten up directly.

Suddenly rushed into the clouds.

It seems to be directly above 10,000 people.

this moment.

It’s more like a fire phoenix flying its wings.

The fierce fire light illuminates the entire court.

This is another unique skill of Byōdōin Hōō.

Egyptian Phoenix!

“What’s the matter?”

“I’m afraid this height is already out, right?”

“Isn’t it a mistake?”

Kikumaru Eiji couldn’t help but wonder.

In general, although Lob can score more easily.

But there is also a certain height limit.

Otherwise, it’s easy to lose points.


At this time, Byōdōin Hōō on the court played the tennis ball without any scruples.

“Phoenix used this trick!”

Duke Watanabe became a little sluggish.

He had completely forgotten that this time he was here to watch the excitement.

Not shocked.


He is also quite curious about this shot tennis, Senyu Shinji can easily fight back.

“I can’t predict this!

“The strength of Senyu-kun is really terrifying!”

“But this blow by the Phoenix is ​​also quite terrifying.”

Tanegashima Shuji looked at the court with a nervous expression on his face.

From the bottom of his heart, he also hopes that Byōdōin Hōō will score.


Senyu Shinji will really become a hurdle that everyone can never overcome.


Just when everyone was talking in whispers.

The phoenix in the sky stopped immediately.

It seemed like the tranquility before the storm.

next moment.

The tennis ball fell suddenly with this blow.

It seems to be the same tendency to penetrate the entire ground.

A burst of sonic booms echoed crazily in everyone’s ears.

The fierce flames became brighter.

this moment.

It was as if this phoenix was about to directly impact Senyu Shinji’s body.

“Egyptian Phoenix.”

Senyu Shinji watched the shot with a calm face.

As if he could see the overwhelming firelight in his eyes.

Just at this time.

“You, absolutely can’t fight back with this blow!”

Byōdōin Hōō was almost roaring.

It seems to be talking to Senyu Shinji.

In fact, I was cheering myself up.

And this time.

The tennis ball wrapped in fierce flames is also not far from Senyu Shinji.

He can clearly feel the hot sensation.

“You never understand the horror of the fairy king!”

At this time.

Senyu Shinji said calmly.

Then he took one step forward.

Already came to the midfield position in an instant.

The momentum of the whole body seemed to be rushing into the sky.

The horrible air wave rolled frantically.

A huge tornado appeared directly above his head.


He stepped lightly.

The roar suddenly sounded.

As if the whole person stood completely in this world.

Then he waved his racquet flagrantly.

An unprecedented powerful force surged out.


The terrifying sonic boom exploded in everyone’s ears.

Facing the bright sunshine, everyone saw an extremely sharp flying knife shuttle by.

The murderous blade is chilling.

next moment.

The fiery phoenix that had been raging with flames suddenly disappeared.

All that was left was a more terrifying tennis shot.


The pupils of Byōdōin Hōō shrank instantly.

His Egyptian phoenix was directly resolved in this way!

Even hit back the tennis ball that came over.

The power above made him more solemn.

“Chi! Chi! Chi!”

Accompanied by an extremely sharp sound.

The flying knife seemed to tear the air.

Full of sharp edges that sever everything.

Under everyone’s attention.

The tennis pierced everything, passing along, like a hurricane whirling, all the dust on the ground was rolled up.

Byōdōin Hōō’s nerves have been strained to the extreme.

His eyes were fixed on the tennis ball.

Blue veins bulged in his arms and muscles burst.

The tennis ball shot from high to low.

Byōdōin Hōō also rushed out crazy at this time.

The whole person seemed to swear not to give up without taking the tennis shot. .

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