Chapter 124 Repeated ending, one ball hit Kajimoto Takahisa

“Minister, can this be?”

Inui Sadaharu looked at Senyu Shinji with shock, not knowing what to say.

All the players in front of Yuzao looked at Shoujia like a god, predicting their own results time and time again.

Almost before the ball fell, he put away the racquet, as if he knew that the ball would definitely score.

“You guessed it right!”

Senyu Shinji nodded, and said in a deep voice, “That is the limit of aura.”

“The second door in the depths of the no-self, you can see the progress of the game, and use your brain power to rotate rapidly to activate the operation of your mind.”

“The content of the game is simulated in an instant to accurately predict the number of balls required for that round.

“So, the player knows exactly where he will score, and put away the racquet in advance.”


The second door in the depths of selflessness: the limit of brilliance.

Kikumaru and the others were all shocked.They didn’t even touch the side of the state of no-self, and the hand opened two doors, which is simply inhuman!


Ajiuzin took a deep breath.

I hope he can defeat the hand after he has awakened the sixth sense, but now it seems that he is not sure.

The two doors in the depths of the selfless and the hand-made field are extremely difficult to get involved, and the overall level is enough to compete with the national peak.

Finally, Shoujia walked faster.

On the field, the players kept scoring, and the score quickly reached 0-5, just before the last game. Chengcheng Shonan’s second singles completely lost.

All the audience also realized who was in control of the rhythm of the game.


Kajimoto Kiku tried his best to suppress the panic in his heart.

The fear in his eyes was concealed a little bit by anger and unwillingness.

In the end, a fighting spirit as hot as the sun emerged.

“Shoujia, although you are very strong, but I won’t just admit defeat like this…”

In an instant.

An extremely cold and majestic aura radiated from Takahisa Kajimoto.

The look of originally languid suddenly became extremely excited.

The national-level strength has completely exploded, and there is no more hidden.

“E? ​​Are you serious?”

Senyu Shinji squinted his eyes and looked at Takahisa Kajimoto on the court. The corners of his mouth curled slightly.

As early as when he graduated from elementary school, Kunimitsu had reached the national standard.

If Takahisa Kajimoto had nothing to do with him, let alone his hand, even Fuji could not get a point.

Selfless State, the limit of hard-worked comprehension, the limit of radiant energy, Tezuka field, zero short ball, zero serve, etc. are added together.

Awesomely formed a ceiling for junior high school students.

Not to mention Takahisa Kajimoto, even most high school students may not be the winner.


At this moment, Takahisa Kajimoto on court has moved.

Still in that posture, bend down and serve.

The ball was reaching its extreme, and none of the spectators could clearly see the shadow of the tennis ball.

As the saying goes, the wind is as fast as the wind, and the speed is as fast as thunder.

Before everyone could react, the tennis ball had already smashed on the court of Tezuka’s side with an immeasurable force of terror.

In an instant.

The ground was shaken.

Dust swept away.


Countless people were choked by the dust, and their eyes were a little unkind when they looked at Takahisa Kajimoto.

at the same time.

A milky white light directly covers the left arm of the hand.

While he was galloping, he hit directly in front of the tennis ball.



The powerful force originally concentrated on the left arm poured directly into the tennis ball.

Good guys!

Tennis has a raging flame from the inside out.

In the sun, it is like a burning meteor, fierce and tyrannical.

Such a terrifying goal made all the audience tremble at the scene.

“How can it be?”

The complexion of all people in Chengcheng Shonan changed drastically.

They can feel that the power conferred on the ball by the hand is absolutely terrifying.

The question is, how does the hand make such a powerful return.


On the court, Takahisa Kajimoto’s pupils contracted rapidly.

An unprecedented pressure fell on him, as if he was carrying a heavy mountain on his back.

Electric light flint room.

The tennis ball came directly towards Takahisa Kajimoto.


Endless emotions rushed to my heart, Kajimoto Takahisa gritted his teeth and held the racquet with both hands.

At this moment, the whole person greeted the tennis ball.


There was a loud noise.

The unprecedented bombardment directly knocked Kajimoto Kajiu away.


The racquet splashed out on the spot.

When it fell on the ground, the entire racquet was cracked, but it was made of aluminum alloy!

…Seeking flowers 0-

The audience fell into a strange silence.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, with a look of horror on their faces.

It’s horrible, this is the second person to be beaten up by a tennis ball.


Kihisa Kajimoto, who was lying on the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, struggling to get up.

Opposite him, Shoujia still stood flat.

Everyone seemed to see the phantom of a monarch who controls the world.

“Your hand is injured. If you continue to hit it, it will only aggravate the injury. Give up!”

Looking at Takahisa Kajimoto opposite, Kunimitsu said lightly.

“Give up?”

Takahisa Kajimoto stared at his red and swollen hands and smiled bitterly.

Even though it was strong to the present level, he still couldn’t take a ball from his hand.

.. .0

The man in front of him was really terrifying.

“Referee, we surrender!

Just as Kajimoto wanted to continue the game, a soft drink interrupted the silence on the scene.

Chengcheng Shonan’s coach Huacun Aoi directly announced to the audience that he had lost the game.

At this moment, Kajimoto’s hands were red and swollen, and his wrists were already half the size of a fist. If he didn’t send him for treatment, it would be a question of whether he could continue to play tennis at that time.

No matter what, she is not a coach who ignores the players’ health.


“Because of Cheng Cheng Shonan Qi Quan, the game is over, hand Kunimitsu won, the score: 6 to 0.”

The referee sitting on the high platform directly announced the result loudly.

As in the previous game, the player in front of Yuzao directly beat him into the hospital.

“My goodness, it’s horrible.”

“This tennis is too bad for players to play!”

“I heard that Chengcheng Shonan took the initiative to provoke Yuzao, and this time he made himself suffer.”

Looking at the figure on the stage, all the audience were talking about it.

“The monarch’s hand!”

“The monarch’s hand!”

At this moment, a burst of cheers resounded from the audience.

Immediately afterwards, everyone agreed in unison, and the name of the monarch’s house spread throughout the Shiki no Mori Park.


In the audience, Maori Inoue let out a sigh of relief.

Although Yuzaoqian had long been guessed that Yuzaoqian was very strong, but Yuzaoqian’s temper was not small.

In the first game, the man was severely injured, and the second game was not much worse.

Really do it! One.

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