Chapter 125 A true fairy walking in the mortal world

“The last round of the game will start next. Players from both sides please prepare.”

There was a loud voice again on the broadcast. Only 5 minutes after the opening, the game on Court No. 12 had entered the final round.

If it is placed elsewhere, I am afraid that anyone will treat it as a joke.

But on Gakuen in front of Tamamo, no one will doubt, because strength determines everything.

“Reiji, this game is up to you.

When the city became the southern part of Hunan, a sharp look appeared in the eyes of Huacun Kui’s beautiful eyes.

Two games in a row ended with such an embarrassing ending, even if she was a woman, she couldn’t bear it like this.

As her most perfect work, Kamijo Reiji, Huacun Aoi has great hopes.


Upon hearing this, Shencheng Lingzhi nodded mechanically.

On the seemingly expressionless face, “Three Five Zero” actually hides a trace of love for Huacun Kui.

For Huacun Kui, he did everything he could.


“Since I feel a little backache, it’s time to move my body.

Senyu Shinji Shi Shiran got up on the former advisory board of Tamamo, and his coat dropped immediately.

The vigorous body curve appeared in front of everyone.

When he walked onto the court with racquet, everyone was a sensation.

“Senyu of the fairy!

“That person is going to make a move!!!”

All the audience suddenly cheered up.

Looking at the figure with black hair and white clothes, all eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

The name of the former Tennis Minister Tamamo has spread throughout Japan long before the rookie match.

The champion of the National Primary School Tennis Championships and the National Youth Tennis Championships, hit Tohno Atsukyo with one goal, and drew with Tsukimitsu Ochi and Byōdōin Hōō’s peerless Tianjiao.

Tennis clubs of all sizes in Japan are crazy about it.

If it weren’t for Senyu Shinji’s identity, I’m afraid they would have swarmed.

In every game that Senyu Shinji has experienced, apart from the surprise, there is only fear.

Black eyes and white clothes, like a nine-day real immortal walking in the mortal dust, lonely and indifferent, no one can match it!

This is the name of Senyu.


“The former tennis minister of Tamamo played in person.”

Huacun Aoi, who was full of anticipation for Kamishiro Reiji, froze suddenly.

Unexpectedly, it was not a singles player-genius Fuji Syusuke, who was sent by Tamamo, but Senyu Shinji.

Even if it was a genius Fuji shot, she didn’t think Reiji Kamiki would lose.

However, in the face of Senyu Shinji, let alone the chance to win, as long as it doesn’t collapse, that’s a blessing.

“What are you waiting for?”

“I’m a little hungry.”

Senyu Shinji looked at the group of Shonan Shonan on the opposite side and spoke indifferently.

The voice just fell.

All Chengcheng Shonan players on the scene burst.

“You bastard ”

“It’s too arrogant!”

“Lingzhi, teach this guy severely, let him know how good we are!”

One by one, the angry big guys who were elected in the southern part of Hunan uttered their voices.

However, Kamishiro Reiji didn’t seem to feel anything, and still took the racquet onto the court mechanically.

“The two sides are ready, Yuzao will serve the game, start!!

Without hesitation, the referee blew the whistle.


Senyu Shinji patted the tennis ball a few times.

Then, he threw the tennis ball in his hands high.

The whole body leaped like a bow.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

The tennis ball pierced through the air like a lightning bolt, hitting the baseline heavily.


Kamishi Reiji’s eyes shrank sharply.

Serve so quickly, so that his body didn’t even have time to react.

This person is so strong!


All the audience sang and took a breath.

The standard posture like a textbook, the unprecedented high-speed serve, is this really a junior high school student?

Step on!

At this time, Senyu Shinji did not hesitate and threw a tennis ball again.


Immediately afterwards, a yellow line swept across the horizon.

He smashed heavily on the side of Shencheng Lingzhi.

“So fast!

Kamiki Reiji clearly saw this ball, which was more shocking than the one just now.

It’s just the most basic serve, but the opponent’s powerful force gives the ball unprecedented impact

This kind of ball, even if he can see it, can’t hit it back.



Without the slightest surprise, Senyu Shinji won the serve game.

However, Kamishiro Reiji failed to hit back with a single goal, and a strange look appeared on the machine’s face.

“What a fast speed!”

“How can this be?!”

All of Chengcheng Shonan’s elections were stunned.

They were not surprised that Reiji Kamiki couldn’t catch a ball, but surprised that Senyu Shinji played.

The ball played in that position is not a spin, but the most common Flat ball.

But it is the Flat ball, which shows the speed and power of the serve that surpassed Kajimoto’s responsibility.

May I ask, who can not be shocked?

In just ten seconds, with 5 consecutive goals, Reiji Kamiki lost the so-called catch game.

Senyu Shinji never seemed to worry about whether his serve would be caught by the opponent, and even when the previous ball hits the ground, he was ready for the next ball.

Such an understatement aroused the enthusiasm of the audience.

“Senyu of the fairy!”

“Senyu of the fairy!”

For a while, the audience fell into cheers.

Furious screams spread throughout the Shiki no Mori Tennis Park, and all courts were shocked.

What exactly is the former Minister of Tennis doing?

“Strong is weak, and weak is strong.”

0.1 “The so-called scientific training is just a joke.”

Looking down at the opposite Shinjo Reiji, Senyu Shinji spoke lightly.

In fact.

From the beginning, he did not think that Huacun Aoi’s coaching methods were better than Ryūzaki Jin.

Ryūzaki Sumire blindly insisted on his own opinion, followed the rules, and discussed seniority, thus wasting Seigaku’s talented and excellent seed in vain.

Huacun Aoi emphasized the training program too much, using the so-called mechanical training to turn players into machines. No matter how talented the seed is, it will eventually become a streamlined product on the production line.

When can flow products be comparable to high-end customization?

Tennis has never been a sport that can use scientific training to dominate the results. Talent, will, and belief may all become important factors that determine the results. .

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