Chapter 127 If you are not convinced, then I will fight until you are satisfied!

“Tear the powerful blow?”

“I want to know how powerful it is?”

Senyu Shinji’s expression did not change a little, his face remained as indifferent as before.

When everyone was in fear for him.

Step on!

Senyu Shinji did not retreat but moved forward, facing the fierce tennis ball.

With a light wave of racquet in his hand.


The tennis ball hit the racquet, and the force of terror caused the net line of the racket to vibrate.

Roll back and forth at the impact center, the first harmonic wave node, and the maximum elastic recovery point.

Finally, the kinetic energy was completely consumed.


Senyu Shinji snorted softly.

The arm muscles bulged slightly and patted quietly.

“call out!”

A sharp piercing sound sang throughout the court.

The tennis ball penetrates the void like a sharp arrow, causing space distortion, and the sound of sonic boom is endless.

Before Kamijo Reiji hadn’t reacted, the tennis ball had already hit the baseline.


Finally, slide out from the baseline to outside the court.

Everyone opened their mouths wide and didn’t say a word for a long time.

Such a fierce ball actually fought back in such a trivial way.

“You disappoint me a bit.”

Slowly retracting the racquet, Senyu Shinji took a look at Reiji Kamijo and spoke lightly.

A seat of white clothes and black hair stood still, arrogant and supreme.

In the eyes of everyone, only the ethereal meaning is seen, but the mundane and tacky are not seen.

Senyu, a well-deserved reputation!


“How can this be?!”

All of Chengcheng Shonan’s players were stunned, and even coach Aoi Huacun stood sluggishly.

The skill of deep power can be described as a bet on human life, and a little carelessness is death by concussion.

Because of this, Huacun Kuiqianding told him that he would never use this trick.

The match is small, but the killing is big.

However, in the hands of Senyu Shinji, this blow did not even cause any waves.

Flick the racquet lightly, no regrets.


Kikumaru Eiji’s face came back to his senses, and he exclaimed, “It’s really too strong…”


The other team members also nodded together, even Shoujia and Ajutsu are no exception.

Although they can catch the deep power ball, it’s impossible for the old well like Senyu Shinji to have no waves.

It can be seen how unfathomable Senyu Shinji’s strength is!

“My tearing powerful blow”

Kamishi Reiji’s face was full of shock, and even some could not believe it.


“Do you think this kind of kid trick is very powerful?”

Senyu Shinji chuckled lightly, with indescribable contempt between his eyebrows.

Seeing Kamishi Reiji’s chest burning with anger.

“Since you are dissatisfied, then I will call you to take it.”

“Referee, give him my serve game.”

With a torch-like gaze, Senyu Shinji said slowly, looking down at Kamishiro Reiji.

The voice spread throughout the court.

Everyone was shocked again.


At this moment, the completely enraged Reiji Kanagi couldn’t take care of that much anymore, and he threw the tennis ball up suddenly, crossing his arms in front of him again.

“Tear the powerful blow!!!”

With unprecedented anger, Kamishi Reiji hit another goal.

Amid the roar, an extremely powerful force exploded on the surface of the tennis ball.


The tennis ball blasted towards Senyu Shinji’s court like a cannonball.

How violent and vicious.


Senyu Shinji shook his head and sneered.

next moment.

The figure shuttled like lightning, and even the slightest phantom did not exist.

In an instant it came to the ball landing point.

racquet waved straight out.


A breeze passed by.

The whole audience seemed to hear the rustling of the wind.

Amidst the sound of the wind, a loud noise came.

Woolen cloth!

A yellow color gradually entered the virtual realm along with the sound of the wind.

It is impossible to catch the shadow of the ball at all.


The tennis ball fell on the baseline of Kamishiro Reiji’s side.

Immediately afterwards, it popped off the court.


The audience fell into a dead silence again.

What ball is that?

It’s incredible!


In the audience, Mamoru Inoue stood up, his eyes widened.

According to the professional skills created by Mach serve.

Senyu Shinji actually used it at this time.


Kamishi Reiji clenched racquet tightly, gritted his teeth, his face was full of unwillingness.

Did it just concede defeat like this?

No! I never!

With the hope of Chengcheng Xiangnan, countless flames flickered in Shencheng Reiji’s eyes.

“Tear a powerful blow!

The tennis ball was tossed high by him. At this moment, everyone clearly felt the tenacity of this teenager.


Next second.

The tennis ball has a dark blue luster, mysterious and powerful.

Wherever it passed, the light was covered by the faint blue.

“Ant, how can it turn the sky upside down.”

Senyu Shinji snorted softly.

The whole person rose to the sky.

-Go beyond the height of tennis.


Overlooking the entire court.

The white clothes all over the body fluttered in the wind, elegant and like a fairy.

Just like the existence above the nine heavens, it is unattainable.

at this time.

Senyu Shinji’s eyes showed a clear and deep starry sky.

Little stars twinkled among them.

A strong aura radiated from him.

Suddenly, the dust on the court surface was dispersed.

w… “What?”

Kamishi Rei looked at the strange opponent in front of him, and was stunned.

In front of Tamamo, almost all the players who were selected stood up.

Judging from this posture, Minister is about to start his first football skills.

Many spectators stood up in the audience, and they also recognized this starting position.

“Falling Star!”

Facing the high-hanging sun.

The racquet in Senyu Shinji’s hand is like a heavy hammer falling.

The tennis ball shot out like a meteor in the sky.

Bright and dazzling.

It’s overwhelming.

The surrounding space is shattered and time is still.

In the center of the field, Kamishi Lingzhi’s eyes (good Li’s) opened wide, with a look of horror.

No one feels the incomparable power that is full of this ball more directly than him.

But he was still not reconciled and raised racquet, trying to fight back.

“call out!!!”

Unexpectedly, that tennis ball was as hot as a shooting star, quickly burning the surrounding air.

Even the thread on the racquet was burned out.

Just through the racquet, fell to the ground.


A horrible crackling sound spread throughout the tennis park.

Immediately afterwards.

The majestic waves of air continued to spread to the surroundings with visible momentum.

A mad hole was set off.


The people on the entire court were choked with dust.

After a while.

After the dust is gone.

A large cracked ground appeared in front of everyone.

Shencheng Lingzhi stood in place blankly, with a storm in her heart.

“0-40! ”

The referee on the high platform announced the result directly. .

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