Chapter 456

The three girls were having fun. Although the movements were wrong and the fishing nets were not spread, depending on the environment, there were plenty of fish and shrimps in the Luohe River. That’s it, a lot of fish, shrimps and crabs were already netted.

“Dage.” Jin Ling saw Duobao sharply, put down his fishing net, and ran over: “What shall we do next?”

Housing, fishing nets, food, these are all solved, and playing for a while, it will seem a bit boring.

If it is replaced with Magic power, when the spell is in the body, it can still be cultivated, but now, it is nothing to play with.

“Don’t tell me what to do.” Duobao looked at Jin Ling’s waist: “Should I return my bag?”

Jin Ling immediately covered the bag and ran away like flying away: “Well, Dage, I have something to do, I’m leaving now.”

After that, he ran to Hua Xu’s side, for fear that Duobao would take the bag back.

Duobao shook his head. He didn’t plan to come back. He looked at the three of them and was thinking.

The life of a mortal is really boring, especially when it cannot be cultivated.

For ordinary mortals, food and survival are the biggest problems. To hide in Tibet, do not have enough food or clothes, but these problems are not a problem for them.

Although he has become a mortal, his knowledge is different, and in some places, he can’t really be treated as a mortal.

“Tao Shen Net?”

Thinking of fun, something immediately appeared in Duobao’s mind. The Taoist network he refined before, which is similar to the Internet, is now only popularized in the star realm. The hole is wide open, but it is not too crude.

However, in the Taoist network, most of them are cultivation things, or help cultivation, or accelerate cultivation, anyway, most of them are inseparable from cultivation.

In their current situation, it’s a bit unsuitable.

For the first time, he denied this idea, but soon, he became a little unsure.

Such boring days will continue for a long time. It is really boring to go on like this every day.

“Otherwise, just open up another entertainment section?”

Cultivator has the fun of cultivator, and mortals should also have the fun of mortals.

“But in this case…”

Duobao glanced at Kai and Huaxu, their identities cannot be revealed, they must be maintained as mortals.

It wasn’t really necessary, but he didn’t want to break it.

“Think again!”

This thought was half a month, and half a month later, he still did not pay attention to whether was going to make it, but the entertainment section had already been made.

According to the games he played in his previous life, he came up with some corresponding games to play.

Well, he secretly played it himself, and he hasn’t given it to Jin Ling and Xiao Hong.

This night, darkness fell, familiar breeze, familiar people.

In the deep forest, Duobao glanced at the feet of Huaxu’s, and as expected, there was a side of animal skins.

“In fact, it’s not necessary. We will not lose her food here. You don’t need to send it every once in a while.”

The Huaxu raised his hand, and a small animal skin bag flew into Dubao’s hand.

“This is?”

Duobao blinked and looked at the Huaxu family.

When I opened it, countless crystal clear stones with rich Spiritual Qi appeared in my eyes: “Xiantian Spirit Stones?”

Xiantian Spirit Stones are not Spirit Stones born from Xiantian, but stones that contain Xiantian Spiritual Qi, which is equivalent to the cultivation world, the existence of Spirit Stones.

It’s just that the Spirit Stones of the cultivation world contain ordinary Spiritual Qi, while in Xiantian Spirit Stones, it contains Xiantian Spiritual Qi.

“Your talent is a bit poor, but in the midst of the wild, it’s impossible to have no strength.”

Huaxu’s voice is cold, unable to hear the mood swings, and said coldly: “Anyway, no matter how bad the talent is, you must get cultivation. Take these Spirit Stones, don’t be so lazy, cultivation well, great strength will not be achieved. At least he can have a little bit of strength.”

Duobao looked at the animal skin package in his arms, then at Huaxu’s, his eyes condensed: “Are you injured?”

The Huaxu family was a little surprised, and he didn’t expect Duobao to see it: “It’s none of your business. Cultivation well. I hope that you won’t be so weak when we meet next time.”

After speaking, the Huaxu family flew away.

With a cold face, Xiantian Spirit Stones are not simple things.

Although Xiantian Spiritual Qi is everywhere nowadays, comparable to air, to condense into Xiantian Spirit Stones, there must be no spiritual veins. Only when the power of the earth is condensed can it be formed.

If the Witch Clan that originally controlled the earth is still there, Xiantian Spirit Stones are not difficult to see, but now the Witch Clan has disappeared, the authority has been taken away, and the new authority has not been generated, Xiantian Spirit Stones have become a rarity.

This thing is not bad for ordinary forces, let alone for the current human race.

“Thanks.” Duobao raised his brows: “Is this guy’s injury caused by these Xiantian Spirit Stones?”


Without thinking about it, he took two animal skins and wrapped it back.

The next day, Kai was still leveling the ground, only the last point was left, which could be done today, so he was very motivated.

Hua Xu sat on the bamboo chair, basking in the sun leisurely, and constantly touching his belly with his palm, his body seemed to exude the light of maternal love.

The bamboo chair is a bamboo found in the forest. Under Duobao’s command, Jin Ling and Xiaohong worked together to get it out.

There is only one for pregnant women.

Jin Ling and Xiao Hong didn’t care about style, lying on the ground in large fonts, looking at the white clouds in the sky, their eyes were hollow: “It’s so boring!”


Duobao walked out, waved, and threw out jade charms.

The jade talisman fell on the four of them, Hua Xu opened his eyes, looked at the white jade talisman on his stomach, and looked curiously.

The jade amulet is rectangular, palm-sized, crystal clear, shining brightly in the sun.

“What’s this?” Kai stopped his movements, grabbed the jade talisman, and looked at Duobao with a puzzled expression on his face.

Jin Ling and Xiaohong jumped up and looked at Duobao excitedly: “Dage?”


Huaxu and Kai didn’t know this jade talisman, they did.

Isn’t this Taoist Network?

They were there before, but after they became mortals, they were taken away by Duobao, and they could not be used without Magic power.

Now Dubo returns this thing back…what does it mean?

Thinking about it, the two of them were suddenly excited, looking at Dubao expectantly.

“This is, a treasure that the three of us got before.”

Duobao explained: “This thing needs Magic power to activate. The three of us don’t have Magic power, so we didn’t care about it before.”

“Yesterday when I went out to go around, suddenly there was a pile of Xiantian Spirit Stones falling in the sky, um…I just figured out the situation of this thing with the power of Xiantian Spirit Stones.”

“There is an illusory world in it, and there are some small things, which are quite fun, don’t you guys feel bored, just right.”

Kai Wenyan suddenly looked envious, is this the person of good luck?

Can you get Xiantian Spirit Stones when you go around?

Why doesn’t he have such good luck?

What he admired most now was the good luck of the three of them, not the beautiful jade charm in his hand.

Hua Xu picked up the jade symbol, put it in front of his eyes, and looked at the sun.

Duobao rolled his eyes. Isn’t he not clear enough?

This thing can only be activated with Magic power, which is incomprehensible.

Sure enough, a silly pregnancy for three years?

Jin Ling and Xiao Hong rolled their eyes secretly, and when Duobao fudged them, they passed their anger with them afterwards, so they didn’t need to wear help, so they knew.

The two were very excited. Anyway, they knew about the situation of Dao Shen. With this thing, they would not be bored in the future.

Some can’t wait to activate Dao Shen Net…nothing happened.

The two were dumbfounded.

Duobao shook his head helplessly. Wasn’t it a silly pregnancy for three years?

Hua Xu’s stupidity is excusable, but how come Jin Ling and Xiaohong have become so stupid?

He took out two Xiantian Spirit Stones and threw them over.

Jin Ling and Xiaohong looked at each other, and they stuck out their tongues together, almost forgetting that they don’t have Magic power now and can’t activate them.

Under Duobao’s guidance, Kai and Hua Xu each activated the Taoist network and entered the Taoist network for the first time.

There is nothing about cultivation in Taoshen’s online entertainment section, all of which are games.

Before each game, there was a novice guide. For a time, the four people sank into it, and followed the novice’s guide to play.

Seeing the four people’s movements, Duobao smiled and lay down, entered the Taoist Net, and couldn’t wait to start playing.

In the revised version of the King Pesticide Demon, Duobao has changed the characters in it, which scares Huaxu and Kai. Those super-big men, Daozu, Demonzu, and Sage did not get it out, just some of the legendary ordinary powers. Most of them are ordinary famous characters of the two families of Lich, as well as ordinary characters of the prehistoric hundreds of families.

It’s just that the characters have changed, the operation mode and game mode have not changed, coupled with the 100% virtual silence, it is more experience.

It’s okay for Duobao. After all, he has played it before, so after playing for a while, he is not so novel. In addition, his opponents are all his program intelligence. Although it is not so rigid, it is still not as changeable as a real person. Fun.

Jin Ling, Xiaohong, Huaxu, and Kai didn’t make it. The first time they met, they immediately indulged in.

The four of them had fun, and he didn’t stop it. It was the first time anyway, and there was no need for cultivation… Well, it seems that Kai can’t do it, he needs cultivation.

“Emmm… for Kai’s sake, or limit Kai’s game time?”

A thought came to my mind, and it was quickly determined, and it was such a happy decision.

Kay can only play two hours a day in the future…other times he will be cultivated.

“I’m doing this for his own good. If I think about it, he must be able to appreciate own’s hard work, right?”

Kai looked resentful and stared at Duo Bao closely: “Why do you only restrict me?”

He stared at the Taoist Net that belonged to him in Duobao’s hand, wishing to rush over and snatch it.

“Because only you need cultivation!” Duobao said naturally.

I’m not cultivating anymore, how fun the game is, and what do I cultivate?

Kai hesitated, but in the end he didn’t dare to speak out, with unwillingness and resentment, he started his own cultivation.

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