Chapter 348 End of the group stage and advance to the final


A loud noise spread in all directions.

In the endless bright light, a white misty figure slowly emerged.

As if the nine heavens are coming to the world.

Everyone was overwhelmed by the aura of the immortal king who was looking at the world.



When a ball fell, the heavens and the earth changed.

this moment.

Wang Yang Dahai disappeared.

It seemed to be suppressed by the sinking bottom.

The roaring sound lasted for a long time.

Gradually disappeared invisible.

Everyone looked at the arena with horror.

At this moment.

The entire court was instantly crushed and collapsed.

The dense cobweb-like cracks made the scalp tingling.

It is terrible!

The audience was silent.

Hayato Ito also closed his eyes directly at this moment.

He can’t compare with Senyu Shinji at all!

The last two tennis shots completely made him unable to come back.

Looking at the pit around him.

Although he lost the game, his heart is still relatively lost.

But at the same time.

He is also very grateful to Senyu Shinji.

Let him thoroughly understand the true meaning of tennis!

After Senyu Shinji scored the last tennis shot.

This game is finally over!


Senyu Shinji missed a goal without 493!

Haven’t made an inch!

Moreover, the game only lasted eight minutes!

Eight minutes.

He completely defeated Ito Hayato of Liuliqiu!

Senyu Shinji wins!

“competition is over!”

“Tamazo-mae Senyu Shinji vs. Rokuriqiu Ito Hayato.”

“6-0! Senyu Shinji won the victory!”

The referee on the side also blew the whistle.


The whole stadium was full of enthusiastic cheers and applause!

“we won!”

“Yeah! It’s awesome!”

“Now there is only one game left!”

“As long as we win, our Yuzao will be the champion of the National Middle-School Tennis Competition!’

“Before Yuzao will win!”

“Senyu of the fairy!”

The people in front of Yuzao cheered frantically.

This is definitely a memorable day.

Because on this day.

Tamazomae finally made it to the final of the National Middle-School Tennis Competition!

Before Yuzao, he had not even been selected for the National Middle-School Tennis Competition.

The Liuliqiu on the opposite side is a frequent visitor here.

It’s different now.

Yuzao defeated Liuliqiu!


Their goal is the national Middle-School Tennis Championship!

Senyu Shinji smiled happily.

Then he said loudly to the players in front of Yuzao.

“What is our goal?”

All the players in front of Yuzao replied loudly with excited expressions.

“National Middle-School Tennis Championship Champion!”

With this loud voice echoed throughout the stadium.

Everyone seemed to see an incomparable momentum rushing into the sky.

“Before Yuzao!”

Almost all Rikkai’s players felt a bit of room for breath.

Just the momentum of the other party.

It has already made them feel stressed.

The current Tamamo front is really too powerful!

It’s so strong that it can’t give rise to the slightest heart of resistance!

“Let’s go! Rikkai will never give up!”

“This year’s national Middle-School Tennis Championships champion, will win!’

Xincun Seiichi looked at everyone in front of Tamamo with a solemn expression.

He felt the current strength of Tamamo.

But at the same time it also aroused all the fighting spirit in his heart!

Rikkai could lose to Yuzao once before.

But there will never be a second time!

Because they are king Rikkai!

After the people of Rikkai left.

The cheers in the current stadium have gradually subsided.

All that was left was the cry of Liuliqiu.

For Liuliqiu.

They really have done everything!


Tamazomae is really too strong!

There is no way to resist!

“We have done our best!”

“Our Liuliqiu’s will will be passed on forever!”

“You are the transmitter of this will!”

Xia Chuan Tuoren looked at everyone.

This time.

He didn’t look serious as usual.

Instead, he looked at everyone with a gentle smile.

Although Liuliqiu was defeated!

But (cgab) they did their best!

So, they don’t need to regret at all!

Three years of youth.

They supported each other and walked here.

Never gave up the will of their Liuliqiu!

Whether you win or lose.

They have no shame in their hearts!

Although Xia Chuan Tuoren also hoped that Liuliqiu would win.

Won the championship of this national Middle-School Tennis Competition.

But compared to these.

His teammates went all out.

Then he is satisfied!

“Both parties salute!”


With the guidance of the referee.

The players from both Liuliqiu and Yuzao came to the court.

Salute each other towards each other.

“Congratulations, Senyu Shinji!”

Xia Chuan Tuoren still looks quite weak now.

Even so, he stretched out his hand.

Shake hands with Senyu Shinji.

Senyu Shinji looked at Takuto Natsukawa.

There was no loss in his eyes.

Can only see calm and seriousness.

To this.

Senyu Shinji also couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Xia Chuan Tuo can be said to be among all people.

The man who desires the most to win.

But even now the game is lost.

He didn’t blame his teammates at all.

On the contrary, he started to educate and comfort his teammates.

Even if he was in this disastrous game.

Completely lost the tennis way.

He still does.

Perhaps, this is the charm of the Chuan Tuo people.

Perhaps this is the charm of Liuliqiu’s will.

that’s all.

After both sides left the stadium.

Yuzao’s battle against Liuliqiu completely came to an end!

As for the game between Rikkai and Yamabuki in the afternoon.

There is almost no suspense at all.

Yamabuki ended in a disastrous defeat.

So far.

The final team of this National Middle-School Tennis Competition has completely appeared.

It was Tamamo before playing against Rikkai.


Since it is the final of the National Middle-School Tennis Competition.

So the time is also scheduled in three days.

On the one hand, the teams on both sides need to take a break for a while.

On the other hand, it is the routine operation of a series of publicity on the sale of final tickets.

As for these three days.

Senyu Shinji also wanted to teach some of his skills to the members of Tamamo’s former team.


He emphasized another thing more.

“Don’t talk about the realm of tennis.

“First of all I hope you will not only play tennis just for victory!”

“Ito Hayato is the existence that everyone takes a warning!”

“The stronger the strength, the easier it is to lose your true self!

Senyu Shinji said to everyone quite seriously.

Being strong is everyone’s yearning.

But often many people get lost in it.

Ito Hayato can be said to have awakened Senyu Shinji.

He himself would not have this situation.

But as the former minister of Tamamo.

He needs to pay attention to this!

Of course, he only emphasized it once.

After that, he began to explain some technical issues to the people in front of Yuzao.

In this way, three days passed quickly. .

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