Chapter 455 Pet Ring

“Unexpectedly, this Fuxi is really…”

Duobao will not find a suitable word for a while, that is, now, because of the intervention of own, Fuxi’s operation is not so sassy. If he doesn’t have himself, according to the original general trend, Fuxi’s operation, really It’s…a worthy name of the emperor.

At night, Dubao was in a daze, just about to fall asleep, when a clear breeze passed through, rolled him, and appeared from the window.

“…here we go again.”

After all, I have experienced it once, and I am used to it this time, lying in the breeze, let alone, it really tastes a bit.

“Master Huaxu, what’s the matter this time?” Duobao lay lazily without getting up, with sleepy eyes. After becoming a mortal, all aspects of energy have dropped a lot, especially his resistance to drowsiness. It is an infinite reduction.

“You didn’t cultivate the Taoism I gave you?” Huaxu stared at Duobao, frowning.

It is still the same as she saw last time, it is still the person she saw before, the aura has not been enhanced, nor has it been reduced…still a mortal.

“Do you know that Huafeng Dharma is such a rare Tao Dharma, you don’t know how to cherish it, you…”

Huaxu’s was because he took in his daughter, so he taught him this way. Otherwise, other people, even if they kneel in front of her, kneel to die in front of her, they would never want to see a trace of Chinese style. The shadow of law.

“The predecessor is very dangerous. Without strength, accidents will happen sooner or later. Even if you have strength, it is unavoidable…at least you have the ability to escape.”


Duobao rubbed his eyebrows and interrupted Huaxu’s words: “It’s not that I don’t want to cultivate. My body, roots, and talent are too bad to be able to cultivate. It’s not that I’m lazy.”



The Huaxu family’s figure flashed and appeared in front of Dubao, with a wave of his hand, a breeze emerged out of thin air, and Dubao flew up.

As soon as he grasped Duobao’s arm, a gentle magic power, like a breeze, passed into Duobao’s body, circulated around the limbs for a week, and then turned back on its own.

“There is such a bone in this world?” Huaxu was stunned, looking at Duobao in a daze.

Cultivation pays attention to training Qi, wandering Meridians, and condensing Dantian. The smoother Meridians and the wider, the faster the wandering speed. If you fall into Dantian, the more magic power you can condense.

The so-called roots are actually the width and patency of Meridians.

Huaxu swears that in his thousands of years of life, he has seen all kinds of talents and roots, but he has never seen such a thing as Duobao.

Actually it is not that his Meridians are narrow and blocked. On the contrary, Meridians are spacious and smooth, but when her Magic power falls into it, the speed is not fast.

In the process of circulation, there was an invisible force blocking the circulation of her Magic power. With her current strength, it took a long time to complete a circle.

This is still her. Magic power is pure and relatively powerful. If Dubao trains his Qi by himself, it will take at least half a day if he wants to circulate his Qi!

And even for this half a day, it was still her best guess, and it might actually be even lower.

Thirty-six circles are a small universe, Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth circulates a small universe in the body to condense a trace of magic power. Note that it is a trace of magic power, not one or one day of magic power.

In other words, in the case of Duobao, under the most ideal situation, two laps a day will take 18 days to complete a small universe and gather a trace of magic power!

In other words, if you want to condense magic power for one day, at least it needs to be calculated on an annual basis… a year or even a few years to condense a trace of magic power… this talent is rooted… Huaxu also doesn’t know. What’s better.

“Stupid as a pig?”

A black line immediately fell on Dubo’s head, and he said so well, how could he curse?


Duobao’s complexion slowed slightly, and The next moment froze.

“I was wrong. The talent of pigs is stronger than you!”

Huaxu looked at Duobao incomprehensibly. It was really impossible to imagine that there is still such a bad root in this world?

This is also strangely tight!

Even a pig won’t be so bad, given the resources, he can get up slowly, and Duobao… give up, it’s absolutely impossible to get up.

“Hey, even though you are Huaxu’s mother, but if you talk nonsense like this, I will also sue you for slander!”

Duobao is dissatisfied: “If something is okay, it’s okay to send me back, I still have to sleep!”

“By the way, remember to send me back this time. Last time I left by myself. I walked for a long time.”

“You brought me out, and you should send me back.”

Huaxu didn’t speak, but took a deep look at Duo Bao, then turned and left.

What does that look mean?

Duobao muttered, the last look of Huaxu’s eyes looked weird, and he always felt something was wrong.

“Hey…” After thinking about it for a moment, he suddenly jumped his feet and pointed to the back of Huaxu’s back: “Hey, what about sending me back? You can’t do that!”

The voice echoed in the deep forest without any response. At the original location of Huaxu, a conspicuous animal skin was clearly visible.

Got, I see, this is here to deliver food to my daughter again.

Duobao yelled for a while, the corners of his mouth raised, and he carried the package with difficulty.

Although Huaxu was forced to leave the tribe, she was indeed good to her as a mother.

It was also because of the current situation of the human race that he was cruelly sent away, otherwise, Fuxi would have been born in the tribe.

In the early morning of the next morning, Duobao slept in the room. Jin Ling, Xiao Hong, and Hua Xu teased the little Qilin who turned into a puppy. Kai was dressed in sulky pink clothes and held a stone knife, just like a dying old man. Shaking the raised ground tremblingly.

The chaotic air currents in the stone knife kept hitting the body, Magic power, every movement, every thought, under such chaos, seemed so difficult.

Shaking hands is not enough, and the efficiency is extremely low.

Kai stared tightly at a palm-sized stone in front of him, tried to stabilize his palm, grasped the stone knife, and slowly cut it over.

The stone is not big, if it is changed to a normal state, even if he breathes out, he can blow it away, but now, it doesn’t work.

He needs to spend a lot of effort to cut it off.

“That’s not right, didn’t I come to the ground? What am I doing?”

After finally removing the stone, Kai took a breath and relaxed, and then suddenly realized the problem.

Didn’t Brother Bao say to level this place and use it to raise livestock?

In this case, shouldn’t efficiency come first?

Why should he give him a stone knife and not allow him to do it normally?

“Brother Bao?” Kai quietly glanced at Duobao’s room full of wild atmosphere, and couldn’t help but shudder.

After all, he still did not dare to ask, nor did he dare to put down the stone knife.

“I thought the previous thing was over, it looks like…it seems to have just begun!”

After thinking for a long time, Kay finally figured it out.

This is because I disturbed Brother Bao from sleeping yesterday, and I haven’t gotten up until now!

This is too angry to get up!

He wants to cry without tears, but there is nothing he can do. What can he do?

I can only forgive him!

Working until the sun went up and down, a large piece of flat land was leveled out at Kai’s speed. The three girls teased little Qilin and got tired. They all took fishing nets and played fishing by the Luo River.

Until this time, Duobao walked out with a relaxed expression, stretched his waist, looked at Kai who was working hard, and said hello: “Hi, are you busy?”

Kay: “…”

Little Qilin got out of the clutches of the three women and wanted to escape, but as soon as he ran a certain distance, his brain turned white, his consciousness sank, and he ran back unconsciously.

It wasn’t until I returned to the house that I waved my consciousness again, swaying from side to side with a dumb face, and still didn’t understand what was going on, as if he was drunk.


Duobao felt something hit Own’s leg, and looked down and was amused: “It’s you bastard, don’t say it, it’s so cute.”

He squatted down and hugged little Qilin, and his big hand immediately touched it. The shiny and smooth hair is very textured and feels very comfortable.

Little Qilin grinned, struggling hard, trying to get out of Dubao’s embrace.

“Don’t make trouble.” Duobao patted lightly. He didn’t have much power, but he just happened to hit a purple ring between Qilin’s neck.

Above the circle, a purple light flashed. The next moment, little Qilin’s brain was empty, and he recovered quickly without any injuries.

But it recovered again, but it was no longer noisy.

The big cute eyes glanced at Duo Bao quietly, and immediately lowered his head, his small head was buried in Duo Bao’s arm, not well-behaved.

After all, it is not a newborn cub, ignorant and innocent.

From the previous girl in gold, she took out a purple ring and threw it out. She rushed over naturally, put her head on, and knew that girl in gold was not easy.

Its strength is not weak anymore, but under the circle, there is no resistance at all, and it even rushed past by itself.

The girl was terrifying, and now the person holding own seemed even more terrifying.

Although he didn’t feel any powerful aura in him, he knew from the movement of touching the horror circle inadvertently, and he knew the circle too.

Moreover, it has not been long since it has been here. It has already understood that among the people, it seems that this person is the head, and even the terrifying girl in gold must listen to him.

From this point of view, this person is definitely more terrifying than he thought.

“Don’t want to run away on your own, you can only wait for the ancestors, I hope the ancestors will come here soon, this place is terrible!”

Duobao felt the little bastard settled in his arms, and was happy: “It’s not stupid.”

“Don’t worry, stay honest, it will be your advantage in the future.”

The purple ring between Qilin’s neck is not a well-known Magic Treasures. It is a pet ring made by accident on a whim before, specially used to restrain disobedient pets.

As long as it is put on, unless the owner removes it by himself, it will last a lifetime.

Holding Xiao Qilin, he came to the Luo River and looked at the three girls who yelled and smashed the fishing nets by the river, and Duo Bao smiled happily.

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