Chapter 126 Phantom style play, tearing powerful blow

“You are looking for death!”

Hearing Senyu Shinji’s words, a look of anger appeared on the face of the originally mechanical Reiji Kamiki.

Huacun Kwai is his most respected coach, and he will never allow anyone to insult Huacun Kwai.


In an instant.

Kamishi Reiji stood in place and began to serve.

A yellow line crossed the horizon, turned left and right in the air, and finally turned into phantoms, making it impossible to tell which is the tennis ball itself.

“what is this?”

Many viewers looked at the ball and rubbed their eyes vigorously.


The faces of Chengcheng Shonan’s selected players were shocked. Reiji Kamishiro is best at phantom style play.

Use the same posture to play various powers and spin different balls to confuse the opponent.

Step on!

A figure appeared in front of the net before the ball fell, leaping high like a cheetah.

“how come?!”

Kamishiro Reiji’s face changed suddenly.

Just at this time.

Senyu Shinji from high in the sky overlooked the audience and smiled faintly.


next moment.

An unprecedented powerful pressure swept the audience and caused a wave of waves.

In the dust storm, a full moon 26 can be seen faintly hanging high.

The endless moonlight shone on.

Everyone saw a misty figure, coming out with a sword.

A sword light cut the full moon in half.



The tennis ball was divided straight into two pieces, passing the bottom corners of both sides of the court.

In the end, it fell on the court of Reiji’s side.

The afterimage of Zhanyue remained in the air.


Kamishi Reiji couldn’t calm down anymore.

The clothes behind faintly seeped water.

The phantom style of play that relied on the dominance was so simple that it was shattered by others.


“So handsome!”

“Master Senyu is invincible!”

The audience was an instant sensation.

This game is really full of fairy spirit, and it is admirable.

All of a sudden, female fans in the audience screamed.

In an instant, the entire court became a carnival for Senyu Shinji.

No one cared about Reiji Kamishiro on the court.

“The popularity of Minister is too terrifying!”

In front of Tamamo, Kikumaru Eiji chirped and said in surprise.

Not only him, but the other players were also a little surprised.

The skill of cutting the moon is indeed shocking, but what is even more shocking is that when Senyu Shinji comes out, the entire court becomes his stage.

There wasn’t even any special action, but all the audience cheered for him.

This is Senyu!

“No, I don’t believe it, I must win!”

Resolute flashed across Kamishiro Reiji’s face.

Immediately, began to slap the tennis ball.




The crisp clapping sound is like his inner anger, strong and unobtrusive.

Under everyone’s gaze, Kamishi Reiji raised his hand with a big hand, and the tennis ball was thrown directly into the air.

The body jumped up, and the face of the racket tilted slightly at the moment he waved the racquet.

“call out!”

The tennis ball was spinning again in the air, only to see all phantoms.

However, Senyu Shinji looked indifferent, without a trace of change.

At the moment when the tennis ball was about to land, the racquet in his hand slashed out.

“Broken light!’

In an instant.

A silver light appeared suddenly, as if the sky split in half.

Everyone only felt black in front of them.


When I opened my eyes again, the tennis ball had already hit the baseline.

“0-30! ”

The referee spoke at the right time.


All the spectators swallowed instinctively, the ball was really amazing.


Kamishiro Lingzhi’s heart was bitter.

The opponent didn’t even look at the ball just now and swung back.

And still with an unprecedented grace.

This makes him feel so embarrassed.


It’s a phantom style play again.

A tennis ball went directly to Senyu Shinji court.

“Do you think this ball is interesting?”

Looking at Rei Jinjo in front of him, Senyu Shinji showed an impatient look on his face.

The indifference of the whole body became more and more wanton.

Brings unlimited pressure and fear.

Step on

Under everyone’s stunned eyes, Senyu Shinji quickly stepped forward.

When the tennis ball coincided with the sun, a racquet was swung.


A violent roar resounded throughout the court.

Suddenly, all the audience’s eyes condensed.


The tennis ball flew out like an arrow.

Facing the sunlight in the sky, a boundless phantom was born, covering the entire court.

It is not clear which is the real object at all.


With a soft sound, the tennis ball landed on the court of Kamishiro Reiji’s side.

The net is less than one centimeter away.

The scene continued to be silent.

The ball disappeared like a shadow and reappeared.

This is more clever than the phantom style of play.

Kamishiro Reiji froze directly.

“0-40, the end of the game!”

The referee announced loudly.

As long as Senyu Shinji scores another goal, the serve game belonging to Shonan Shonari will be completely broken.


At this moment, Kamishiro Reiji took a deep breath.

No one saw it, a crazy look appeared on his face that had been silent and mechanical.

“I. I will definitely win this game for the coach.”

In the next second, the tennis ball in the hands of Kamishiro Reiji was raised high.

The whole person had cold eyes, folded his hands in front of him, and assumed a weird posture.

“Lingzhi, stop, never use that trick!”

The Huacun Kui in the audience saw the brilliant posture of Shen Cheng Lingzhi, stood up and stopped loudly.



Senyu Shinji raised his eyebrows, with a little interest in his eyes.

The most representative singles player of Chengcheng Shonan in the original work is Reiji Kamiki.

This guy has an offensive skill that uses time difference and just the right strength and joint movement to serve or catch the ball.

It was precisely because this skill was too dangerous that after taking over Chengcheng Shonan, Huacun Aoi once let Reiji Shencheng seal this move.


At this moment, Shencheng Reiji on the court ignored Huacun Kui, and an extremely terrifying force burst out of her body.

As terrifying as the wrath of the sky.

At the moment the tennis ball fell, Reiji Kamiki waved the racquet.

“Deep power-tearing powerful blow!!!”

Next second.

The tennis ball burst out like a sky thunder.

Even the audience on the court felt an extremely dangerous air rushing toward their faces.

“very scary!!!”

“Does this guy want to kill?”

“That ball”


All the players in front of Yuzao couldn’t help exclaiming.

The ball played by Reiji Kamiki went straight to Senyu Shinji’s face and killed it.

If this is hit, I am afraid that the whole person will not only be seriously injured, but will die or not.

“Senyu Shinji, run away!

Cheng Cheng Shonan Hwa Village Aoi was shocked and quickly shouted to Senyu Shinji.

She was afraid that this ball would really affect Senyu

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