Chapter 450: Hua Xu’s Arrival

With a house, there is a harbor, a place to stand, and the days to come will go on so plainly.

In the beginning, Kai used to hunt for food. Later, after several renewal of the fishing net, it finally matured. You can also fish a net from the river. In addition, Kai specially asked Kai to catch living creatures and started slowly. After raising animals in captivity, the food will become richer for a long time, and a home will slowly become mature under the polishing of time and getting along.

As the sun sets, there is still some crimson sunset light on the horizon. The four of them came outside the house, leaning on a large rock with their backs, and looked at the beautiful sunset and evening scene comfortably.

Kai quietly glanced at Duobao, Jin Ling, and Xiao Hong, with tenderness in his eyes.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely find a baby who can change the roots.” Kai promised generally.

Duobao, Jin Ling, and Xiaohong glanced at each other and smiled helplessly, with some warmth in their hearts.

Kai gave them the strongest Dao technique he had cultivated, Qianzhong Saber Technique, and wanted them to cultivate and embark on the cultivation way, so that they could have some strength in this dangerous world.

However, how can they cultivate?

Duobao can only say that the three of them are too badly rooted, and they can’t cultivate any Taoism, and they have cultivated for a while under Kai’s gaze. After discovering that it is really useless, Kai has to give up.

“It’s okay, not being able to cultivate is not a big deal, we don’t care.” Duobao said casually: “Moreover, being able to cultivate is not necessarily a good thing.”

“There is nothing wrong with mortals.”

This kind of life, after getting used to it, suddenly seemed to be pretty good, working at sunrise, resting at sunset, day after day, year after year, without stress, he really realized what happiness is.

The original thoughts and calculations seemed to have disappeared in such a peaceful and happy day.

He no longer clings, no longer calculates, for the first time so relaxed and calmly let go of everything.

It doesn’t matter what the original purpose was, and everything will go with the flow.

During this period of time, he suddenly understood a truth, his previous life, if there is no such pressure, the life year after year, day after day, is actually quite happy.

There is no garage, no endless desire, wife, children, family, everyone is there, no comparison, no extravagance, normal heart, this is the greatest happiness.

It is a pity that in the environment of the previous life, everyone is surrounded by all kinds of huge pressures. Although they have lived the happiest life, they have changed in quality, become depressed, extreme, and tormented.

It is said that pressure is the driving force for progress. The more pressure, the more you can hone a person.

This is true for people who are pursuing growth and pursuing higher goals, but if they just want to pursue happiness, wives, children, and family members are actually enough.

Happiness is actually not difficult. The difficult thing is… how to maintain a normal mind, keep the original mind, not be fascinated by foreign affairs, foreign objects, forget oneself, forget the fundamentals.

Jin Ling, Xiao Hong lighted his little head with deep approval, and in his big eyes, a beautiful sunset was reflected, thousands of rays of light radiated, and each ray of light seemed to be engraved with two words, happiness.

Kai tilted his head, looked at them, saw the light in their eyes, paused, and turned his head silently.

He has to admit that such a life is indeed very happy, and he also enjoys it. He has not lived such a life for a long time.

He hopes that such days can continue forever, and he is not greedy.

He doesn’t want to be powerful, he doesn’t want to be high, he just wants to be able to have such a life forever, this is his greatest hope now.

If it can be sustained, then cultivation, strength, etc., are actually not important.

But… he knew it was impossible.

First of all, the first one, life span, without cultivation, life span is at most a hundred years.

Second, the environment of the outside world is too weak. Such a happy day cannot withstand any external attacks. It is fragile and pitiful, and it breaks with one touch.

The setting sun reflected in his pupils, Kai silently made up his mind, did not say anything, his eyes were firm.

Dubao felt a little bit, turned his head and glanced at Kai, shook his head slightly, and said nothing, enjoying this moment comfortably.

The setting sun fell completely, and everyone went back to their houses. It was dark, and it was time to sleep.

In the darkness, a Daoist shadowed the room and headed toward the depths of the forest.

Three windows, three figures stood quietly, looking at the back of Kai leaving.

The next day, a bloated figure walked out from the depths of the forest, with loose hair, looking a little embarrassed, and a delicate face with a trace of maturity, looking down at his belly, kindly and petting.

“Baby, my mother won’t let you have an accident.”

Hua Xu touched Own’s belly and muttered to himself. He came to Luohe and looked up, somewhat surprised: “Hey, when is there such a room here?”

Stopped and stared at her for a long while, with a trace of anticipation in her eyes, a trace of loneliness, a trace of helplessness, a trace of pampering, she turned around and went to other places.

“Sister-in-law stayed, why did she turn around and leave after meeting each other?”

Dubao took Jin Ling and Xiao Hong walked out.

Kai entered the deep forest early in the morning and has not yet returned.

“Meeting is fate. Looking at the appearance of my sister-in-law, I must be thirsty and hungry. Why not stay, eat some food, drink some water, and then leave?”

“No, I’m a disaster star. If I stay here, I’m afraid it will cause disasters for you, so I won’t be in trouble.”

Hua Xu was a little moved, looking at the sincere Duobao, but still firmly shook his head, turned and left.

“Scourge?” Jin Ling’s eyes widened. Because she was sealed with Magic power, she could no longer see the peculiarity of Hua Xu, but everything she had seen before was still vivid.

The auspicious spirit of that body is comparable to Qilin. How can such a person have nothing to do with the catastrophe, right?

“Scourge, where does this come from?” Duobao stepped forward to hold Hua Xu, pulling her back and walked back: “I’m really curious, let’s talk about it, we don’t believe the Scourge.”

“You have a big belly. It seems that you have been walking for a long time, and you should have a good rest.”

Hua Xu was a little tired and wanted to resist, but he did walk for too long. He lost his strength and was exhausted. He couldn’t support Duobao’s power. He was unconsciously pulled by him and walked over.

Xiao Hong quickly returned to the house, took out the food and fruit that had been prepared before, and ran back.

“Sister-in-law, let’s eat some first.” Duobao took Hua Xu to sit down in front of the polished stone table, and asked curiously: “Where does the name of the disaster star come from?”

Hua Xu looked at the table full of food and couldn’t help but swallowed. She came out of the village and walked all the way without a goal. Now, she is indeed a little hungry.

However, thinking about her own affairs, she still suppressed her desire and stood up: “It’s still not troublesome.”

Jin Ling grabbed Hua Xu and pressed it down again: “Sister-in-law, even if you don’t think about yourself, you should think about the child in your belly?”

“He hasn’t been born yet and needs energy. It doesn’t matter if you don’t eat, but you can’t starve your child.”

At the beginning of these words, Hua Xu stopped struggling. He lowered his head and glanced at his stomach, and gritted his teeth fiercely: “Then it will be troublesome, I’m really sorry.”

Duobao shook his head and stretched out his hand to move the food on the table towards Hua Xu: “What’s so embarrassing about this.”

“By the way, I don’t know what the catastrophe said, what’s the situation?”

Duobao is also a little curious. In the legend, Hua Xu was indeed driven out of the tribe because he became pregnant without marriage, but how could this not have anything to do with the catastrophe?

If it is for other reasons, that’s all, but this calamity’s statement is indeed novel, and it also aroused his curiosity.

Huaxu took a long sigh and said, “It’s like this… .”

Under Huaxu’s narration, the three gradually understood what had happened to Huaxu.

The current situation of the human race is really bad. It is chased and killed by a hundred races and can only escape everywhere. Their Huaxu tribe is okay. They have not been chased for a long time. Although Life is not as good as before, it is also better than other human races. The tribe is much better.

Originally all this was fine, but because Hua Xu was curious before, not far from Luohe, he saw that huge footprint, and curiously stepped on it with his own foot. Then, not long after he went back, he became pregnant. .

She told her own matter to the people in the tribe. They didn’t have much opinion about her pregnancy. There were no strange things in the predicament. If it were before the adult race, it would be fine.

The key is that the situation of the human race is different now, and they are all avoiding.

Huaxu conceived herself without marriage. It was very likely that some powerful beings were attracted to him, so he became pregnant without knowing it.

The biggest problem is that those powerful beings are mostly malicious for the current human race.

Huaxu destroyed the unknown child, it is very likely to be discovered by him. For the safety of the entire tribe, Huaxu can only leave the tribe and wait for the child to be born before returning. .

Of course, this is what the tribe said, but in fact, both Huaxu and the people in the Huaxu tribe know that even if they give birth to a child, Huaxu can’t go back.

The danger is too great, unless the situation of the human race turns for the better, Hua Xu will never go back.

Talking, talking, Hua Xu’s tears were big, and the big tears fell.

The feelings of the three of Duobao were mixed, and it seemed that no one was wrong when talking about it.

Who said the Huaxu tribe was wrong?

They were actually right, and they were okay with Hua Xu. When she appeared, they brought her the limit of food and water, but on the way, Hua Xu was eaten and drunk.

They had no objection to Hua Xu, nor did they have any objection to the child in her womb, but the current human race really couldn’t experience such a danger.

“Sister Huaxu?”

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