Chapter 347 Indulge in my uncle’s Zhenhai

“call out!”

After the tennis ball hits Senyu Shinji’s racquet.

Suddenly, it was like a cannonball rushing towards Ito Hayato.

But facing this hit tennis.

Hayato Ito, who has completely lost all fighting spirit, is like a puppet.

Waved the racquet lifelessly.

There is absolutely no possibility of a successful counterattack.



Everyone in Liuliqiu looked at Ito Hayato, who was still desperate.

Screamed suddenly.


Hayato Ito did not recover at all.

Still immersed in the loss of will.

With Senyu Shinji serving.

The tennis ball rushed directly past him.


It can be said.

Now if Senyu Shinji scores two more goals.

Then this game is completely over!

“Ito, are you kidding us all?”

“Wake up quickly! Are you still the Ito Hayato who won’t give up?”

Oshima Ma also looked at Ito Hayato on the arena.

Suddenly roared.

Dazheng on the side sighed and said.

“Judging from Ito’s current state, this game must be lost.”

“Don’t give up! Ito!”

Sasaki Yuta on the side gave Omasaran a cold glance.

Then he continued to shout towards Ito Hayato above the arena.


Even the people in Liuliqiu were yelling at Kato Ito.

There is still no change.

Hayato Ito was still in despair.

It seems to be cut off from the outside world directly.

“Ito! What are you doing!”

Just at this time.

There was a burst of anger from Liuliqiu’s side.

It almost attracted everyone’s attention in the entire stadium.

Everyone saw that Xia Chuan Takuto was sitting on the seat at Liuliqiu at this time.

All of them are not quite.

Takuto Xia Chuan, who was already so badly physically, was now back here again.

I saw Xia Chuan Tuoren after the people on the side helped him up.

He looked at Ito Hayato with a serious face.

He almost questioned loudly with a voice that sounded like a morning bell awakening the gods.

“Ito, are you willing to give up like this?,

It was as if Takuto Natsukawa questioned it like a bell ringing in Ito Hayato’s ear.


Hayato Ito, who was still in despair on the field, was shocked.

The godless eyes gradually became clearer.

It seemed that even he himself didn’t know what he did just now.

“Ito, is tennis really for victory…?”

Here in the audience.

Yasushi Ito Haginosuke said softly.

For this situation that appeared on the field.

Yasushi Ito Haginosuke had anticipated that this would happen to Hayato Ito a long time ago.

Because at that time, he was completely lost in the sense of victory.

I completely forgot why I played tennis.

For this situation.

No one can help Ito Hayato.

Except for himself!

After passing this hurdle, the future is absolutely unlimited.

If you fail, you will become an ordinary person.

Above the stadium.

Hayato Ito, who finally recovered, looked at Takuto Natsukawa below the arena.

I didn’t know what I should say for a while.

Senyu Shinji also said softly this time.

“Ito, do you really play tennis just for victory?”

“When you face failure, do you really have only anger?”

As Senyu Shinji’s voice reached Ito Hayabusa’s ears.

He seemed to understand something.

“Tennis, not just victory?”

Suddenly, his whole body was shocked.

It seems that this moment saw the true meaning of tennis from the very beginning.

this moment.

Hayabusa Ito realized.

However, this is not an understanding of the realm of tennis.

It was he who had re-understood himself.

He finally understood a truth.

Whether it is playing tennis or doing sports.

Victory is called victory only when we support each other.

Even if it fails.

Then there is mutual encouragement!

“Senyu, thank you!”

This is the second time Ito Hayato bent over and bowed to Senyu Shinji on the field.

He really understood a lot of truth.

Although Senyu Shinji on the opposite side is still very powerful.

He still couldn’t resist.


Just go all out!

“Selfless State, I can’t break through.”

“I can only use explosive momentum, I hope Senyu-kun can understand!’

“I want to go all out for the last one! I promise that this kind of unbearable situation will never happen again.

Hayato Ito said to Senyu Shinji with a serious face.

After hearing this.

Senyu Shinji couldn’t help but chuckle.

This time, he didn’t say anything.

Just throw the tennis ball in your hand into the air!

Between the sparks and flint, the right arm swung racquet fiercely.


An unprecedented powerful force surged out.


Then a sonic boom of horror cloth exploded in everyone’s ears.

It was still quite warm and bright under the sun.

Everyone saw an extremely sharp flying knife coming back and forth.

The murderous blade is chilling.

The pupils of Ito Hayato’s eyes shrank instantly.

He deeply felt the horror of this ball.

“Chi! Chi! Chi!”

Accompanied by an extremely sharp sound.

The flying knife seemed to tear the air away.

It seems to be full of sharp edges that divide everything.

Ever since.

Under everyone’s attention.

Tennis seems to have broken through.

Along the way, as a hurricane whirls, all the dust on the ground is rolled up.

The nerves of Hayato Ito who recovered suddenly tightened to the extreme.

He played tennis hard.

The muscles of the right arm were bulged and the muscles burst.

Is preparing to hit the ball back.


The tennis shot went from high to low.

Finally broke out the baseline.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

After the sound gradually fell.


Senyu Shinji scored again.

At this time he spoke.

“At this time, you are qualified to let me use my skills!

“This ball, I call it a split air!”

Hayato Ito looked at the traces of the tennis ball landing just now.

Take a few deep breaths.

Then he said to Senyu Shinji.

“Senyu-kun, go ahead!

Senyu Shinji nodded.

“It’s over.

At this moment.

Senyu Shinji’s face became serious.

After that, an indifferent indifference that saw the world’s creatures as ants suddenly spilled out of his body.

next moment.

Swept the audience directly.

(Mano is good)

Whether it’s everyone in the player’s rest area.

Still talking about the people in the audience.

At this moment.

Everyone trembled.

Ito Hayabusa at this moment.

Quietly put down the racquet that he had picked up.

He can feel that he has absolutely no ability to fight back successfully with this shot of tennis!

Senyu Shinji on the opposite side smiled slightly.

Then slowly closed his eyes.

His whole body gradually exudes ethereal meaning.

this moment.

It seems that the entire court has been affected.

The stadium was still a bit noisy.

Suddenly became a little lonely and calm.


The sound of waves appeared out of thin air.

In the eyes of everyone.

That court is no longer a court!

It’s more like a sea of ​​Wangyang.

at this time.

Senyu Shinji took unprecedented fierceness and momentum.

Soaring into the sky!

This piece of Wang Yang’s sea water exploded instantly.


Senyu Shinji is from top to bottom.

Carrying the general trend of the immortal, swinging vigorously. .

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