Chapter 452 Qilin Offering Fruit

At night, Duobao was sleeping on a bed covered with thick feathers. Suddenly a gust of wind, like a living thing, came from outside the window, wrapped Duobao, and flew out of the window.

Dubao woke up immediately, because he didn’t sense malice in the wind, and didn’t do anything. He left the house and entered the deep forest. After flying for a while, he fell down in front of a dark shadow.

“Who are you?”

The black shadow stood with his back to face, the moonlight fell sparsely, and he couldn’t see his face clearly, and his figure was low: “Do you know that you have caused a big deal?”

Duobao curled his lips, who is this man, he said this as soon as he met.

“What’s the big deal?”

“Do you know that the woman you took in today is in serious trouble. If you don’t want to die, send her away tomorrow, otherwise, if something happens, it will be hard for you to live.”

“Woman? Huaxu?” Duobao thought for a while, frowning at the shadow.

Isn’t this person Huaxu’s enemy?

Seeing that Hua Xu was taken in by himself, he had a place to stay, so come and let him go?

“It’s not a big deal, let’s not talk about it. You just said this when you met. I doubt your motives.” Duobao looked at the dark shadow: “Who are you? What is the relationship with Huaxu? ”

“Aren’t you afraid of death?” Sombra heard the meaning of Duobao’s words: “That woman will really bring disaster to you, because of her, you may all die.”

“Everyone will die. It’s just a matter of time or night. You don’t need to worry about this. If you have nothing else to say, I will go back.” Dobo patted the dust on his body, stood up, and turned around. I’m leaving.

This guy has never said his own identity, nor did he do anything to him. He is too lazy to ask and doesn’t care. He has been a mortal for a long time, and he has the habit of a mortal, and he has to go to bed at some point.

At this point in time, he was brought out, awakened, full of sleepiness, if it were not for a good temper, he would have been slapped and slapped.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is just a mortal now, and he can’t beat him.

“Stay.” Sombra called Duobao to stop, and turned around. In the moonlight, there was a wrinkled, old-looking woman.

“My name is Huaxu, and I am Huaxu, the mother of the woman you lead today.”

“Hua Xu’s mother?” Duobao was a little surprised. He couldn’t help but look carefully, wrinkles, white hair, almost imprinting old age on his body. It is not too much to describe such a person as Hua Xu. mother?

Huaxu is young and beautiful. Of course, although the human race of this era is in a difficult situation, because of the widespread suffering, they will cultivate a lot of Immortal Ascension, but not more of Immortal Ascension, so the life span has become ascension.

Kai is a few hundred years old. Seeing Huaxu’s elder sister will know that Huaxu’s age is not young.

But no matter how old you are, it is too far-fetched to look at Hua Xu’s youth and beauty and look at the old wrinkles of the person in front of you. It is too far-fetched to say that she is a grandmother and her ancestors will do.

“I have explained the matter to you. Now that you have decided, you will be responsible for the future blessings and disasters.”

Duobao frowned. These words…

call out!

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Duo Bao bowed his head, with a feather and a jade talisman in his hand.

“Feathers are my keepsake. If you really encounter danger and break the feathers, I will know.”

“The jade talisman is the Huafeng method of my Huaxu tribe. If you take cultivation, you can have some strength, and you can struggle a little more when you encounter danger.”

After reading the things in her hands, Duobao looked up, Huaxu was no longer visible, but there was an extra animal skin wrapper where she was originally.

The package is not small, it is half a person, and with Duobao’s current strength, it is really difficult to pick up.

Going back to the room, throwing things casually, almost instantly, fell asleep.

“Qilin, Qilin, it’s Qilin!”

In the early morning, not knowing what time it was, Duo Bao was awakened by an excited voice, rubbing his messy hair, and walked out dissatisfied.

Outside the house, Huaxu looked stupidly at the lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, moose body, dragon scales, and oxtail beasts in front of him. There was a pure white jade plate in his mouth, and the jade plate was full of fruits. .

Kai looked at Qilin excitedly, but he couldn’t be excited.

This is Qilin, a legendary existence. He has been wandering since he was born, and he has been a lot of knowledge. Shenlong and Phoenix are fortunate to have seen some, but Qilin alone has never seen it. This is still the first time.

“Qilin?” Hua Xu was a little surprised, looking at Qilin, he was also a little surprised.

Legend has it that where Qilin haunts, there must be gods and men.

This Qilin appeared in front of own, and he just broke the child again. Doesn’t that mean…

Hua Xu was excited, touched own belly, secretly said in his heart, is the child in my arms a god-man?

It’s not just Dubao who was awakened by Kai’s voice. Jin Ling and Xiaohong were also awakened. They stood in front of the window and watched the outside scene.

“Qilin?” Jin Ling’s sleepy eyes flashed a bright light, and his eyes rolled straight.

Qilin put down the jade plate in his mouth, nodded to Hua Xu, did not speak, and turned around to leave. Suddenly, his vest felt cold and he couldn’t help but sneezed.

“Sneezing, does Qilin sneeze?” Kai shouted loudly, looking excited, as if he had discovered a new world.

Qilin couldn’t help but glanced back. In his sight, there were five people, two men and three women.

Except for one of them who is the target of his trip, the other four are very strange, and their strength is very weak in the sense of breath.

No, it should be said that apart from the yelling guy, the other three strangers are weak chickens. They have no strength at all. They turned out to be mortals.

There are even mortals in the predicament, Qilin muttered in his heart, this is also rare.

At this time, the predecessor was still in the Xiantian era. Xiantian Spiritual Qi was vertical and horizontal. Basically all creatures, even the most ordinary creatures, were weak after being born, and it didn’t take long for them to quickly become stronger under the influence of Xiantian Spiritual Qi.

It can be said that the great power is hard to find at this time, but mortals who are weak to this level are even rarer.

Of the three mortals, the man who came out was dissatisfied. He seemed to have just woke up, glanced at himself, and ran to the yelling man angrily.


Dubao dunked, and the hitting Kai hugged his head. He was aggrieved and looked at Duobao incomprehensibly: “It was so early in the morning, what was the noise and made people sleep?”

“Brother Bao, Qilin, it’s Qilin.” Kai weakly stretched out his finger and pointed at Qilin.

Duobao glanced at Qilin. Isn’t it Qilin? What?

Not to mention Qilin, even Qilin’s ancestor, who dares to disturb his sleep, has to beat him up.

“What happened to Qilin? Qilin is amazing!” Duobao hit Kai’s forehead again and again.

“I didn’t say it was great.” The surprise in Kai’s eyes disappeared, replaced by grievances, explained again and again.

This is Qilin, very rare.

“Since it’s not great, why is it bothering me to sleep?” Duobao asked dissatisfiedly.

“I haven’t.” Kay put his head in his hands, avoiding Dubao’s beating.


“Is it my sleepwalking?”

“No, I…” Kai wanted to cry without tears, and suddenly understood a truth. Brother Bao was really angry when he got up.

He decided to pay attention in his heart, next time, next time I will definitely not disturb Brother Bao sleeping, he is obviously a nice person, he is too angry to get up, it is totally unreasonable!

No, no, there is no next time!

Seeing that Kay’s head was lowered to the crotch by Duo Baoxun, Jin Ling and Xiao Hong looked at each other, and shrank their necks together.

Qilin’s gaze fell on the two women standing at the window, just to meet Jin Ling’s glowing eyes.

I don’t know why, my heart is inexplicable, I speed up my pace unconsciously, and quickly disappear before everyone’s eyes.

“Brother Bao, let me go out for a while.” Jin Ling shouted, and then rushed to Duobao’s room, took a small cloth bag, and rushed out.

Duobao Zhengxunkai, venting his dissatisfaction with being awakened, did not hear Jin Ling clearly.

Because of the presence of Kai, the title of elder brother must not be used, so Jin Ling called Duobao as Brother Bao, and Xiaohong still called Dad.

With a smile, Hua Xu looked at Kai, who was unable to raise his head by the Sermon, without stopping. Seeing Qilin’s surprise, he was slowly washed away by the scene in front of him, warming his heart.

Reached out and picked up a Lingguo and handed it to Xiao Hong, who had walked down, “Here, eat some.”

Xiao Hong was not polite, opened a small mouthful and ate, facing the scene in the field, eating with gusto.

Kai saw this scene from the corner of his eye, and tears of disappointment flowed from the corner of his mouth.

That’s the fruit Qilin sent here. I think it must be delicious, and he wants to eat it too.

But in the face of Duobao, who was still in a rage, he lowered his head honestly, not daring to say more.

After Brother Bao calms down, let’s go over and eat.

Then Qilin’s fruit is not too small, and they should keep some for themselves… right?

“Your father is too angry to get up, right?” After training for a long time, the field was not over yet, Hua Xu also slapped his tongue and bit off half a peach in one bite.

Xiao Hong looked like you were too fussy: “What’s this, Dad is good at everything else, and talks very well, just a little bit. I hate other people disturbing his sleep.”

“Look at it, this matter is endless.”

Hua Xu was surprised: “No, after the training, isn’t it the end?”

Xiaohong smiled: “Where is this?”

Thinking of the fate of those uncles in the Kunlun Mountains because they accidentally quarreled their father, even Xiaohong couldn’t help but shudder… Hey, I can’t bear to think about it.

“No way!” Hua Xu looked at Xiao Hong’s appearance, and understood. At the same time, he looked at Kai in the field and was stunned for a moment. His eyes showed sympathy. At the same time, he had the same cognition as Kai in his heart. .

No matter what you do in the future, you must never disturb Dubo’s sleep. This guy… is terrible.

Well, it’s really horrible if it falls on yourself, but if it falls on other people, it can only be described in two other words…to eat.

“You keep a little bit for me!” From the corner of Kai’s eyes, he saw that there was only the bottom layer of fruit on the jade plate. The tears in the corners of his mouth suddenly flowed more joyfully, and the ground was getting wet. NS.

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