Chapter 451 Huaxu and Kai

When everyone was sighing, a surprise sound suddenly sounded.


Kai carried a wild boar the size of a hill and ran back, looking at the words at the table in surprise, excited: “Sister Huaxu, why are you here?”

“Did you come to see me? How do you know I am here?”

Hua Xu listened to the voice and looked up. The tears on his face were still not dry. A surprise appeared in his eyes: “Kay, why are you here?”

“Uh, do you live here?”

She seemed to have realized something, turned her head and looked at the house by the river, then at the three of them, and finally looked at Kai, her expression became serious for a moment: “How long have you been here?”

“It’s been a long time, probably more than half a month.” Kai answered honestly, with unconcealable joy and happiness in his eyes.

“It’s been more than half a month?” Hua Xu was stunned, then looked at the three of Duobao, and asked suspiciously, “You…are you all right?”

The three of Duobao were confused, and Duobao asked inexplicably: “Do you know each other?”

“Of course.” Kai nodded excitedly: “We are old friends, and, before you, she is my only friend.”

“Friend?” Hearing this word, Hua Xu was stunned again. It took a long time before he let out a long sigh, and he suddenly relaxed.

Duobao felt the change in Hua Xu’s mood, and glanced at Kai with a puzzled look, and said to his heart, it seemed that something was going on.

“That’s it.” Facing the three people’s puzzled eyes, Hua Xu said slowly: “This kid Kai, originally from the Fuwei tribe, was originally a normal child, but when he was three years old, he was too much. I was greedy for fun, entered the deep forest, and ate an unknown fruit. My talent and roots are much stronger.”

“This is a good thing, but the fruit not only strengthened his roots and talent, but also brought bad luck to him.”

“Doom?” Duobao repeated, looking at Kai, thinking about his previous behavior, and gradually understood.

“Yes, bad luck is not his own bad luck, but everyone who comes into contact with him will encounter bad luck.” Hua Xu said, looking at Kai with some pity: “At that time, because of his existence, he was originally calm. The tribes have encountered various calamities one after another.”

“In just one year, the entire Fuwei tribe has changed from a tribe of 10,000 people to more than 3,000 people…I finally found out that it was his problem.”

“In no way, he can only be driven out of the tribe, who is only four years old.”

“After that, at a young age, he can only wander alone, and it’s okay, because of the fruit, although he is young and outside, he is not afraid of encountering danger.”

Duobao roughly understood, and Xin said, indeed, if it is contaminated with bad luck, it is not own bad luck, but to bring bad luck to those who contact him, then it is true that there will be no danger outside, and the only danger will only be contact. His people.

“That’s right.” Kai answered, “I have been wandering since I was a child, walking in the wild, and there is really no danger along the way. On the contrary, those who meet me, whether with good intentions or malicious intent, have been met. Great danger.”

“For hundreds of years, it was only when I met Sister Huaxu that nothing happened.” Kai smiled bitterly: “So, she also became my only friend.”

Jin Ling suddenly realized: “So, this is the reason why you were so scornful before?”

“Yes.” Kai’s face was filled with a bright smile: “For so many years, except for Sister Huaxu, you are the only ones who have not been affected by my bad luck, and you are not alone, but three.”

Xiao Hong looked at Kai carefully, her eyes flickered: “The fruit of bad luck, talent, strong roots…how does it feel like it has something to do with me?”

She looked at Duo Bao, and at the same time, Duo Bao also looked over.

At this glance, Xiao Hong suddenly confirmed that what happened to Kai must have nothing to do with her.

“The fruit of bad luck, should it be a variant of ominous power?” Duobao secretly said in his heart. From the words of the two, he guessed the reason for Kai’s abnormality.

However, it is not entirely certain that there will be other fruits that have this effect in the prehistoric times, but not many, and there is a high probability that it is a variant of Ominous Force.

Unless he releases his own power now, he will still be unclear for the time being.

Hua Xu is not affected by the power of doom. It is understandable. After all, the power of auspiciousness on his body is indeed strong, and the three of them… well, how can the power of mere doom affect it?

“For the time being, the power of doom is not too strong, and it can’t affect the existence of the great Taiyi Golden Immortal, only the Golden Immortal.”

Duobao glanced at Kai, contacted what he had said, calculated it in his mind, and got the result.

“It’s great.” Hua Xu looked at Kai up and down, and was also very happy for him. He stood up and bowed to the three of Duobao: “Thank you, this child, who has been alone for so many years, finally found the true friend.”

She doesn’t count, she is not afraid of Kai, but the people in her tribe can’t, so she can’t contain Kai into the tribe. Knowing that it is not easy for him, she can only watch and let him wander.

Now I saw that he and Duobao got along very well, and I was comforted. Looking at the situation in the house, I can say that I have a home, and I am happy for him from the bottom of my heart.

“No need to be polite.” Duobao stopped Hua Xu, glanced at Kai, and shook his head with a smile: “He is our family.”

There is no other words, just the word family, it is enough to explain everything.

Hua Xu was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly smiled more sincerely, tears flashed in Kai’s eyes.

“By the way, Sister Huaxu, you didn’t come to see me, then you…” After the excitement and excitement, Kai suddenly remembered something. Looking at Huaxu, he suddenly realized the difference: “Are you pregnant?”

“Yes.” Huaxu lovingly touched own belly: “I have a baby.”

“If this is the case, then why are you still walking outside and don’t take care of your baby?” Kai suddenly said with some dissatisfaction after hearing this.

“Quickly, it’s windy outside, it’s not good to be treated, it’s not good for the child, I’ll send you back…”

Before he finished speaking, he saw a bit of bitterness flashed in Hua Xu’s eyes, and he was not stupid. Combined with Hua Xu’s current situation, he realized that something was wrong.

After a moment of stunned, he asked cautiously: “Did something happen?”

At this time, he thought of a question. It’s just that the Huaxu tribe is not in a normal state. Now Huaxu is pregnant with a big belly, how can he run so far?

Hua Xu didn’t speak, but Jin Ling explained in Kay’s ear in a low voice.

After hearing everything, Kai froze. Looking at Hua Xu, he didn’t know what to say.

No one knows this situation better than him.

Indeed, based on the current situation of the human race, the people of the Huaxu tribe did nothing wrong, just let a pregnant woman go out by himself, and what is the difference between leaving the tribe when he was four years old?


After hesitating for a while, Kai looked at Duobao cautiously, and stopped talking.

Duobao understood what he meant, and made a straight face: “What are you doing in a daze? Are you not going to build a house?”

“Huh?” Kay was stunned, then reacted and ran away happily.

“Kay, Kay…” Hua Xu was not stupid. He heard the meaning of Duobao and Kai’s words, and quickly tried to stop it, but Kai moved quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“This can’t work. My situation is different from Kai. You can ignore the bad luck of Kai, but this is not bad luck for me, but an enemy that may appear in the future.” Hua Xu waved his hand repeatedly, unable to sit still, and stood up directly: “I’d better leave, don’t bother you.”

Jin Ling pressed Hua Xu down, and said to the anxious and helpless Hua Xu: “Sister Hua Xu, you just live well, we are not afraid.”

Not to mention knowing that Hua Xu is carrying the future Emperor of the Human Race, and the unknown power is also Lei Ze, a righteous god, born from heaven and earth, alone, and has no idea about the Human Race.

Even if he really had an idea, if Lei Ze dared to do something in front of them, that would be death.

Not to mention Duobao, if Lei Ze really dared to think that he shouldn’t have, and came here, she would be able to slash him without Duobao’s action.

I believe that when the time comes, the big brother will definitely not mind lifting her seal.

Hmm…I still have some small expectations after thinking about it this way.

“No, no, I can’t hurt you.” Hua Xu still refused, fearing that something might happen, so he had to leave.

“Stay, we are all mortals, and our lifespan is not long. If that guy really shows up, maybe we will all be dead when he finds you.” Duobao opened his eyes and said nonsense, serious.

“Moreover, we also have some chances. Although we don’t have the strength, there are still some treasures. The ordinary guys don’t look at it.”

“Huh?” Hua Xu looked at them stupidly. Only then did he realize that there was no magic power fluctuation on the three of them.

Take a closer look, not only is there no Magic power, but the flesh is even more fragile. He is really the most ordinary mortal, and even worse than the twelve or three-year-old children in her Huaxu tribe.

“You turned out to be mortals… that’s even worse.” Hua Xu’s attitude became more determined, and she didn’t want to involve the three of them.

It’s okay if the three of them have a Cultivation Base. They are in danger and they have a chance to run, but if they are just mortals, they don’t even have the hope of running.

If something really happened, there was only one dead word left.

Helpless, Duobao unblocked a little bit of the power of the paper knife, and proved in front of Hua Xu that he and the others also had the means, so he was not afraid.

In this way, Hua Xu calmed down: “In this case, I will trouble you.”

Several people in Duobao pressed her, refused to let her, said so much, and showed her own means. Moreover, she herself had gone too far, too long, and too tired, so she simply stayed behind.

“They are still mortals. I think there is no cultivation method. I remember that there are still many cultivation methods in the tribe. Although they are not strong, I still remember that finding time later and teaching them to them would be regarded as repaying them for taking in. Grace.”

In his mind, Hua Xu thought secretly.

Kay returned soon, tied a pile of boulders and trees with thick vines, dragged, rumbling, and with great momentum.

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