Chapter 346 Winning all the time is not a good thing

Watching Ito Hayato who stumbled to the midfield position.

It is still difficult to initiate the ball.

After the tennis ball floats across the net.

After Senyu Shinji saw this scene.

He didn’t want to say more.

Quickly wave the racquet in his hand.

Then after a violent impact from racquet.

Tennis suddenly resembled a hurricane jetting out of the abyss.

In an unimaginable way, he rushed directly to the opposite Ito Hayato.

Hurricane serve!

Look at this familiar game.

Hayato Ito gritted his teeth.

Then he pointed at the hurricane with a racquet in one hand.

Although she was already violent at this time.

But there is still no idea of ​​retreating.

Just when tennis is coming.

He roared and waved.

next moment.

This terrifying hurricane hit directly.

Hayato Ito barely lasted for a second.

The racquet and tennis ball in his hand just shot out once again.



It can be said.

Senyu Shinji is completely using Ito Hayato’s stunts.

Scored from him again.

And this game is up to 26 now.

Only four minutes have passed!

A ten-minute appointment made by Senyu Shinji before.

There are still six minutes left at this time!

“My dignity turns out to be so useless!”

Hayato Ito looked at the score board in despair.

The dazzling score above.

Has made him completely suspicious of himself.

He tried his best!

He has consumed all his confidence!

His own anger also turned into a joke.

The last little dignity is even less worth mentioning.

The root of all this.

It’s still like a gap between him and Senyu Shinji!

“Am I still fit to continue playing tennis?”

Hayato Ito couldn’t help but laughed at himself.

There was a bitter smile on his face.

He tried his best!

He really tried his best!


Nothing has changed!

All the previous depression broke out completely like this.

All the energy seemed to disappear instantly.

The first burst and the second burst were directly disintegrated.

He finally gave up.

It’s not just abandoning this game.

He even gave up tennis completely!


“Ito Hayato!”


Everyone in Liuliqiu looked at the desperate Ito Hayato on the court.

Originally thinking of shouting a few words of comfort.


They couldn’t yell out how.

Will their comforts ultimately lead Ito Hayato to victory?

Only let him continue to be hit.

Senyu Shinji is really too powerful!

It feels so powerful that they breathe.

Hayato Ito, who was so powerful that even they didn’t realize it, could defeat the opponent.

“Ito Hayato player, please serve!”

The referee on the side had already blew the whistle.

Instructed him not to continue to delay the game.

Hayato Ito waved his racquet like a walking dead.

Senyu Shinji who saw this scene shook his head.

Still prepared to fight back without saying a word.

that’s all.





Only five minutes have passed since the current game.

But this game has come to the end of the game.

After Senyu Shinji won the next round again.

The referee on the side also blew the whistle quickly.

“The score is 5-0!”

“Both players exchange venues!”

“And enter the break time!”

Senyu Shinji after the referee blows the whistle.

He was ready to walk down the arena.


Maybe it’s curious.

Maybe it’s disappointment.

Senyu Shinji took a deep look at Ito Hayato, who was extremely depressed.

Then went straight on.

As for Ito Hayato, he went back to Liuliqiu with the awkward one.

Sit down silently.

The whole person’s head was deeply buried.

The sweat gradually stayed down his cheeks.

It also seemed that there were his own tears in it.


The members of Liuliqiu saw Ito Hayato look like this.

It is also worried.

They wanted to comfort Hayato Ito.

But I don’t know how to say it.

I can only watch him sitting there alone in despair.

“Am I suitable for tennis?”

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to catch up with him in this life!”

Hayato Ito was repressed to the extreme.

He doesn’t even want to continue the comparison now.

He really wanted to give up.

The pressure Senyu Shinji put on him has completely crushed him.

Can’t breathe at all.

“What should I do?”

The bitterness on Ito Hayato’s face became more obvious.

The whole person seemed to have completely lost any will.

The eyes are all confused.

at this time.

There was a sound from the side.

“Minister Xia Chuan?

A member of Liuliqiu’s team found a man who was supported by someone came to their side.

Looking up, it turned out to be Xia Chuan Tuoren who had been sent to the hospital before.

Coach Suzuki immediately reprimanded the player who took care of Takuto Natsukawa.

“Don’t you know what is Xia Chuan’s state?”

“Coach Suzuki”

at this time.

Takuto Natsukawa said to Coach Suzuki with a gentle smile.

“It’s okay, I just want to come and take a look, don’t blame him.”

Then he also looked up to the side of the score board.

Above is a series of 6-0.

He also sighed for a long time.

Everyone in Liuliqiu suddenly became even more ashamed.

“Sorry, Xia Chuan, we are really ashamed of you.

Madam Oshima also lowered their heads with shame on their faces.

Even the others in Liuliqiu had a bitter expression of 490.

“We have tried our best, so that’s okay.”

Xia Chuan Tuoren interrupted everyone’s words.

He saw Ku Yue Yuya and Da Zhengran who were all wounded.

I also saw the despair of other people.

It can be said.

During this period of time when he was in a coma.

Everyone in Liuliqiu was fighting with all their strength.

To this.

He couldn’t say a word of blame.

After Xia Chuan Takuren looked around for a while.

Finally, in a corner, I saw Hayato Ito, who used to be alive and kicking.

Seeing him desperate at this time.

Xia Chuan Tuoren also understood something.

Raised his hand to stop everyone from continuing to speak.

“Sometimes failure is a good thing!”

“I always thought that as long as the victory continued.

“Now I discovered that tennis is not just for victory!’

Xia Chuan Tuo said in a deep voice.

Everyone in Liuliqiu was also thoughtful.

No one will bother Ito Hayato.

None of them can help him!

Can only wait for his final result.

The five-minute rest time passed so quickly.

Senyu Shinji and Ito Hayato returned to the arena again.

Sixth inning.

Senyu Shinji serve bureau!

He looked at Ito Hayato still so desperate.

Senyu Shinji shook his head.

Still not speaking, he directly waved racquet upright.

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