Chapter 421 Fragile professional skills


Senyu Shinji looked at Byōdōin Hōō calmly.

It seemed to be questioning whether he had that kind of reality.

“However, you are still as rude as ever!”


Senyu Shinji’s aura suddenly changed.

The whole person’s aura is like a flood.

He rushed straight to Byōdōin Hōō’s body.

The terrifying aura seemed to drown him completely.

next moment.

He immediately showed pain on his face.

As if the whole person can’t breathe air at all now.

A sense of breath filled his body directly.

The chest cavity seemed to be hit by an unimaginable violent impact.

It made him directly back up again and again in pain.

“How could this be?!!”

He couldn’t believe his eyes!

Obviously he has become a lot stronger.

But in front of Senyu Shinji.

He couldn’t even resist the other party’s momentum.

He even backed up a few steps.

The aura on his body was shattered like glass.

“Senyu-kun is stronger!”

“The phoenix’s momentum was directly shattered!”

Tanegashima Shuji on the side opened his eyes suddenly.

It seemed that I couldn’t believe what I saw in front of me.


next moment.

Even his chest was stagnant.

The whole person also had trouble breathing.


Senyu Shinji’s aura seemed to be one after another.

There was no time for a few people to relax at all.

“Is this Senyu Shinji who defeated you?”

“Is the light momentum so terrifying?”

A look of horror appeared on Duke Watanabe on the side.

It seemed that the pain in his arm had been temporarily forgotten by him.

In his opinion.

This time.

Byōdōin Hōō might be defeated again!

“The loser should look like a loser!”

“Since you are so rude.”

“Then I, the head coach, will teach you with tennis!”

Senyu Shinji said calmly.

But in the ears of the three, it was like thunder roaring.


Then he walked straight towards the court.


The aura on his body is getting heavier and heavier!

One weight more than one horror woman.

The continuous bombardment hit Byōdōin Hōō’s body.

Let him back down again and again with a pale face.

There is even the urge to kneel down directly!

“I will defeat you!”

The almost suffocated Byōdōin Hōō roared.

Struggling hard to move forward.


Haven’t waited for a step.

The whole person ran directly with him.

Almost fell to the ground.

“Is this the U-17 player?”

“It’s still rude as always.

“As always, there is no strength!”

The players in front of Yuzao looked good at the show.


Byōdōin Hōō almost bit his lips and bleeds.

The whole person wanted to refute.

But whether it is to challenge Senyu Shinji as a loser.

Still as a U-17 player.

He really couldn’t say anything.

He could only continue to move forward with difficulty in the direction of court with an unyielding face.

“Give you ten minutes!

“If you can persist now.”

“Count me lose!”

Byōdōin Hōō’s face became harder to look.

Rong said nothing.

Even Tanegashima Shuji on the side is the same.

Because they know this is the truth from Senyu Shinji!

Instead, Duke Watanabe looked confused.

Can’t help but marvel at the new head coach of U-17.

Byōdōin Hōō walked for nearly three minutes.

Finally, sweating profusely, he walked to the court.

Then the duel between the two sides officially began.

This time it is Senyu Shinji serve bureau!

“I hope you can get a good feel for what etiquette is!”

Senyu Shinji said softly.

The wind is light on the face.

As if just educating one of his own players.

“Before I could be regarded as losing.

“But the game is not over yet!”

“I can also say that I didn’t lose!”

Byōdōin Hōō unyieldingly defended himself.

“You better get ready!”

Senyu Shinji didn’t say much.

Throw the tennis ball in your hand directly.

Then he swung it outrageously.

The Byōdōin Hōō on the opposite side immediately rushed into the sky with anger.

Then the racquet in his hand waved brazenly.

Racquet directly set off a tornado.

Suddenly swept the audience.

American pirates!


The tennis ball seemed to be flooded with endless light.

Carrying the momentum of the tsunami, he rushed towards Senyu Shinji.

As if to destroy it completely.

next moment.

The tennis ball fell directly to the ground.


Suddenly it spread out like a heavy sea.

No one can tell which is tennis.

It’s as if every wave is a tennis ball.

“Still the same trick?”

“No growth at all!

Senyu Shinji glanced at his mouth.

The whole time.

A stream of air suddenly rose around him.

Then scroll up.

next moment.

It was originally a menacing game of tennis.

Suddenly it was as if someone had strangled his throat.

The tennis ball shows up directly.

Almost directly flew towards Senyu Shinji.

“Wasting time!!

Senyu Shinji immediately waved his hand.

The tennis ball exploded directly.

Then there was an extremely dazzling light directly above it.

next moment.

The tennis ball crashed to the ground.

The entire court shook.

It was almost an instant.

The tennis ball shoots out.

Byōdōin Hōō didn’t react at all.

The whole person suddenly became sluggish 547.

He didn’t expect it.

It’s been so long.

His American pirate is still so vulnerable in front of Senyu Shinji.

In the eyes of everyone.

They just saw an extremely brilliant light flash by.

Then Senyu Shinji scored directly.

This made Duke Watanabe on the side more dignified.

Senyu Shinji is more daunting than he thought!

And above the court.

Senyu Shinji saw that Byōdōin Hōō didn’t make much progress.

I am just ready to start and end this kind of etiquette education faster!

He brazenly serve.

It’s just a powerball this time!

A more dazzling light bloomed from the racquet.

After using the sweet spot technique.

It is as if every tennis shot has been directly sublimated to the state of barely hitting the ball.

The tennis ball burst out with a roar.

Byōdōin Hōō suddenly bent his legs.

The whole person exploded directly in the next moment.

He is unwilling to accept such a sense of gap!

Thinking back to the beginning.

Although lost four goals.

But at least he still has the power to fight back!

Now he has become stronger!

He wants to wash away his shame!


After he jumped up.

The racquet in his hand slammed into the tennis ball.


next moment.

The tennis ball shines brighter directly on the racquet.

Directly he and racquet continued to fly back and fly out. .

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