Chapter 458: Let’s Talk

Chapter 451, let’s talk about “What’s so troublesome about this?”

“But… forget it, I think about it myself!”

Duobao put down his hand and looked at the sky with godless eyes.

Hua Xu looked at the irritable Duobao, with a smile in his eyes.

Waste material?

She doesn’t think so.

Can that waste material be so wasteful?

That waste material can survive so much in the prehistoric world without any strength at all?

good luck?

If it was just good luck… it would have been caught by those great powers for research.

Hua Xu is not stupid, how can she be stupid, she is very smart, but often, she pretends to be confused.

Just like the dog Jin Ling brought back, is it really an ordinary dog?

Or, is it really a dog?

Think about it carefully, Qilin, who gave her fruit, hasn’t appeared since that time.

And this puppy only appeared after Qilin appeared.

Such clues are connected, enough to form a small guess.

Not necessarily right, but at least it is possible, isn’t it?

Mortal… That mortal can be so free and at ease in the prehistoric world?

Can that mortal have such a temperament?

In Hua Xu’s heart, Duobao, Jin Ling, and Xiaohong are all very mysterious. She guessed that they must not be mortals, but why they became mortals, she didn’t know.

However, she knew that they had no malice towards her, just that was enough.

And maybe…

She touched Own’s belly and struck up Own’s abacus in her heart.

Every woman who becomes a mother thinks of her own child the first time, doesn’t she?

Huaxu once again took Duobao out, threw out the animal skin bag that contained Xiantian Spirit Stones, and turned around to leave.

“Let’s talk.”

Duobao sat up and stopped Huaxu, rubbing his hair irritably.

“why me?”

Huaxu didn’t look back, but didn’t leave again. After listening to Duobao’s words, he didn’t answer.

“I am a mortal, waste material, why do you put hope on me?”

Yes, the source of Duobao’s irritation was the Huaxu clan who seemed to put the hope of the human race on him.

He didn’t understand, and didn’t understand how he thought about it. Why would a mortal like him, a waste material, be favored by Huaxu?


Huaxu finally spoke, his hoarse and low voice, with endless exhaustion.


“You are the only free tribe I have ever seen.”

Duobao thought for a while. It seemed that he understood a little bit. His previous guess seemed to come true.

“The Huaxu tribe is enslaved?”

“Can you tell me more specifically?”

The Huaxu clan turned his back to Duobao: “A big demon has come, threatening the life of the whole clan to force us to believe in it.”


Believe, God’s Mansion, Yaozu?

Can this be related?

Isn’t the demon clan always cultivating demon art, formation?

That’s Emperor Jun, how come the demon clan’s way passed down by Taiyi is above belief?

“For the Human Race, the most important thing is freedom and unyielding. We have lost our freedom and succumbed to the big monster. We are no longer worthy of the Human Race.”

“You are different.”

“How am I different?”

“From the beginning, you are free, even if you are just a mortal, you are different from all the people I have seen.”

“Although there is not much time to meet, you have something we don’t have.”




Duobao stared at the Huaxu family: “What kind of heart?”

“Human heart.” The Huaxu family turned his back to Duobao, unable to see his expression: “We used to have it, but under a lot of pressure and hunting down, it gradually disappeared.”

“By now, it has completely disappeared.”

“And you still have.”

Duobao sighed, “So, this is why you put your hope on a waste material like me?”

“You are not a waste material!”

Hearing what Dubao said, the Huaxu family became excited: “You are not!”

Dubao was stunned. I said to myself, what are you so excited for?

“You are not a waste material, we are!”

“We succumbed, we knelt down, you stood up, you are human, you are free, we are the waste, you… are not.”

After speaking, she was leaving again.

“I haven’t finished talking yet, what are you doing in such a hurry?”

Duobao had a headache and understood thoroughly.

The Human Race is indeed being forced to such an extent.

He was in a hurry to go to the doctor…People like him can be attracted to him, and he doesn’t know what to say!

“I will try my best to help you, and I hope you don’t give up… You are not a waste material, you have never been.”

“It doesn’t matter if you are talented or inferior, as long as you have enough resources, you can definitely break through.”

What’s wrong with my eyes a little hot!

Duobao sighed. Seeing the Huaxu family like this, he planned to cultivate himself at all costs!

But, he really can’t do it!

The key point is that, looking at how Huaxu is unwilling to give up!

“You are our last hope, not only for yourself, but also for the human race. No matter what… don’t give up.”

“Don’t buckle your hat!” Dobo snapped his forehead: “I can’t afford such a big hat and such a big responsibility.”

“I haven’t done it, how can I know that it won’t work!”

Duobao was stunned. He really deserved to be a mother and daughter. They all said the same.

“Hey, I’m afraid of you.” He compromised: “I can’t afford the hope of the human race. Don’t worry, I can’t. Can I recommend someone to you?”

If you take it, if you take it, he is soft-hearted, and he can’t see others like this.

From the current appearance of the Huaxu family, it can be seen that everyone in the entire Huaxu tribe has lost hope, so they put hope on him.

“It’s impossible.” Huaxu’s shook his head.

“Why didn’t it?” Duobao was speechless: “I didn’t say who it was, so how come you know it’s impossible?”

“I have such a bad talent, you can all fancy it. I’ll find someone with high talent and strong, isn’t it okay?”

“What can’t be done, what’s not done.” Huaxu’s just kept shaking his head, speaking, with the intention of leaving.

Duobao hurriedly stepped forward and stopped: “I said, what’s wrong with you, you are going to leave as you say.”

“I don’t understand, what exactly do I make you fancy?”

Holding Huaxu’s face, he was stunned when he saw Huaxu’s face at this time.

After a while, the wrinkles on Huaxu’s face have increased again, criss-crossed and criss-crossed like a river valley, and the dark eyes are full of dead silence.

Duobao was taken aback. Just looking at these eyes, he was afraid that someone would believe that he was dead.

“You have a heart, an indomitable heart.”

“As long as you have this heart, no matter what kind of twists and turns you encounter, you will not give in like us.”

“So, only you can bear the hope of the human race.” The Huaxu clan stared at Duobao with a deadly gaze. He was flustered and couldn’t help turning his head.

Has it reached this level?

Dubao secretly said in his heart, but he did not expect that this was just the beginning, and the human race had already become like this!Where is this?

The calamity has just begun, and there is the meaning of being unbearable and collapsing… This is the consequence of not experiencing too much calamity!

He whispered in his heart, he understood the reason, and thought of another reason: “It is also because the human race is split now, there is no real leader, no one bears the hope of the entire human race, and there is no leader or hope, so so!”

When encountering problems, there are two worlds where someone takes the lead and no one takes the lead!

“We must give them a hope, at least let them see hope, otherwise the human race may really be unable to bear it and collapse before Fuxi’s birth!”

He was also a little surprised when things developed like this.

From the current situation of the Huaxu family, it can be inferred that the situation of the entire human race, even if it is good, is not much better. It is estimated that it is almost reaching the limit.

“I really can’t.” Thinking about it, Duobao said in a deep voice, “However, this person I’m talking about is definitely OK.”

The dead silence in Huaxu’s eyes was thicker, and it was about to overflow.

“Hey hey, don’t do this.”

Duobao was a little flustered: “I am good at some secrets, and in some situations, that person is really better than me, can withstand the hope of the human race, and will lead the human race to rise.”

“The secret?” Huaxu stopped, the silence in his eyes turned into death.

Heavenly secrets, in the previous great changes of heaven and earth, heavenly secrets were chaotic, even those legendary powers could not be calculated.

This statement is obviously fooling her.

“You are also a human race!” Huaxu’s hissed loudly, with blood and tears in his eyes.

She didn’t expect that Duobao would be such a person. In order not to take responsibility, she would actually tell such a falsehood.

Is it really hopeless for the Daoist clan?

“I go!”

Duobao really wants to curse, what’s the matter, what did he say, as for this?

“That person is no stranger to you, your grandson, the child your daughter is currently pregnant with.”

I also don’t know what to say, so I simply stated: “He will be the new leader of the Human Race, and the Human Race will reunify and rise again under his leadership.”

“My grandson?” The blood and tears in Huaxu’s eyes finally stopped flowing, staring at Duobao blankly.

Two lines of blood and tears hung on the face, under the criss-cross wrinkles, it was like a river of blood, and the heart of the person watching was hairy.

Duobao turned his head, he didn’t dare to look, and he couldn’t bear to look at it. How far was he being forced!

“Yes, your grandson, he will be the new leader of Human Race, and may also be the most powerful leader.”

“The most powerful?” Huaxu stopped crying, his eyes widened: “More powerful than the third ancestor?”

In the hearts of the human race, the prestige of the three ancestors is the strongest, also because they suddenly disappeared, otherwise, how could the human race become like this?

“You lied to me.” Huaxu didn’t believe it.

“This is how the secret of heaven is revealed, trust him…”


Huaxu just stared at Duobao, staring at his scalp numb.

“Well, then, if you really don’t believe me, if your grandson does not lead the human race to rise, I will come, okay?”

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