Chapter 453


Duobao stopped his movements disgustingly and took a step away.

This guy is not Alzheimer’s, this drool is too much, and he is not in the mood to continue training.


The sound in his ears suddenly disappeared, Kay suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and it was finally over.

The time of darkness is finally over.

Duobao glanced at Kai, getting up and losing his anger a lot, he didn’t bother to say anything, walked to Hua Xu and the others, picked up a fruit, and ate: “Don’t say it, this thing is really delicious. .”

“Hey, Brother Bao?” Kai cautiously walked over, looking at the sparse fruits on the jade plate with salivation.

“Take it if you want, can I prevent you from eating it?” Duobao rolled his eyes.

Hearing this, Kay was not polite at once, he had been greedy for a long time, using both hands together, grabbing one with each hand, and one mouthful, like a starving ghost reborn.

“Um!” Duobao kept rolling his eyes while watching. As for, you Zhu Bajie.

Xiao Hong and Hua Xu stared at Kai with their eyes shining brightly.

That mouth is not big. A fruit is the size of his two mouths. Can this one bite?

Don’t cultivate any special Taoism, right?

Jin Ling hugged his belly with both hands, walked back bulging in his arms, took a careful look at this side, and walked surreptitiously towards his room.

“Huh? How did it end?”

“Big brother was interrupted to sleep before, don’t you have to train for a few hours at least? Why is it so fast this time?”

“It’s over, don’t be discovered.”

“Jin Ling?” Duobao raised his brows and shouted at Jin Ling who had walked to the door with a smile.

This sound immediately drew everyone’s attention to Jin Ling, and even Kai, who was devouring fruit, looked over.

“Jin Ling, what’s in your arms?” Kai’s two cheeks bulged up high, and he was still holding a peach in his hand, and his voice was not affected, it was very clear.

Huh…Hua Xu, Xiao Hong’s eyes flickered, and she looked back at Kai. That’s okay, amazing.

“Nothing, hehe, nothing.” Jin Ling glared at Kai bitterly, then smirked at Duobao, hoping to fool him.

You can’t stop your mouth even if you eat. If you are discovered by the big brother, it will be up to me how to deal with you in the future.

Suddenly, Kai shrank his neck, feeling inexplicably cold, his vest became cold, his scalp was numb, he stopped his movements, and looked left and right: “Weird, it doesn’t seem to get cold, weird.”

“What’s in your arms?” Duobao raised his brows, and from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a bag hanging on Jin Ling’s waist. It was the bag he used to refine Magic Treasures, and it had been kept in his room. , How come to this girl’s hands?

Reminiscing that this girl suddenly went out before, plus Qilin, who had just left, already had an answer in his heart.

“Brother Bao, it’s really nothing?” Jin Ling clasped his hands tightly, gagging, trying to fool around: “Hey, what are you eating, and it looks delicious, do you keep it for me?”

Duobao looked at Jin Ling with a half-smile, “Really?”

Jin Ling’s expression stagnated. Looking at the expression of the big brother, he knew that this matter must be fooled, and he couldn’t help but glared at Kai bitterly.

Blame this guy, if it weren’t for this guy, I would have fooled myself over, hum, you will wait for the future.

Unwillingly let go of her arm, and a furry puppy came out of her arms, two palm-sized, delicate and cute, but in those dark eyes, there was humanized helplessness.

“Hey, it’s nothing, just a little puppy.”

When Duobao patted his forehead, I knew it, puppies?

If this thing wasn’t the Qilin who left before, his name was written upside down.

He obviously blocked the girl’s Magic power and spells, but he didn’t expect that this girl could actually do things for himself.

It’s amazing too!

“Wow, it’s so cute.” Hua Xu yelled and walked over with a big belly. He picked up the puppy cub in Jin Ling’s arms, pressed his cheeks to it, and was doting over his face.

Perhaps because of the broken child, the current mother Huaxu loves so much that she loves cute things the most.

The cubs of any creature are very cute when they are young, especially Qilin, even if it becomes a puppy cub, in such a miniature situation, it is also cute, which inspires Huaxu’s maternal love.

“Brother Bao, can we keep it?” Hua Xu looked at Duo Bao expectantly while holding the puppy.

Of course, Dubao is in charge of this family. Whether he can keep this little puppy, it still depends on whether Dubao agrees.

Facing the star-eyed Hua Xu, what Dubao could say could only nod his head.

“Yeah.” After hearing this, Hua Xu hadn’t reacted, and Jin Ling cheered first.

After becoming a mortal, many things can no longer be used, boring to death, there is such a little Qilin…No, it is a puppy, and it can add a little more fun, at least not so boring.

Duobao stared at Jin Ling blankly, and Jin Ling instantly lowered his head.

“Damn Kay, you wait for me.”

Kai raised his head questioningly and looked around: “Strange, the weather hasn’t changed, why is it so cold?”

He shuddered, and he was very puzzled. He looked around and found nothing. Then he looked at the fruit in the jade plate and ate happily: “It’s delicious, it’s so delicious.”

“Father, this puppy, is that Qilin that left?” Xiao Hong approached Duo Bao and asked in a low voice.

Although they have become mortals, they sometimes have some private things to say and cannot be heard by other people. Therefore, when speaking, as long as they don’t want other people to hear them, even Sage can’t hear them. .

“Well, isn’t that Qilin who is it?” Duobao replied helplessly, and then gave Jin Ling a fierce look. The staring Jin Ling’s head became lower, and Kai felt like he was cold again. Some.

Qilin came here to give him a fruit, and to make Karma with the future emperor. This was a good thing, but Jin Ling kept it.

It’s coming, then Qilin probably couldn’t think of it, but he couldn’t go back.

“Miscalculation!” Duobao sighed in his heart. Jin Ling was sealed by himself with Magic power, spells, and no magical powers, but he forgot that he still had a treasure bag, which contained many Magic Treasures he had previously refined. Many of them don’t need Magic power to activate, although they are not very strong, but it is also for his level.

Using those Magic Treasures to deal with a little Qilin, isn’t it a matter of grasping?

“Father, nothing will happen, right?” Xiaohong glanced at Jin Ling and asked quietly.

“If you leave the word bar, something will definitely happen.” Duobao is out of anger. Qilin is here and can’t go back. How could it be okay. It’s just that having one’s own presence will not be a big deal.

But something happened anyway… Jin Ling, the girl, always felt that she had awakened her ability to cause trouble. If she was not careful, she could cause trouble.

They have all become mortals, and they can still make trouble, which is also terrible.

“Then what should I do now?” Xiaohong asked.

“What can I do, take one step at a time and watch one step at a time?” Duobao waved his hand: “Let’s talk about it when the parent of the little doggie comes home.”

“Oh.” Xiaohong nodded and muttered: “That’s all right.”

Dubao’s expression turned into horror instantly, what is your ability to understand?

Can this be called okay?

Xiao Hong didn’t care, and ran to Hua Xu’s side, followed by teasing little Qilin who had become a puppy.

Isn’t it Qilin’s parent? What if he comes?

What can I do to them?

As long as there is no other chain reaction, it doesn’t matter.

The revenge of a single person is not in her eyes at all, his father, Duobao…invincible!

Watching her baby girl ran over, Jin Ling was also quietly looking at her wink, Duobao was very tired, what kind of evil I have done!

From the corner of his eye, I caught a glimpse of Kai who was still eating: “Every day I know how to eat, what else can you do besides eating, come with me and work.”

Kay was stunned, with a dazed look, what’s up with me?

Did I do nothing?

He is holding half a peach in his hand… Then should I eat it or not?

In an instant, the delicious fruit no longer fragrant.

Seeing Duobao walking to the side, Kai was stunned for a while, ate the peach in his hand in a few bites, and followed.

Seeing Duobao walking away, Jin Ling immediately jumped up, leaned close to Hua Xu, and followed the two of them to tease his unloved little puppy.

“This little guy is so cute.”

“Yeah, I think so too, hehe…”

“The hair is so smooth, so soft, so hairy.” Hua Xu touched Qilin’s soft fur, and a bright light flashed in his eyes: “Hey, you said, how about we make a small dress for it?”

Little Qilin is an agitated spirit. He looks at Hua Xu with a devilish look. I’m not a real dog, but you are!

This is Qilin, Qilin!

I am Xiang Rui!

Then there are you like this!

Do you remember, I just gave you something…

Little Qilin’s eyes gradually turned into horror, and every part of his body was filled with resistance, struggling hard, trying to break away from Hua Xu’s embrace.

“Old ancestor, save me, ancestor!”

Didn’t it mean that this time I just came to send some fruit, some food, earn some merit, and forge good bonds, it’s easy and there is no danger?

Is it not dangerous?

These three ladies are going to make clothes for me!

Patriarch help!

Qilin yelled, asking for help, but when he said the words, it turned into a milky bark, and the eyes of the three women brightened.

“The voice is so cute!”

“I’m going…Help!”

Little Qilin struggled constantly, but couldn’t get away from the palms of the three women. The hoarse cry for help also turned into a cute bark, which aroused the interest of the three women, and they became even more excited.

“Um, Brother Bao, that little puppy seems to be asking for help?” Kai, who was following Dubao, suddenly turned his head and looked at the little Qilin who was taken away by the three women.

Amidst the cry of milk and milk, he always felt something wrong. It didn’t seem to be happy, but to ask for help and struggle.

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