Chapter 448

“Huh? Why is it dark?”

Kai scratched his head with a puzzled look, and muttered in a low voice, “This world is getting more and more weird, and even this day seems to be a problem.”

As soon as it was sunny and big, it turned into a dark cloud cover, and there was always a feeling of catastrophe imminent.

“Father.” Xiaohong ran over and grabbed Duobao’s arm.

Duobao glanced at Kai without giving a good expression, but he didn’t push him away anymore, and walked towards the forest by himself.

Just now Kai reminded him that since he is planning to be a mortal for a period of time, he must look like a mortal. Although it is only a temporary intention, it should not be too sloppy. Otherwise, why bother to think about it?

“Dage, what are you doing?” Kai’s figure flashed and appeared in front of Dubao, blocking his way.

“It’s dangerous in the forest, it’s better to go less.”

“I’m going to get something.” After bypassing Kai, Dubao continued on.

“What do you want to do, tell me, I’ll come.” Duobao stopped, actually is not he wanted to stop, mainly because Kayla stopped.

Looking back, Kai said with a serious face: “The forest is really dangerous. I don’t think the three of you have any magic power, and your strength is very low, so you don’t know how you survived until now.”

Duobao: “…”

“Ah, ah, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean you guys should die.” Facing Dubao’s eyes, Kai panicked, he really didn’t mean that.

“Well, I mean you guys are really lucky…ah…no…that…”

Kai panicked completely, his mind was confused, and he felt that what he wanted to say came out of his mouth, it didn’t mean that.


Suddenly, Kai’s eyes lit up and he put a set of hands in his arms and patted an earthy yellow topaz on Duobao’s chest.

Duobao lowered his head, and there was a touch of Dharma on the earthy yellow topaz, and without checking it in detail, he could sense that there was a Taoism contained in this topaz.

“What do you mean?” Duobao touched the topaz and looked at Kai.

“You don’t know spells, don’t have Magic power. It’s too difficult to live alone. This is the Saber Technique that I cultivated. If you cultivate, it’s not a high-level method. Don’t dislike it.”

Kai touched his forehead, looking very Burmese and shy.

Duobao’s eyes flickered: “Why are you so good to us?”

The strength of the Dao law sensed in the topaz is the same as the strength of the Dao law on Kai. It can be seen that this Qianzhong Saber Technique is already the best Dao method in Kai’s body, and… it may be the only Dao method. .

“Because we are friends.”

Kay explained and changed the subject: “By the way, you just said you want to get something, what do you do? I’ll help you.”

Duobao looked at Kai carefully. Apart from his appearance and clothes, this guy did have some problems, but he didn’t seem to be useless!

His face relaxed: “I need some vines to make a net.”

Since you are a mortal, you should have a mortal life style, eating, drinking, and sleeping.

Planting has not yet appeared, and it shouldn’t be the time to appear, so it’s impossible to plant land. You can only rely on hunting and fishing for your life.

“Net?” Kai muttered, some do not know what is called net, remembering Duobao’s request, turned and ran towards the depths of the jungle: “That line, I remember, you go back and wait for me, soon I Just come back.”

“Big brother, this person is so interesting.” Jin Ling smiled and jumped over, smiling at Kai’s back.

“Is it interesting?” Duobao glanced at Jin Ling, and suddenly his thought moved, and a wave of fluctuations instantly swept across the three of them.

“Hey, why is my Magic power gone? Big brother?”


Jin Ling, Xiao Hong’s surprised voice suddenly rang.

“Since I plan to live an ordinary life, then Magic power, spells, etc., cannot be used in the future.”

“We want to live like the most ordinary mortals. Have you ever seen that mortal who has spells and supernatural powers?” Duobao’s voice came faintly.

Jin Ling and Xiao Hong looked at each other, their faces collapsed in an instant.

Jin Ling chased up and hugged one of Duobao’s arm: “Big brother, didn’t you just pretend to be a mortal? Why do you want to erase the Magic power, spell?”

Xiaohong hugged Duobao’s other arm: “Yes, dad, pretend to be a mortal. We don’t use Magic power. The spell is just enough. Why do you want to block it? Don’t you believe us?”

Duobao laughed, ignoring the eyes of the two who turned into little stars, and broke free of their arms: “Believe, of course I believe you, but since I don’t plan to use it anymore, does it matter if there is Magic power or spell? Woolen cloth?”

“You don’t want to do this, do you plan to use it quietly when I’m not paying attention?”

Jin Ling, Xiao Hong shook his head into a rattle, joking, how can such a thing be admitted?

Duobao walked back to the house. Since he was planning to survive here for a long time as a mortal, then this house that could barely be seen was no longer possible and had to be rebuilt.

“Stones, soil, beams and pillars, beds, chairs and benches… after all, there are really a lot of things.”

Fortunately, this is a prehistoric era. The materials for building houses are all over the mountains and plains. As long as you work hard, you can find them. Moreover, you don’t need to spend a penny, except for a little tired.

“It must be that Kai.” Outside the house, Jin Ling and Xiaohong exchanged eye contact for fear of being discovered by Dubao.

“That’s right, it’s him.” Xiaohong’s little mouth pouted: “The old man was planning to play casually before. It was not that strict at all. It became like this only after he appeared.”

They were born out of ordinary and powerful, even when they were just born, they were far more powerful than the immortal gods. They were already used to the existence of magic power.

For them, their daily life is also inseparable from Magic power and spells. The concept of mortals in their eyes is different from that of mortals in Dubao’s eyes.

Simply put, in their oppression, Celestial Immortals… should be the most ordinary mortal.

As for Celestial Immortals… well, it can only be said to be creatures.

Those who can catch the eye and are called mortals, no matter how bad they are, Celestial Immortals.

Therefore, when Duobao said that he would be mortals for a period of time, they didn’t have any opinion at all. Mortals are mortals, isn’t it the predecessor Celestial Immortals?

Isn’t it just not using Magic power, spells?

What’s this?

However, instead of using magic power or spells, both magic power and spells exist. As long as the magic power and spells exist, even if they are not used, they are different from ordinary people.

Magic power, the spell was sealed, as if it had never appeared before, the two suddenly felt lost, emptiness…very uncomfortable, and hated the roots of the teeth that caused all this.

Originally it felt very funny to him, especially after he turned the face of the big brother (daddy) black, it felt a little gloating. Now… only hate is left.

When Kay carried a large bundle of vines and rushed back happily, he immediately met with two pairs of angry eyes.

Kai dumbfounded: “???”

Wasn’t it okay just now? Why did you go out for a while and it became like this?

“I’m back, thank you very much. By the way, I plan to rebuild the house. If I can, can I help you get some stones, tree trunks, and dirt back?” Duobao greeted him with a smile, and if there is a request, It’s not so awkward to see Kay.

“Ah, yes, yes.” Kai was flattered, and this was the first time Duobao had smiled at him like this.

“Don’t bother you?” Duobao asked.

Kai repeatedly waved his hand: “No trouble, no trouble.”

“I’m going now.” As he said, he turned and ran away, his back looked a little excited, he could see his excitement and happiness.

“What are you doing in a daze? Come and help?” Duobao smiled and looked at Jin Ling. When Xiao Hong, his face changed in a flash: “I tell you, we will make our own houses, who Who sleeps when you do it, so if you don’t care about it, don’t do it well, and it’s ugly, no one can blame it.”

Jin Ling, Xiao Hong glanced at each other, unwilling and helpless, but still could only follow.

To build a house, the first thing to do is to lay the foundation and fix the house on the ground so that it will not be blown away by the wind or shaken.

In this era, huge and heavy stones are generally used as the bottom stone, as the foundation, and have an exclusive name, nest stone.

However, that requires extremely powerful power. For mortals, if the power is not enough, the number can be combined, and it is also able to gather the power of everyone to pull a stone that is enough to become a nest stone, as the foundation of a house, and on this basis, Build a house.

They have become mortals, and without using Magic power, they really don’t have the power to find a stone that is enough to become a nest stone.

However, Duobao has other methods too, pulling the vine that Kai got back and grinning: “It’s really thick.”

The finer the fishing net, the better, so that after the net is sprinkled, the fish and shrimp will not easily run away.

These vines, one third of the arm’s thickness, are really going to be made into fishing nets. There are no fish in the net. That’s all. What’s more, a fishing net made of such a thick vine, with the power of mortals, I can’t mention it at all.

Let alone other things.

“It can only be torn…” Duobao sighed and looked at Jin Ling: “Jin Ling, give me the paper knife.”

“Huh?” Jin Ling was puzzled, blinked his big eyes, took out the paper knife and handed it over.

Magic power, the spell is sealed, the power of the infinite paper knife is also sealed, most of the power is sealed, only the most basic sharpness is left, which is also within the acceptable range.

Grabbing a vine, gently pulling it down with a paper knife, cut a vine one-third the size of a thumb.

“Emmm…no, it has to be more detailed.”

From the point of view of the fishing net alone, this width is sufficient, but it is not flexible enough for fear of being freed by powerful fish.

Duobao intends to make it thinner, and then knead several pieces together to increase its toughness. In this way, the weight, toughness, and mouth of the fishing net are guaranteed.

“I am back…”

Kai came back carrying a big black stone three feet high and shouted loudly.

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