Chapter 449 Home


The black stone fell and smashed the ground into a big hole. The whole earth seemed to tremble, showing the weight of the black stone.

“What are you doing?”

Seeing Duobao’s movements, Kay was not seen outside, smiled and leaned forward, and asked curiously.

“Make fishing nets.” Duobao replied with a smile, and glanced at the Black Stone he had brought back.

Whether in terms of weight or area, they are already qualified to be nest stones.

Kate deliberately chose such a stone, and he probably understood his mind.


Duobao shook his head slightly, looked at the location of his original cabin, and said, “Kay, I need to trouble you.”

“What’s the matter, just say it.” Kay was very happy, not at all reserved by others, and couldn’t wait.

“Take that house out, and I plan to rebuild a house.”

“Okay, wait a minute, soon.” Kai glanced at the simple stone house, and to be honest, a trace of disgust flashed deep in his eyes.

This stone house was originally built by Duobao at will, and he didn’t think about sitting for a long time, and he didn’t pay attention to any aesthetics. It was piled up in a mess, and fixed with Magic power. Even if it was a temporary residence, it was simple or even ugly.

Kai took a deep breath, walked to the stone house, punched fiercely, banged on the stone house.

The stone house did not move, Kai did not move, the scene suddenly stagnated, as if time and space were still.

“Oh~” After a long while, Kai violently jumped up, yelled with an awkward sound, clutched his own palm, and cried repeatedly.


Jin Ling and Xiao Hong looked at Duobao together.

Duobao smiled apologetically: “Uh, I forgot to remove the Magic power.”

Although the materials used in the stone house are all ordinary and can be taken casually, the magic power he used to fix the house is his magic power.

Although the stone house looked simple and ugly, but thought that the existence of this magic power, even if Sage arrived and wanted to destroy it, it would not work if he did not remove the magic power.

Kay ran over with grinning teeth, clutching his red palms, and asked puzzledly: “Dage, what materials are your stone houses built with, isn’t it too hard?”

He also looked at it just now. The stone house is really simple, it looks like a person who doesn’t know how to build a house. According to his own heart, he didn’t have any plans and thought of where it was made.

It’s full of creativity, ideas… all kinds of things, but it’s not beautiful or house-like.

Moreover, there is not even a nest stone in the stone house.

You know, in the midst of the wilderness, if a house does not have a nest stone, it will not be recognized as a house.

“Where is it hard, you can’t do it?” Duobao squinted at Kai.

Here is his clarification. He really didn’t mean it. It was definitely not because of the previous things. He was brooding, definitely not!

As he said, he stood up, walked to the stone house, and stretched out his finger: “My stone house is actually built randomly. Look where it’s hard.”


Pointing up with a finger, the Magic power was secretly removed. In an instant, the entire stone house, countless stones and branches, collapsed suddenly, splashing countless dust.

Watching this scene, Kay’s mouth opened wide, big enough to swallow an egg.

Jin Ling curled his lips, glanced at the collapsed house in disgust, then retracted his gaze, walked to Duobao’s position, picked up the paper knife placed on the ground, and cut the vine as Dubao was before.

Duobao is full of black lines. It shouldn’t be. Although he didn’t use his heart, he made the stone house. How can it be considered a house? As for him, he collapsed after removing the Magic power?

He wanted to use that finger just now, but before he tried to use it, and then removed the Magic power, the stone house collapsed in an instant.

“Dage, aren’t you a world-class expert?” Kai jumped over, looking expectant, staring suspiciously at Duobao.

He didn’t shake the stone house with all his strength just now. As a result, Duobao passed his finger and the stone house fell down. This is really Tai Xuan fantasy.

“Well, yes, I am an expert outside the world.” Duobao said solemnly.

Kai looked at Duo Bao seriously, and Duo Bao’s expression was also serious. The two looked at each other. After a while, Kai turned his head and walked under the collapsed stone house, carefully looking at the stones: “Forget it, you want It would be nice to be an expert.”

Stones are all ordinary, there is no strange place, so is the soil, and everything built into a stone house has no special place.

“It must be my previous punch that broke the stone house apart. It was just because my strength was too strong that the stone house kept its original appearance, and it was shattered under your finger.”

Duobao shrugged, which was good, he didn’t need to find a reason.

In this world, to tell the truth, nobody really believes it.

“When have I been so good?” Kai Xin said, does own strength have Ascension again, but why don’t I know?

“Don’t be stunned. Then, if you see these four places, don’t you know Saber Technique? Take these twelve places and lay three feet… six holes as deep as you and thick thighs, you can do it. ?”

At present, the measuring ruler is still in the hands of the burning lamp, and the unit of measurement has not yet appeared. You can only use analogy to describe the length and width.

“What is this going to do?” Kai asked puzzled.

“Just do the same.” Duobao didn’t explain, it was too troublesome: “Wait, you’ll know.”

“By the way, after setting it up, get twelve twelve big trees as high as you and insert them into those twelve holes.”

Duobao commanded, he didn’t mean to be polite at all, and Kay didn’t have any other thoughts. Following Duobao’s words, he began to act.

The rattan gate, fishing nets, big trees, and foundations were quickly completed little by little.

After the foundation was completed, Kay had moved many stones, beams and pillars.

“Okay, the foundation has been made. Now everyone can do their own things. Based on the foundation, there are six rooms and locations. I have drawn them, one for each person, six guest rooms and a study room.”

“The other rooms, design, build, and whoever did it, who lives in it, don’t blame others.” With a wave of his hand, Duobao moved a large rock first and moved towards the own room. Away.

Jin Ling, Xiao Hong were a little expectant, and all of them became curious. They stayed in Kai dull and stared at the busy people. For a while, they didn’t know what to do, and there was a hint of loss in their eyes for no apparent reason.

“What are you doing in a daze?” After placing the first stone, Duobao frowned as he looked at Kai who was dazed in place: “What do you do in a daze? Still not moving?”

Kay was stunned, looked at Dubo stupidly, and stuttered: “Ah, do I have it too?”

Duobao rolled his eyes: “Nonsense, are you deaf?”

“I didn’t hear me say that there are six rooms, one study, one guest room, and one room for one person. Why don’t you want it?”

Kai was excited, excited, and nodded again and again: “Yes, yes, why not.”

Soon, everyone got busy. After the foundation was built, there were enough materials, coupled with Kai’s strength, could not be idle, and helped back and forth. Soon, everyone’s room was completed according to their own ideas.

Standing outside the newly completed house, looking at the own room, everyone had a smile on their faces, except for Dubo.

Dubao’s face was black. Among the four houses in front of him, Jin Ling’s room was domineering, Xiao Hong’s room was weird, Kai’s room was sharp, each with its own characteristics, visible to the naked eye, only his room… Two words to describe.

Hmm… full of wildness.

Kai has seen the own room with satisfaction, and glanced over Jin Ling’s room, Xiao Hong’s room, slightly surprised, unconsciously glanced at the exquisite, beautiful Xiao Hong and Jin Ling, and sighed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the two people who seem to be cute, the room they built is so temperamental, domineering, and weird…This is completely different from their cute and beautiful appearance.

Although it is just a simple construction of the room, but because the room designed and built with own mind, to some extent, it also represents their own minds and personalities.

There is not much contact time, but just from the unique temperament of the room, Kai has understood the personalities of Jin Ling and Xiaohong.

The thoughts in his heart turned, and they had their own thoughts. Finally, Kai looked at Duobao’s room, and he was a little expectant.

As one of the three of them, Duobao is so extraordinary at first sight. He is looking forward to it. Even the rooms of Jin Ling and Xiaohong are so extraordinary. What should Dubao’s room look like?

Under this look, Kai was stunned on the spot, almost suspicious of own eyes, and couldn’t help but rub it. After confirming that it was not an illusion, his expression suddenly became difficult to say. He quietly glanced at the dark-faced Duobao, and some words reached his throat. But never dared to say it.

Duobao noticed a weird gaze falling on him, his face was dark, and he glanced over.

Kay gave an instant shock: “After doing this for so long, everyone is tired. I’ll go get some prey, and it will be fine soon. Wait for me.”

Jin Ling, Xiao Hong looked at Kai Po’s somewhat embarrassed back, covered her mouth, and laughed together. While smiling, she glanced at Duobao’s room from the corner of her eye.

One glance, two eyes, three eyes…Although they didn’t speak, their eyes were enough to write a million-word novel.

Duobao’s dark complexion suddenly became darker, and without a word, he walked to the own room.

I pit myself.

He didn’t expect that his own hands-on ability would be so poor. Without Magic power and spells, the room he created was as exquisite and gorgeous as he had imagined.

“I would not say that if I knew it.”

Thinking of what I said before, designing my own living, Dubo felt like he was shooting himself in the foot.

Okay, everyone else’s room has its own characteristics and looks very comfortable. Only his room is hard to say. The best compliment that I can think of is just full of the characteristics of the times… Well, it’s totally okay. Represents the barbaric era.


Duobao fell dejectedly onto the stone bed, and the next moment immediately jumped up again: “Hiss, it hurts.”

He forgot that he not only blocked the Golden Spirit, Xiaohong’s Magic power, and spells, but he also didn’t let him go. At this time, he was a mortal, and his body was just like a mortal. Collide with this hard rock bed?

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