Chapter 457

The Huaxu tribe can be said to be a tribe or a village, because there are not many human races in it, and they are all covered with animal skins, full of characteristics of the times.

At this time, all of the tribes appeared, standing straight, staring at the black mountain in the air with angry eyes.

The mountain is not big, only ten feet high. It is not small for people, but it is too small for the mountain, and it is not as small as the bigger rocks in some mountains.

The size is not big, but the momentum is not bad.

“Huaxu, have you thought about it? Do you want to enshrine me as a god and shelter under my command, or do you choose to die than surrender and become a dead bone under my mountain?”

The old Huaxu clan stood in the forefront, and the eyes of the people behind them all fell on her.

“The Huaxu clan… rate the Huaxu people, see the god-tier of Montenegro!”

Huaxu shouted loudly and knelt down first.

Many Huaxu people behind him bowed down.

“Well, from now on, you will be the followers of Montenegro. As long as you devoutly worship, I will protect you from being pursued by other forces!” Montenegro was very happy, and her whole body was trembling, exuding bursts of waves. The black ripples distort the void.

Huaxu lowered his head, expressionless.

Many Huaxu people also lowered their heads.

Strange powers flew out from the top of everyone’s heads and fell into the black mountains following everyone’s visits.

On the black mountain, a little golden light shines, with a hint of Sacred’s majesty.


There was a sudden rain of Spirit Stones in the sky, and countless Xiantian Spirit Stones fell, falling beside the people who were kneeling on the ground.

“You are good, this is your reward.”


The life of mortals has gradually become formal. The appearance of the Taoist net has also made up the gap in life. The life of everyone is not strong, but it is still happy, and there are more smiles on their faces.

At night, Duobao saw Huaxu again.

It was still that old face, full of wrinkles, but the body that had been upright and straight, bent down, seemed to be different.

“What happened?”

Duobao asked curiously. When he saw Huaxu again, he immediately found out what was wrong.

It’s not that he has sharp eyes, but it’s the Huaxu family at this time. The external changes and the changes in temperament are so great that even if he is blind, he can see it.

“Nothing.” Huaxu’s voice was hoarse and waved and threw out an animal skin package, which was larger than the previous package Xiantian Spirit Stones, but smaller than the food animal skin package.

Open the package, which is full of Xiantian Spirit Stones.

“So many…Where did you come from?” Duobao asked with a frown.

It was already beyond his expectation that Huaxu could get those Xiantian Spirit Stones before, but this time he came again?

It was nothing when the human race was still at the top. The key is that the situation of the human race is not good now, and the Xiantian Spirit Stones have become a rarity to them.

“You don’t need to worry about that.” Huaxu stared at Duobao, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes: “It seems that you didn’t listen to what I said before.”

“Cultivation hard, how talented you are, you can’t help yourself, but Houtian’s hard work and persistence can still change his destiny.”

Duobao furrowed his brows tighter, and Huaxu’s words fell in his ears, with a deep sigh, which made him feel an inexplicable pressure.

“Honghuang…After all, it is still a world where the strong are respected.”

After speaking, the Huaxu family left again, just as she did before, after delivering things, speaking, and leaving.

Simply and neatly.

Duobao looked at her back, old, rickety, and angry.

The Huaxu family before, had an old face, but there was a breath of energy on his body, which broke through the sky. Under this breath, the face is no longer important. Unlike the old man, it is more like a leader in the prime of life, with a leader that belongs exclusively to him. The majesty.

But now, looking at her back, her temperament, that breath also disappeared, and it felt like a…dog with a broken bone and only crawling on the ground.

“Dog?” Duobao was silent.

What happened?


However, what kind of catastrophe was it that turned such a person into such an appearance?

According to the temperament shown by the Huaxu family before, I feel that no matter what kind of catastrophe it is, you can die, but you will never bow your head!

And now, it seemed that she had bowed her head, and because of her bowing, her anger disappeared and her bones were broken.

“Is the Huaxu tribe found by other forces?”

Combined with own knowledge, he quickly guessed it.

It is estimated that this is the only way. Under the safety of the entire tribe, the Huaxu family had to choose to surrender, or really became the slave of the unknown existence that was found… Therefore, the bone was broken.

Wrapped in animal skins, Duobao returned to the room and glanced at Huaxu’s room.

There was a long silence before falling asleep.

In the days that followed, day by day, the previous things seemed to have never happened before, and he never thought of intervening and letting the flow go. It was not something he should do, but something that Human Race should experience.

Moreover, this is just a place of the human race, a microcosm of the entire human race.

The days have been calm, Huaxu still comes every once in a while, not for Huaxu to send food, but for Duobao to give Xiantian Spirit Stones.

Every time I saw that there was no change in the aura on Dubao’s body, the loss in his eyes became heavier and his mood was even lower.

Every time, Huaxu didn’t say much, just came again and again, and lost again and again.

She seemed to have put something on Duobao, so she came here regularly, expecting surprises, but she was lost every time.

Slowly, Huaxu’s appearance grew older and more reticent. When he came back, or even after he appeared, he just glanced at Duobao, threw it to him Xiantian Spirit Stones, and then left.

No more words.

In the eyes of Kai and Hua Xu, Duobao made them envious. Every once in a while, he could pick up a lot of Xiantian Spirit Stones, almost all of them fixed.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they couldn’t believe that a person’s luck could be so good that it could even be fixed!

Envy each other!

But as the center of envy, Duo Bao is very upset.

“What is Huaxu’s doing!”

“I can’t be considered a human race anymore!”

“I… and I’m so talented, why do you like me?”

He obviously just came to end Karma, and watch the rise of the human race by the way.

Seeing the future overlord with his own eyes, a little bit of growth and rise is a very emotional thing, so he stayed.

But now, he didn’t feel so good anymore, and he even had the urge to escape.

It is true that every time that Huaxu came, he was inexplicably guilty and guilty.

She obviously didn’t do anything, didn’t say anything, and gave him a lot of things, but the look in her eyes… really made him a little unbearable.

Jin Ling, Xiao Hong looked at Duobao, who was lying on the ground with a weird frown, away from each other.

“Daddy, what’s the matter?”

“I don’t know, but in this state, we’d better not provoke it.” Jin Ling unconsciously retreated a distance.

She had never seen this big brother before, but she could feel it was dangerous.

She was a little scared, mainly because she was afraid that the big brother suddenly raised some thoughts, and then let her try… Well, think about the things that big brothers made before, the thoughts, she shuddered, pulling Xiao Hong, which is extraordinary. Ran away.

Let’s stay away now. Don’t be afraid that something will happen, just be afraid that something will happen.

Xiaohong didn’t resist either. She had asked her father before, but he didn’t say anything, and her mood was getting irritable every day, she didn’t know what to do.

But I am not very worried. After all, with Dad’s Cultivation Base, there is a high probability that Dad’s own psychological problems, except for himself, in the world, there is no other existence that can make him do this!

So, under Jin Ling’s pull, he followed and ran away.

Kai is honest, practicing his own Saber Technique intently. The stone knife that he could not hold in his hand is firmly held at this time. Under the impact of the endless chaotic air current, he has been able to run the Cultivation Technique completely, and it lasts for a long time. This is a huge improvement over time.

Hua Xu supported his stomach, walked over, and lay beside Duobao.

“You look very irritable lately, in a bad mood?”

“Did something happen?”

“A little trouble.” Duo Bao glanced at Hua Xu, and said to his heart, it wasn’t your old lady, if it wasn’t for her, I don’t know how happy it is now.

“Can you talk about it?” Huaxu said softly: “Speak out, I might also be able to help you share it.”

After hesitating for a while, Duobao said slowly: “A piece of waste material should be looked down upon by others, so obscure, born quietly, and died quietly.”

“But suddenly, someone put hope on this waste material and gave him all of his own. Do you think this person is sick?”

“A waste material, what can be cultivated?”

“If you have this time, go find another talented person to train, isn’t it?”

“Waste material is waste material, what can it be?”

Hua Xu looked at Duo Bao curiously, his head became a little silly because of pregnancy, and it suddenly became easier to use at this time.

That waste material refers to Dubo himself, right?

Someone put hope on him?

Who is it?

Those owners of Xiantian Spirit Stones?

Hua Xu thought, and slowly touched his belly with his hand: “Waste material may not be waste material, at least if it is really waste material, he won’t be annoyed by such things.”

“Innate talent is not everything, but the heart is.”

“As long as you have the heart, even if the talent is poor, what about it?”

Duobao scratched his head irritably, because he became a mortal and has always been a mortal mentality. Therefore, for such things, he could not be as indifferent as other cultivators.

“But waste material is waste material, he can’t bear it?”

“How do you know he can’t bear it?”

“I didn’t do it, how do I know that I can’t do it?”

“But what if he doesn’t want to do it himself?”

“Then don’t do it?”

“Did he force you…that waste material?”

“…That’s not true.”

“Then it’s over, if you really don’t want to do it, then don’t do it!”

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